title = "Canary lifecycle."
description = "This documents the lifecycle of canaries"
weight = 3

# Canary Lifecycle

*You can override several methods to hook into command handler's lifecycle.
These methods start with `Exec*`*

- `ExecOnMessageAsync` runs first right after any message was received
- `ExecInputTransformAsync` runs after ExecOnMessageAsync and allows you to transform the message content before the bot looks for the matching command
- `ExecPreCommandAsync` runs after a command was found but not executed, allowing you to potentially prevent command execution
- `ExecPostCommandAsync` runs if the command was successfully executed
- `ExecOnNoCommandAsync` runs instead of ExecPostCommandAsync if no command was found for a message

*Besides that, canaries have 2 methods with which you can initialize and cleanup your canary*

- `InitializeAsync` Runs when the marmalade which contains this canary is being loaded
- `DisposeAsync` Runs when the marmalade which contains this canary is being unloaded