+++ title = "Basic Creds" description = "How to configure EllieBot using the creds.yml file" weight = 1 +++ ## Creds Guide This guide will show you how to create your own discord bot, invite it to your server, and copy it's credentials to your `creds.yml` in order to run your bot. - Start by opening your creds.yml - If you're on a windows installer version, click on the creds button next to your bot's RUN button. - If you're on linux from source or windows from source version, open `elliebot/output/creds.yml`. Please use visual studio code, notepad++ or another code editor. Usage of notepad is discouraged.  1. Go to [the Discord developer application page][DiscordApp]. 2. Log in with your Discord account. 3. Click **New Application**. 4. Fill out the `Name` field however you like. 5. Go to the **Bot** tab on the left sidebar. 6. Click on the `Add a Bot` button and confirm that you do want to add a bot to this app. 7. **Optional:** Add bot's avatar and description. 8. Copy your Token to `creds.yml` as shown above. 9. Scroll down to the **`Privileged Gateway Intents`** section - **Enable the following:** - **PRESENCE INTENT** - **SERVER MEMBERS INTENT** - **MESSAGE CONTENT INTENT** These are required for a number of features to function properly, and all should be on. ##### Getting Owner ID: - Go to your Discord server and attempt to mention yourself, but put a backslash at the start *(to make it slightly easier, add the backslash after the mention has been typed)*. - For example, the message `\@toastie_t0ast` will appear as `<@234542843732033537>` after you send the message. - The message will appear as a mention if done correctly. Copy the numbers from it **`234542843732033537`** and replace the big number on the `OwnerIds` section with your user ID. - Save the `creds.yml` file. - If done correctly, you should now be the bot owner. You can add multiple owners by adding them below the first one. Indentation matters. For a single owner, it should look like this: ```yml OwnerIds: - 105635576866156544 ``` For multiple owners, it should look like this: ```yml OwnerIds: - 105635123466156544 - 234542843732033537 - 341420590009417729 ``` #### Inviting your bot to your server  - On the **General Information** tab, copy your `Application ID` from your [applications page][DiscordApp]. - Replace the `YOUR_CLIENT_ID_HERE` in this link: `https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID_HERE&scope=bot&permissions=66186303` with your `Client ID` - The link should now look something like this: `https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=123123123123&scope=bot&permissions=66186303` - Access that newly created link, pick your Discord server, click `Authorize` and confirm with the captcha at the end - The bot should now be in your server That's it! You may now go back to the installation guide you were following before 🎉 [DiscordApp]: https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me