Added the most recent release notes
Also upgraded the yarn version used to the latest
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 5804 additions and 3662 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
declare module 'astro:content' {
interface RenderResult {
Content: import('astro/runtime/server/index.js').AstroComponentFactory;
headings: import('astro').MarkdownHeading[];
remarkPluginFrontmatter: Record<string, any>;
interface Render {
'.md': Promise<RenderResult>;
export interface RenderedContent {
html: string;
metadata?: {
imagePaths: Array<string>;
[key: string]: unknown;
declare module 'astro:content' {
type Flatten<T> = T extends { [K: string]: infer U } ? U : never;
export type CollectionKey = keyof AnyEntryMap;
export type CollectionEntry<C extends CollectionKey> = Flatten<AnyEntryMap[C]>;
export type ContentCollectionKey = keyof ContentEntryMap;
export type DataCollectionKey = keyof DataEntryMap;
type AllValuesOf<T> = T extends any ? T[keyof T] : never;
type ValidContentEntrySlug<C extends keyof ContentEntryMap> = AllValuesOf<
/** @deprecated Use `getEntry` instead. */
export function getEntryBySlug<
C extends keyof ContentEntryMap,
E extends ValidContentEntrySlug<C> | (string & {}),
collection: C,
// Note that this has to accept a regular string too, for SSR
entrySlug: E,
): E extends ValidContentEntrySlug<C>
? Promise<CollectionEntry<C>>
: Promise<CollectionEntry<C> | undefined>;
/** @deprecated Use `getEntry` instead. */
export function getDataEntryById<C extends keyof DataEntryMap, E extends keyof DataEntryMap[C]>(
collection: C,
entryId: E,
): Promise<CollectionEntry<C>>;
export function getCollection<C extends keyof AnyEntryMap, E extends CollectionEntry<C>>(
collection: C,
filter?: (entry: CollectionEntry<C>) => entry is E,
): Promise<E[]>;
export function getCollection<C extends keyof AnyEntryMap>(
collection: C,
filter?: (entry: CollectionEntry<C>) => unknown,
): Promise<CollectionEntry<C>[]>;
export function getEntry<
C extends keyof ContentEntryMap,
E extends ValidContentEntrySlug<C> | (string & {}),
>(entry: {
collection: C;
slug: E;
}): E extends ValidContentEntrySlug<C>
? Promise<CollectionEntry<C>>
: Promise<CollectionEntry<C> | undefined>;
export function getEntry<
C extends keyof DataEntryMap,
E extends keyof DataEntryMap[C] | (string & {}),
>(entry: {
collection: C;
id: E;
}): E extends keyof DataEntryMap[C]
? Promise<DataEntryMap[C][E]>
: Promise<CollectionEntry<C> | undefined>;
export function getEntry<
C extends keyof ContentEntryMap,
E extends ValidContentEntrySlug<C> | (string & {}),
collection: C,
slug: E,
): E extends ValidContentEntrySlug<C>
? Promise<CollectionEntry<C>>
: Promise<CollectionEntry<C> | undefined>;
export function getEntry<
C extends keyof DataEntryMap,
E extends keyof DataEntryMap[C] | (string & {}),
collection: C,
id: E,
): E extends keyof DataEntryMap[C]
? Promise<DataEntryMap[C][E]>
: Promise<CollectionEntry<C> | undefined>;
/** Resolve an array of entry references from the same collection */
export function getEntries<C extends keyof ContentEntryMap>(
entries: {
collection: C;
slug: ValidContentEntrySlug<C>;
): Promise<CollectionEntry<C>[]>;
export function getEntries<C extends keyof DataEntryMap>(
entries: {
collection: C;
id: keyof DataEntryMap[C];
): Promise<CollectionEntry<C>[]>;
export function render<C extends keyof AnyEntryMap>(
entry: AnyEntryMap[C][string],
): Promise<RenderResult>;
export function reference<C extends keyof AnyEntryMap>(
collection: C,
): import('astro/zod').ZodEffects<
C extends keyof ContentEntryMap
? {
collection: C;
slug: ValidContentEntrySlug<C>;
: {
collection: C;
id: keyof DataEntryMap[C];
// Allow generic `string` to avoid excessive type errors in the config
// if `dev` is not running to update as you edit.
// Invalid collection names will be caught at build time.
export function reference<C extends string>(
collection: C,
): import('astro/zod').ZodEffects<import('astro/zod').ZodString, never>;
type ReturnTypeOrOriginal<T> = T extends (...args: any[]) => infer R ? R : T;
type InferEntrySchema<C extends keyof AnyEntryMap> = import('astro/zod').infer<
type ContentEntryMap = {
"releases": {
"": {
id: "";
slug: "4_3_17";
body: string;
collection: "releases";
data: InferEntrySchema<"releases">
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"": {
id: "";
slug: "4_3_18";
body: string;
collection: "releases";
data: InferEntrySchema<"releases">
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"": {
id: "";
slug: "5_0_8";
body: string;
collection: "releases";
data: InferEntrySchema<"releases">
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"": {
id: "";
slug: "5_1_0";
body: string;
collection: "releases";
data: InferEntrySchema<"releases">
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"": {
id: "";
slug: "5_1_1";
body: string;
collection: "releases";
data: InferEntrySchema<"releases">
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"": {
id: "";
slug: "5_1_10";
body: string;
collection: "releases";
data: InferEntrySchema<"releases">
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"": {
id: "";
slug: "5_1_2";
body: string;
collection: "releases";
data: InferEntrySchema<"releases">
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"": {
id: "";
slug: "5_1_3";
body: string;
collection: "releases";
data: InferEntrySchema<"releases">
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"": {
id: "";
slug: "5_1_4";
body: string;
collection: "releases";
data: InferEntrySchema<"releases">
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"": {
id: "";
slug: "5_1_5";
body: string;
collection: "releases";
data: InferEntrySchema<"releases">
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"": {
id: "";
slug: "5_1_6";
body: string;
collection: "releases";
data: InferEntrySchema<"releases">
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"": {
id: "";
slug: "5_1_7";
body: string;
collection: "releases";
data: InferEntrySchema<"releases">
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"": {
id: "";
slug: "5_1_8";
body: string;
collection: "releases";
data: InferEntrySchema<"releases">
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"": {
id: "";
slug: "5_1_9";
body: string;
collection: "releases";
data: InferEntrySchema<"releases">
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
type DataEntryMap = {
type AnyEntryMap = ContentEntryMap & DataEntryMap;
export type ContentConfig = typeof import("./../../src/content/config.js");
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"_variables": {
"lastUpdateCheck": 1723377321662
"lastUpdateCheck": 1727179497177
@ -1,219 +1,2 @@
declare module 'astro:content' {
interface Render {
'.md': Promise<{
Content: import('astro').MarkdownInstance<{}>['Content'];
headings: import('astro').MarkdownHeading[];
remarkPluginFrontmatter: Record<string, any>;
declare module 'astro:content' {
type Flatten<T> = T extends { [K: string]: infer U } ? U : never;
export type CollectionKey = keyof AnyEntryMap;
export type CollectionEntry<C extends CollectionKey> = Flatten<AnyEntryMap[C]>;
export type ContentCollectionKey = keyof ContentEntryMap;
export type DataCollectionKey = keyof DataEntryMap;
type AllValuesOf<T> = T extends any ? T[keyof T] : never;
type ValidContentEntrySlug<C extends keyof ContentEntryMap> = AllValuesOf<
/** @deprecated Use `getEntry` instead. */
export function getEntryBySlug<
C extends keyof ContentEntryMap,
E extends ValidContentEntrySlug<C> | (string & {}),
collection: C,
// Note that this has to accept a regular string too, for SSR
entrySlug: E,
): E extends ValidContentEntrySlug<C>
? Promise<CollectionEntry<C>>
: Promise<CollectionEntry<C> | undefined>;
/** @deprecated Use `getEntry` instead. */
export function getDataEntryById<C extends keyof DataEntryMap, E extends keyof DataEntryMap[C]>(
collection: C,
entryId: E,
): Promise<CollectionEntry<C>>;
export function getCollection<C extends keyof AnyEntryMap, E extends CollectionEntry<C>>(
collection: C,
filter?: (entry: CollectionEntry<C>) => entry is E,
): Promise<E[]>;
export function getCollection<C extends keyof AnyEntryMap>(
collection: C,
filter?: (entry: CollectionEntry<C>) => unknown,
): Promise<CollectionEntry<C>[]>;
export function getEntry<
C extends keyof ContentEntryMap,
E extends ValidContentEntrySlug<C> | (string & {}),
>(entry: {
collection: C;
slug: E;
}): E extends ValidContentEntrySlug<C>
? Promise<CollectionEntry<C>>
: Promise<CollectionEntry<C> | undefined>;
export function getEntry<
C extends keyof DataEntryMap,
E extends keyof DataEntryMap[C] | (string & {}),
>(entry: {
collection: C;
id: E;
}): E extends keyof DataEntryMap[C]
? Promise<DataEntryMap[C][E]>
: Promise<CollectionEntry<C> | undefined>;
export function getEntry<
C extends keyof ContentEntryMap,
E extends ValidContentEntrySlug<C> | (string & {}),
collection: C,
slug: E,
): E extends ValidContentEntrySlug<C>
? Promise<CollectionEntry<C>>
: Promise<CollectionEntry<C> | undefined>;
export function getEntry<
C extends keyof DataEntryMap,
E extends keyof DataEntryMap[C] | (string & {}),
collection: C,
id: E,
): E extends keyof DataEntryMap[C]
? Promise<DataEntryMap[C][E]>
: Promise<CollectionEntry<C> | undefined>;
/** Resolve an array of entry references from the same collection */
export function getEntries<C extends keyof ContentEntryMap>(
entries: {
collection: C;
slug: ValidContentEntrySlug<C>;
): Promise<CollectionEntry<C>[]>;
export function getEntries<C extends keyof DataEntryMap>(
entries: {
collection: C;
id: keyof DataEntryMap[C];
): Promise<CollectionEntry<C>[]>;
export function reference<C extends keyof AnyEntryMap>(
collection: C,
): import('astro/zod').ZodEffects<
C extends keyof ContentEntryMap
? {
collection: C;
slug: ValidContentEntrySlug<C>;
: {
collection: C;
id: keyof DataEntryMap[C];
// Allow generic `string` to avoid excessive type errors in the config
// if `dev` is not running to update as you edit.
// Invalid collection names will be caught at build time.
export function reference<C extends string>(
collection: C,
): import('astro/zod').ZodEffects<import('astro/zod').ZodString, never>;
type ReturnTypeOrOriginal<T> = T extends (...args: any[]) => infer R ? R : T;
type InferEntrySchema<C extends keyof AnyEntryMap> = import('astro/zod').infer<
type ContentEntryMap = {
"releases": {
"": {
id: "";
slug: "4_3_17";
body: string;
collection: "releases";
data: InferEntrySchema<"releases">
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"": {
id: "";
slug: "4_3_18";
body: string;
collection: "releases";
data: InferEntrySchema<"releases">
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"": {
id: "";
slug: "5_0_8";
body: string;
collection: "releases";
data: InferEntrySchema<"releases">
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"": {
id: "";
slug: "5_1_0";
body: string;
collection: "releases";
data: InferEntrySchema<"releases">
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"": {
id: "";
slug: "5_1_1";
body: string;
collection: "releases";
data: InferEntrySchema<"releases">
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"": {
id: "";
slug: "5_1_2";
body: string;
collection: "releases";
data: InferEntrySchema<"releases">
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"": {
id: "";
slug: "5_1_3";
body: string;
collection: "releases";
data: InferEntrySchema<"releases">
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"": {
id: "";
slug: "5_1_4";
body: string;
collection: "releases";
data: InferEntrySchema<"releases">
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"": {
id: "";
slug: "5_1_5";
body: string;
collection: "releases";
data: InferEntrySchema<"releases">
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"": {
id: "";
slug: "5_1_6";
body: string;
collection: "releases";
data: InferEntrySchema<"releases">
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
"": {
id: "";
slug: "5_1_7";
body: string;
collection: "releases";
data: InferEntrySchema<"releases">
} & { render(): Render[".md"] };
type DataEntryMap = {
type AnyEntryMap = ContentEntryMap & DataEntryMap;
export type ContentConfig = typeof import("./../src/content/config.js");
/// <reference types="astro/client" />
/// <reference path="astro/content.d.ts" />
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
nodeLinker: node-modules
@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
"dependencies": {
"@astrojs/check": "0.9.2",
"astro": "^4.13.3",
"astro": "^4.15.9",
"sass": "^1.77.8",
"sharp": "^0.33.3",
"typescript": "^5.3.3"
"packageManager": "yarn@1.22.21+sha1.1959a18351b811cdeedbd484a8f86c3cc3bbaf72"
"packageManager": "yarn@4.5.0"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
title: 'Ellie Bot 5.1.10.'
date: '2024-09-24'
versionNumber: '5.1.10'
description: 'Ellie Bot version 5.1.10 release notes.'
### Fixed
- Fixed claimed waifu decay in `games.yml`
### Changed
- Added some logs for greet service in case there are unforeseen issues, for easier debugging
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
title: 'Ellie Bot 5.1.8.'
date: '2024-09-20'
versionNumber: '5.1.8'
description: 'Ellie Bot version 5.1.8 release notes.'
### Added
- Added `.leaveunkeptservers` which will make the bot leave all servers on all shards whose owners didn't run `.keep` command.
- This is a dangerous and irreversible command, don't use it. Meant for use on the public bot.
- `.adpl` now supports custom statuses (you no longer need to specify Playing, Watching, etc...)
### Changed
- `.quote` commands cleaned up and improved
- All quote commands now start with `.q<whatever>` and follow the same naming pattern as Expression commands
- `.liqu` renamed to `.qli`
- `.quotesearch` / `.qse` is now paginated for easier searching
- `.whosplaying` is now paginated
- `.img` is now paginated
- `.setgame` renamed to `.setactivity` and now supports custom text activity. You don't have to specify playing, listening etc before the activity
- Clarified and added some embed / placeholder links to command help where needed
- A lot of code cleanup and internal improvements
### Fixed
- Fixed `.xpcurrew` breaking xp gain if user gains 0 xp from being in a voice channel
- Fixed a bug in `.gatari` command
- Fixed some waifu related strings
- Fixed `.quoteshow` and `.quoteid` commands
- Fixed some placeholders not working in `.greetdm`
- Fixed postgres support
- Fixed and clarified some command strings/parameter descriptions
### Removed
- Removed mysql support as it didn't work for a while, and requires some special handling/maintenance
- Sqlite and Postgres support stays
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
title: 'Ellie Bot 5.1.9.'
date: '2024-09-21'
versionNumber: '5.1.9'
description: 'Ellie Bot version 5.1.9 release notes.'
### Fixed
- Fixed `.greettest`, and other `.*test` commands if you didn't have them enabled.
- Fixed `.greetdmtest` sending messages twice.
- Fixed a serious bug which caused greet messages to be jumbled up, and wrong ones to be sent for the wrong events.
- There is no database issue, all greet messages are safe, the cache was caching any setting every 3 seconds with no regard for the type of the event
- This also caused `.greetdm` messages to not be sent if `.greet` is enabled
- This bug was introduced in 5.1.8. PLEASE UPDATE if you are on 5.1.8
- Selfhosters only: Fixed marmalade dependency loading
- Note: Make sure to not publish any other DLLs besides the ones you are sure you will need, as there can be version conflicts which didn't happen before.
Reference in a new issue