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Toastie 2023-10-19 20:15:32 -07:00
parent 5a432bef2d
commit 0fa74cd619
5 changed files with 128 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
export const AmazonLogo = () => (
viewBox="0 0 107 32"
className="fill-[rgb(174,178,183)] "
d="M65.9419 25.0257C59.7881 29.5759 50.837 32.0001 43.1168 32.0001C32.3009 32.0001 22.6039 28.0094 15.2193 21.3707C14.6599 20.8485 15.1447 20.1399 15.8534 20.5501C23.7974 25.1749 33.6063 27.9348 43.7508 27.9348C50.576 27.9348 58.1098 26.5176 65.0468 23.5711C66.0911 23.1609 66.9489 24.2798 65.9419 25.0257Z"
d="M68.5153 22.0793C67.732 21.0723 63.2938 21.5944 61.3171 21.8555C60.7204 21.9301 60.6085 21.4079 61.1679 21.035C64.7111 18.5361 70.4919 19.2821 71.1633 20.1026C71.8346 20.9231 70.9768 26.7413 67.6574 29.5012C67.1353 29.9114 66.6504 29.6877 66.8742 29.1282C67.6201 27.2634 69.2985 23.1235 68.5153 22.0793Z"
d="M61.429 3.50582V1.08158C61.429 0.708622 61.6901 0.484844 62.0257 0.484844H72.8416C73.1773 0.484844 73.4756 0.745918 73.4756 1.08158V3.13286C73.4756 3.46853 73.1773 3.91608 72.6551 4.662L67.0607 12.6434C69.1493 12.6061 71.3498 12.9044 73.2146 13.9487C73.6248 14.1725 73.7367 14.5455 73.774 14.8811V17.4545C73.774 17.8275 73.401 18.2378 72.9908 18.014C69.6714 16.2611 65.2332 16.0746 61.5782 18.0513C61.2052 18.2378 60.795 17.8648 60.795 17.4918V15.0303C60.795 14.6573 60.795 13.986 61.2052 13.3893L67.6948 4.10256H62.063C61.7274 4.10256 61.429 3.84149 61.429 3.50582ZM22.0071 18.5361H18.7251C18.4267 18.4988 18.1656 18.275 18.1283 17.9767V1.11888C18.1283 0.783217 18.4267 0.522142 18.7624 0.522142H21.8206C22.1563 0.522142 22.3801 0.783214 22.4174 1.08158V3.28205H22.492C23.2752 1.15617 24.8043 0.149182 26.8183 0.149182C28.8696 0.149182 30.1749 1.15617 31.07 3.28205C31.8533 1.15617 33.6808 0.149182 35.6202 0.149182C37.0001 0.149182 38.492 0.708622 39.4244 2.01398C40.4686 3.43123 40.2449 5.48252 40.2449 7.31002V17.9767C40.2449 18.3123 39.9465 18.5734 39.6108 18.5734H36.3661C36.0304 18.5361 35.7693 18.275 35.7693 17.9767V9.02563C35.7693 8.31701 35.8439 6.5268 35.6948 5.85547C35.4337 4.73659 34.7251 4.40093 33.7554 4.40093C32.9721 4.40093 32.1143 4.92308 31.7787 5.78089C31.443 6.63869 31.4803 8.05594 31.4803 9.02563V17.9767C31.4803 18.3123 31.1819 18.5734 30.8463 18.5734H27.5642C27.2285 18.5361 26.9675 18.275 26.9675 17.9767V9.02563C26.9675 7.16083 27.2658 4.36363 24.9535 4.36363C22.6038 4.36363 22.6784 7.04894 22.6784 9.02563V17.9767C22.6411 18.275 22.3801 18.5361 22.0071 18.5361ZM82.7996 0.149182C87.6854 0.149182 90.3335 4.32634 90.3335 9.65967C90.3335 14.8065 87.4244 18.9091 82.7996 18.9091C78.0258 18.9091 75.415 14.7319 75.415 9.51049C75.3777 4.25175 78.0258 0.149182 82.7996 0.149182ZM82.7996 3.61771C80.3754 3.61771 80.2262 6.93706 80.2262 8.98835C80.2262 11.0396 80.1889 15.4406 82.7624 15.4406C85.2985 15.4406 85.4477 11.8974 85.4477 9.73427C85.4477 8.31702 85.3731 6.6014 84.9628 5.25874C84.5899 4.06527 83.8439 3.61771 82.7996 3.61771ZM96.6365 18.5361H93.3544C93.0188 18.4988 92.7577 18.2378 92.7577 17.9394V1.04428C92.795 0.745916 93.0561 0.484844 93.3917 0.484844H96.45C96.7484 0.484844 96.9721 0.708627 97.0467 0.969699V3.54312H97.1213C98.0537 1.23077 99.3218 0.149182 101.597 0.149182C103.051 0.149182 104.506 0.671322 105.438 2.12587C106.296 3.46852 106.296 5.74358 106.296 7.38461V18.014C106.259 18.3123 105.998 18.5361 105.662 18.5361H102.38C102.082 18.4988 101.821 18.2751 101.783 18.014V8.83915C101.783 6.97435 102.007 4.28904 99.732 4.28904C98.9488 4.28904 98.2029 4.81119 97.8299 5.6317C97.3824 6.67599 97.3078 7.68298 97.3078 8.83915V17.9394C97.2705 18.2751 96.9721 18.5361 96.6365 18.5361ZM52.8136 10.4802C52.8136 11.7483 52.8509 12.8298 52.2169 13.986C51.6948 14.9184 50.8742 15.4779 49.9418 15.4779C48.6738 15.4779 47.9279 14.5082 47.9279 13.0909C47.9279 10.2937 50.4267 9.77155 52.8136 9.77155V10.4802ZM56.133 18.4988C55.9092 18.6853 55.6108 18.7226 55.3498 18.5734C54.2682 17.6783 54.0444 17.2308 53.4477 16.373C51.6575 18.2005 50.3521 18.7599 48.0397 18.7599C45.2798 18.7599 43.1167 17.0443 43.1167 13.6504C43.1167 10.965 44.5712 9.17482 46.6225 8.27971C48.4127 7.4965 50.9115 7.34732 52.8136 7.12354V6.71329C52.8136 5.93007 52.8882 4.99767 52.4034 4.32634C51.9931 3.72961 51.2472 3.46853 50.5759 3.46853C49.3078 3.46853 48.1889 4.10257 47.9279 5.44522C47.8533 5.74359 47.6668 6.04195 47.3684 6.04195L44.1982 5.70629C43.9372 5.6317 43.6388 5.44522 43.7134 5.03496C44.4593 1.15618 47.9278 0 51.0607 0C52.6644 0 54.753 0.410254 56.0211 1.64102C57.6248 3.13286 57.4756 5.14685 57.4756 7.31002V12.4196C57.4756 13.9487 58.1097 14.62 58.7064 15.4779C58.9302 15.7762 58.9675 16.1492 58.7064 16.3357C57.9978 16.8951 56.8043 17.9394 56.133 18.4988ZM9.73671 10.4802C9.73671 11.7483 9.774 12.8298 9.13997 13.986C8.61783 14.9184 7.79731 15.4779 6.86491 15.4779C5.59685 15.4779 4.85093 14.5082 4.85093 13.0909C4.85093 10.2937 7.34976 9.77155 9.73671 9.77155V10.4802ZM13.0188 18.4988C12.795 18.6853 12.4966 18.7226 12.2355 18.5734C11.154 17.6783 10.9302 17.2308 10.3334 16.373C8.54323 18.2005 7.23787 18.7599 4.92552 18.7599C2.16561 18.7599 0.00244141 17.0443 0.00244141 13.6504C0.00244141 10.965 1.45698 9.17482 3.50827 8.27971C5.29848 7.4965 7.79731 7.34732 9.69941 7.12354V6.71329C9.69941 5.93007 9.774 4.99767 9.28915 4.32634C8.8789 3.72961 8.13298 3.46853 7.46165 3.46853C6.19358 3.46853 5.0747 4.10257 4.81363 5.44522C4.73904 5.74359 4.55256 6.04195 4.25419 6.04195L1.08402 5.70629C0.822952 5.6317 0.524588 5.44522 0.59918 5.03496C1.3451 1.15618 4.81363 0 7.9465 0C9.55023 0 11.6388 0.410254 12.9069 1.64102C14.5106 3.13286 14.3614 5.14685 14.3614 7.31002V12.4196C14.3614 13.9487 14.9955 14.62 15.5922 15.4779C15.816 15.7762 15.8533 16.1492 15.5922 16.3357C14.8836 16.8951 13.6901 17.9394 13.0188 18.4988Z"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
import React from 'react';
export const DragonsChildLogo = () => (
alt="DragonsChild Logo"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
export const DropboxLogo = () => (
viewBox="0 0 160 32"
<g clipPath="url(#clip0)">
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<rect width="159.363" height="32" fill="white" />

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
export const NetflixLogo = () => (
viewBox="0 0 119 32"
className="fill-[rgb(174,178,183)] "
<g clipPath="url(#clip0)">
d="M16.2725 29.9299C14.4923 30.2426 12.6808 30.3363 10.8068 30.5859L5.09095 13.845V31.3044C3.31072 31.4917 1.68662 31.7416 0 31.9915V0.00852871H4.7476L11.244 18.1554V0.00852871H16.2725V29.9299ZM26.1111 11.721C28.0477 11.721 31.0148 11.6273 32.7951 11.6273V16.6245C30.5774 16.6245 27.9852 16.6245 26.1111 16.7183V24.1519C29.0471 23.9646 31.9831 23.7145 34.9501 23.6208V28.4304L21.1136 29.5238V0.00852871H34.9501V5.00587H26.1111V11.721ZM53.5339 5.00599H48.3492V27.9937C46.6626 27.9937 44.976 27.9937 43.3521 28.056V5.00599H38.1674V0.00852871H53.5341L53.5339 5.00599ZM61.6545 11.3776H68.4947V16.3748H61.6545V27.7126H56.7505V0.00852871H70.7123V5.00587H61.6545V11.3776ZM78.8329 23.3398C81.6752 23.4021 84.5485 23.6211 87.3284 23.777V28.712C82.8621 28.4307 78.3957 28.1499 73.8356 28.056V0.00852871H78.8329V23.3398ZM91.5448 29.0555C93.1377 29.1494 94.8243 29.2431 96.4484 29.4302V0.00852871H91.5448V29.0555ZM118.343 0.00852871L112.003 15.2192L118.343 31.9915C116.469 31.7416 114.595 31.398 112.721 31.0856L109.129 21.8408L105.475 30.3363C103.663 30.0237 101.914 29.9299 100.103 29.6801L106.537 15.0316L100.728 0.00852871H106.1L109.379 8.41032L112.877 0.00852871H118.343Z"
<clipPath id="clip0">
<rect width="118.343" height="32" fill="white" />

View file

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
export const SlackLogo = () => (
viewBox="0 0 127 32"
className="fill-[rgb(174,178,183)] "
<g clipPath="url(#clip0)">
d="M40.458 25.1963L42.0363 21.5289C43.741 22.8037 46.0122 23.4663 48.2531 23.4663C49.9073 23.4663 50.9544 22.829 50.9544 21.8628C50.9291 19.1616 41.0448 21.276 40.9689 14.5027C40.9436 11.0629 43.999 8.41227 48.329 8.41227C50.9038 8.41227 53.4735 9.04964 55.3097 10.5014L53.8327 14.2447C52.1532 13.1723 50.0641 12.4085 48.0761 12.4085C46.7255 12.4085 45.8352 13.0458 45.8352 13.8603C45.8605 16.5109 55.8206 15.0591 55.9218 21.5289C55.9218 25.0446 52.9424 27.5182 48.6629 27.5182C45.5266 27.5131 42.6483 26.7746 40.458 25.1963ZM101.064 20.2036C100.275 21.5795 98.7976 22.5204 97.0878 22.5204C94.5636 22.5204 92.5301 20.4818 92.5301 17.9627C92.5301 15.4436 94.5687 13.405 97.0878 13.405C98.7925 13.405 100.275 14.3459 101.064 15.7218L105.419 13.3038C103.79 10.4003 100.654 8.41227 97.0878 8.41227C91.8118 8.41227 87.5323 12.6918 87.5323 17.9678C87.5323 23.2438 91.8118 27.5232 97.0878 27.5232C100.679 27.5232 103.79 25.5605 105.419 22.6317L101.064 20.2036ZM58.1121 0.485617H63.5652V27.159H58.1121V0.485617ZM107.559 0.485617V27.159H113.012V19.1565L119.482 27.159H126.462L118.232 17.6541L125.85 8.7866H119.173L113.007 16.1467V0.485617H107.559Z"
d="M79.7675 20.2542C78.9784 21.5542 77.3495 22.5204 75.5133 22.5204C72.9891 22.5204 70.9556 20.4818 70.9556 17.9627C70.9556 15.4436 72.9942 13.405 75.5133 13.405C77.3495 13.405 78.9784 14.4218 79.7675 15.7471V20.2542ZM79.7675 8.79165V10.9567C78.8772 9.45432 76.6616 8.40721 74.3397 8.40721C69.5493 8.40721 65.7808 12.6361 65.7808 17.9374C65.7808 23.2387 69.5493 27.5182 74.3397 27.5182C76.6565 27.5182 78.8721 26.4761 79.7675 24.9687V27.1337H85.2205V8.79165H79.7675Z"
d="M6.75318 20.2289C6.75318 22.0904 5.25081 23.5928 3.38929 23.5928C1.52776 23.5928 0.0253906 22.0854 0.0253906 20.2289C0.0253906 18.3724 1.52776 16.865 3.38929 16.865H6.75318V20.2289ZM8.4326 20.2289C8.4326 18.3674 9.93497 16.865 11.7965 16.865C13.658 16.865 15.1604 18.3674 15.1604 20.2289V28.6361C15.1604 30.4976 13.658 32 11.7965 32C9.93497 32 8.4326 30.4976 8.4326 28.6361V20.2289Z"
d="M11.7964 6.72779C9.93487 6.72779 8.4325 5.22542 8.4325 3.3639C8.4325 1.50237 9.93487 0 11.7964 0C13.6579 0 15.1603 1.50237 15.1603 3.3639V6.72779H11.7964ZM11.7964 8.4325C13.6579 8.4325 15.1603 9.93487 15.1603 11.7964C15.1603 13.6579 13.6579 15.1603 11.7964 15.1603H3.3639C1.50237 15.1603 0 13.6529 0 11.7964C0 9.93993 1.50237 8.4325 3.3639 8.4325H11.7964Z"
d="M25.2724 11.7964C25.2724 9.93487 26.7748 8.4325 28.6363 8.4325C30.4979 8.4325 32.0002 9.93487 32.0002 11.7964C32.0002 13.6579 30.4979 15.1603 28.6363 15.1603H25.2724V11.7964ZM23.593 11.7964C23.593 13.6579 22.0907 15.1603 20.2291 15.1603C18.3676 15.1603 16.8652 13.6579 16.8652 11.7964V3.36389C16.8652 1.50237 18.3676 -9.53674e-07 20.2291 -9.53674e-07C22.0907 -9.53674e-07 23.593 1.50237 23.593 3.36389V11.7964Z"
d="M20.2291 25.2722C22.0907 25.2722 23.593 26.7746 23.593 28.6361C23.593 30.4976 22.0907 32 20.2291 32C18.3676 32 16.8652 30.4976 16.8652 28.6361V25.2722H20.2291ZM20.2291 23.5928C18.3676 23.5928 16.8652 22.0904 16.8652 20.2289C16.8652 18.3674 18.3676 16.865 20.2291 16.865H28.6616C30.5232 16.865 32.0255 18.3674 32.0255 20.2289C32.0255 22.0904 30.5232 23.5928 28.6616 23.5928H20.2291Z"
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