Added marmalade subsystem to Ellie

This commit is contained in:
Toastie 2024-03-31 23:51:18 +13:00
parent fbfc01c7f3
commit 08756eeb5c
Signed by: toastie_t0ast
GPG key ID: 27F3B6855AFD40A4
18 changed files with 1429 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
#nullable disable
public sealed class BehaviorAdapter : ICustomBehavior
private readonly WeakReference<Canary> _canaryWr;
private readonly IMarmaladeStrings _strings;
private readonly IServiceProvider _services;
private readonly string _name;
// unused
public int Priority
=> 0;
public BehaviorAdapter(WeakReference<Canary> canaryWr, IMarmaladeStrings strings, IServiceProvider services)
_canaryWr = canaryWr;
_strings = strings;
_services = services;
_name = canaryWr.TryGetTarget(out var canary)
? $"canary/{canary.GetType().Name}"
: "unknown";
public async Task<bool> ExecPreCommandAsync(ICommandContext context, string moduleName, CommandInfo command)
if (!_canaryWr.TryGetTarget(out var canary))
return false;
return await canary.ExecPreCommandAsync(ContextAdapterFactory.CreateNew(context, _strings, _services),
public async Task<bool> ExecOnMessageAsync(IGuild? guild, IUserMessage msg)
if (!_canaryWr.TryGetTarget(out var canary))
return false;
return await canary.ExecOnMessageAsync(guild, msg);
public async Task<string?> TransformInput(
IGuild guild,
IMessageChannel channel,
IUser user,
string input)
if (!_canaryWr.TryGetTarget(out var canary))
return null;
return await canary.ExecInputTransformAsync(guild, channel, user, input);
public async Task ExecOnNoCommandAsync(IGuild? guild, IUserMessage msg)
if (!_canaryWr.TryGetTarget(out var canary))
await canary.ExecOnNoCommandAsync(guild, msg);
public async ValueTask ExecPostCommandAsync(ICommandContext context, string moduleName, string commandName)
if (!_canaryWr.TryGetTarget(out var canary))
await canary.ExecPostCommandAsync(ContextAdapterFactory.CreateNew(context, _strings, _services),
public override string ToString()
=> _name;

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
internal class ContextFactory
public static AnyContext CreateNew(ICommandContext context, IMarmaladeStrings strings, IServiceProvider services)
=> context.Guild is null
? new DmContextAdapter(context, strings, services)
: new GuildContextAdapter(context, strings, services);

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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
public sealed class DmContextAdapter : DmContext
public override IMarmaladeStrings Strings { get; }
public override IDMChannel Channel { get; }
public override IUserMessage Message { get; }
public override ISelfUser Bot { get; }
public override IUser User
=> Message.Author;
private readonly IServiceProvider _services;
private readonly Lazy<IEmbedBuilderService> _ebs;
private readonly Lazy<IBotStrings> _botStrings;
private readonly Lazy<ILocalization> _localization;
public DmContextAdapter(ICommandContext ctx, IMarmaladeStrings strings, IServiceProvider services)
if (ctx is not { Channel: IDMChannel ch})
throw new ArgumentException("Can't use non-dm context to create DmContextAdapter", nameof(ctx));
Strings = strings;
_services = services;
Channel = ch;
Message = ctx.Message;
Bot = ctx.Client.CurrentUser;
_ebs = new(_services.GetRequiredService<IEmbedBuilderService>());
_botStrings = new(_services.GetRequiredService<IBotStrings>);
_localization = new(_services.GetRequiredService<ILocalization>());
public override IEmbedBuilder Embed()
=> _ebs.Value.Create();
public override string GetText(string key, object[]? args = null)
var cultureInfo = _localization.Value.GetCultureInfo(default(ulong?));
var output = Strings.GetText(key, cultureInfo, args ?? Array.Empty<object>());
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(output))
return output;
return _botStrings.Value.GetText(key, cultureInfo, args);

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
namespace Ellie.Marmalade.Adapters;
public class FilterAdapter : PreconditionAttribute
private readonly FilterAttribute _filterAttribute;
private readonly IMarmaladeStrings _strings;
public FilterAdapter(FilterAttribute filterAttribute,
IMarmaladeStrings strings)
_filterAttribute = filterAttribute;
_strings = strings;
public override async Task<PreconditionResult> CheckPermissionsAsync(
ICommandContext context,
CommandInfo command,
IServiceProvider services)
var marmaladeContext = ContextAdapterFactory.CreateNew(context,
var result = await _filterAttribute.CheckAsync(marmaladeContext);
if (!result)
return PreconditionResult.FromError($"Precondition '{_filterAttribute.GetType().Name}' failed.");
return PreconditionResult.FromSuccess();

View file

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
public sealed class GuildContextAdapter : GuildContext
private readonly IServiceProvider _services;
private readonly ICommandContext _ctx;
private readonly Lazy<IEmbedBuilderService> _ebs;
private readonly Lazy<IBotStrings> _botStrings;
private readonly Lazy<ILocalization> _localization;
public override IMarmaladeStrings Strings { get; }
public override IGuild Guild { get; }
public override ITextChannel Channel { get; }
public override ISelfUser Bot { get; }
public override IUserMessage Message
=> _ctx.Message;
public override IGuildUser User { get; }
public override IEmbedBuilder Embed()
=> _ebs.Value.Create();
public GuildContextAdapter(ICommandContext ctx, IMarmaladeStrings strings, IServiceProvider services)
if (ctx.Guild is not IGuild guild || ctx.Channel is not ITextChannel channel)
throw new ArgumentException("Can't use non-guild context to create GuildContextAdapter", nameof(ctx));
Strings = strings;
User = (IGuildUser)ctx.User;
Bot = ctx.Client.CurrentUser;
_services = services;
_ebs = new(_services.GetRequiredService<IEmbedBuilderService>());
_botStrings = new(_services.GetRequiredService<IBotStrings>);
_localization = new(_services.GetRequiredService<ILocalization>());
(_ctx, Guild, Channel) = (ctx, guild, channel);
public override string GetText(string key, object[]? args = null)
args ??= Array.Empty<object>();
var cultureInfo = _localization.Value.GetCultureInfo(_ctx.Guild.Id);
var output = Strings.GetText(key, cultureInfo, args);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(output))
return output;
return _botStrings.Value.GetText(key, cultureInfo, args);

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
public sealed class ParamParserAdapter<T> : TypeReader
private readonly ParamParser<T> _parser;
private readonly IMarmaladeStrings _strings;
private readonly IServiceProvider _services;
public ParamParserAdapter(ParamParser<T> parser,
IMarmaladeStrings strings,
IServiceProvider services)
_parser = parser;
_strings = strings;
_services = services;
public override async Task<Discord.Commands.TypeReaderResult> ReadAsync(
ICommandContext context,
string input,
IServiceProvider services)
var marmaladeContext = ContextAdapterFactory.CreateNew(context,
var result = await _parser.TryParseAsync(marmaladeContext, input);
if (result.IsSuccess)
return Discord.Commands.TypeReaderResult.FromSuccess(result.Data);
return Discord.Commands.TypeReaderResult.FromError(CommandError.Unsuccessful, "Invalid input");

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
namespace Ellie.Marmalade;
/// <summary>
/// Enum specifying in which context the command can be executed
/// </summary>
public enum CommandContextType
/// <summary>
/// Command can only be executed in a guild
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Command can only be executed in DMs
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Command can be executed anywhere
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Command can be executed anywhere, and it doesn't require context to be passed to it
/// </summary>

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
namespace Ellie.Marmalade;
public interface IMarmaladeConfigService
IReadOnlyCollection<string> GetLoadedMarmalades();
void AddLoadedMarmalade(string name);
void RemoveLoadedMarmalade(string name);

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#nullable disable
using Cloneable;
using EllieBot.Common.Yml;
namespace Ellie.Marmalade;
public sealed partial class MarmaladeConfig : ICloneable<MarmaladeConfig>
[Comment(@"DO NOT CHANGE")]
public int Version { get; set; } = 1;
[Comment("List of marmalades automatically loaded at startup")]
public List<string>? Loaded { get; set; }
public MarmaladeConfig()
Loaded = new();

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
using EllieBot.Common.Configs;
namespace Ellie.Marmalade;
public sealed class MarmaladeConfigService : ConfigServiceBase<MarmaladeConfig>, IMarmaladeConfigService
private const string FILE_PATH = "data/marmalades/marmalade.yml";
private static readonly TypedKey<MarmaladeConfig> _changeKey = new("config.marmalade.updated");
public override string Name
=> "marmalade";
public MarmaladeConfigService(
IConfigSeria serializer,
IPubSub pubSub)
: base(FILE_PATH, serializer, pubSub, _changeKey)
public IReadOnlyCollection<string> GetLoadedMarmalades()
=> Data.Loaded?.ToList() ?? new List<string>();
public void AddLoadedMarmalade(string name)
ModifyConfig(conf =>
if (conf.Loaded is null)
conf.Loaded = new();
if (!conf.Loaded.Contains(name))
public void RemoveLoadedMarmalade(string name)
ModifyConfig(conf =>
if (conf.Loaded is null)
conf.Loaded = new();

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
using System.Globalization;
namespace Ellie.Marmalade;
public interface IMarmaladeLoaderService
Task<MarmaladeLoadResult> LoadMarmaladeAsync(string marmaladeName);
Task<MarmaladeUnloadResult> UnloadMarmaladeAsync(string marmaladeName);
string GetCommandDescription(string marmamaleName, string commandName, CultureInfo culture);
string[] GetCommandExampleArgs(string marmamaleName, string commandName, CultureInfo culture);
Task ReloadStrings();
IReadOnlyCollection<string> GetAllMarmalades();
IReadOnlyCollection<MarmaladeStats> GetLoadedMarmalades(CultureInfo? cultureInfo = null);
public sealed record MarmaladeStats(string Name,
string? Description,
IReadOnlyCollection<CanaryStats> Canaries);
public sealed record CanaryStats(string Name,
IReadOnlyCollection<CanaryCommandStats> Commands);
public sealed record CanaryCommandStats(string Name);

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.Loader;
namespace Ellie.Marmalade;
public sealed class MarmaladeAssemblyLoadContext : AssemblyLoadContext
private readonly AssemblyDependencyResolver _depResolver;
public MarmaladeAssemblyLoadContext(string pluginPath) : base(isCollectible: true)
_depResolver = new(pluginPath);
protected override Assembly? Load(AssemblyName assemblyName)
var assemblyPath = _depResolver.ResolveAssemblyToPath(assemblyName);
if (assemblyPath != null)
return LoadFromAssemblyPath(assemblyPath);
return null;
protected override IntPtr LoadUnmanagedDll(string unmanagedDllName)
var libraryPath = _depResolver.ResolveUnmanagedDllToPath(unmanagedDllName);
if (libraryPath != null)
return LoadUnmanagedDllFromPath(libraryPath);
return IntPtr.Zero;

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@ -0,0 +1,917 @@
using Discord.Commands.Builders;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Ellie.Marmalade.Adapters;
using EllieBot.Common.ModuleBehaviors;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace Ellie.Marmalade;
// ReSharper disable RedundantAssignment
public sealed class MarmaladeLoaderService : IMarmaladeLoaderService, IReadyExecutor, IEService
private readonly CommandService _cmdService;
private readonly IServiceProvider _botServices;
private readonly IBehaviorHandler _behHandler;
private readonly IPubSub _pubSub;
private readonly IMarmaladeConfigService _marmaladeConfig;
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, ResolvedMarmalade> _resolved = new();
#pragma warning disable IDE0090 // Use 'new(...)'
private readonly SemaphoreSlim _lock = new SemaphoreSlim(1, 1);
#pragma warning restore IDE0090 // Use 'new(...)'
private readonly TypedKey<string> _loadKey = new("marmalade:load");
private readonly TypedKey<string> _unloadKey = new("marmalade:unload");
private readonly TypedKey<string> _stringsReload = new("marmalade:reload_strings");
private const string BASE_DIR = "data/marmalades";
public MarmaladeLoaderService(CommandService cmdService,
IServiceProvider botServices,
IBehaviorHandler behHandler,
IPubSub pubSub,
IMarmaladeConfigService marmaladeConfig)
_cmdService = cmdService;
_botServices = botServices;
_behHandler = behHandler;
_pubSub = pubSub;
_marmaladeConfig = marmaladeConfig;
// has to be done this way to support this feature on sharded bots
_pubSub.Sub(_loadKey, async name => await InternalLoadAsync(name));
_pubSub.Sub(_unloadKey, async name => await InternalUnloadAsync(name));
_pubSub.Sub(_stringsReload, async _ => await ReloadStringsInternal());
public IReadOnlyCollection<string> GetAllMarmalades()
if (!Directory.Exists(BASE_DIR))
return Array.Empty<string>();
return Directory.GetDirectories(BASE_DIR)
.Select(x => Path.GetRelativePath(BASE_DIR, x))
public IReadOnlyCollection<MarmaladeStats> GetLoadedMarmalades(CultureInfo? culture)
var toReturn = new List<MarmaladeStats>(_resolved.Count);
foreach (var (name, resolvedData) in _resolved)
var canaries = new List<CanaryStats>(resolvedData.CanaryInfos.Count);
foreach (var canaryInfos in resolvedData.CanaryInfos.Concat(resolvedData.CanaryInfos.SelectMany(x => x.Subcanaries)))
var commands = new List<CanaryCommandStats>();
foreach (var command in canaryInfos.Commands)
commands.Add(new CanaryCommandStats(command.Aliases.First()));
canaries.Add(new CanaryStats(canaryInfos.Name, commands));
toReturn.Add(new MarmaladeStats(name, resolvedData.Strings.GetDescription(culture), canaries));
return toReturn;
public async Task OnReadyAsync()
foreach (var name in _marmaladeConfig.GetLoadedMarmalades())
var result = await InternalLoadAsync(name);
if (result != MarmaladeLoadResult.Success)
Log.Warning("Unable to load '{MarmaladeName}' marmalade", name);
Log.Warning("Loaded marmalade '{MarmaladeName}'", name);
public async Task<MarmaladeLoadResult> LoadMarmaladeAsync(string marmaladeName)
// try loading on this shard first to see if it works
var res = await InternalLoadAsync(marmaladeName);
if (res == MarmaladeLoadResult.Success)
// if it does publish it so that other shards can load the medusa too
// this method will be ran twice on this shard but it doesn't matter as
// the second attempt will be ignored
await _pubSub.Pub(_loadKey, marmaladeName);
return res;
public async Task<MarmaladeUnloadResult> UnloadMarmaladeAsync(string marmaladeName)
var res = await InternalUnloadAsync(marmaladeName);
if (res == MarmaladeUnloadResult.Success)
await _pubSub.Pub(_unloadKey, marmaladeName);
return res;
public string[] GetCommandExampleArgs(string marmaladeName, string commandName, CultureInfo culture)
if (!_resolved.TryGetValue(marmaladeName, out var data))
return Array.Empty<string>();
return data.Strings.GetCommandStrings(commandName, culture).Args
?? data.CanaryInfos
.SelectMany(x => x.Commands)
.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Aliases.Any(alias
=> alias.Equals(commandName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
?? new[] { string.Empty };
public Task ReloadStrings()
=> _pubSub.Pub(_stringsReload, true);
private void ReloadStringsSync()
foreach (var resolved in _resolved.Values)
private async Task ReloadStringsInternal()
await _lock.WaitAsync();
public string GetCommandDescription(string marmaladeName, string commandName, CultureInfo culture)
if (!_resolved.TryGetValue(marmaladeName, out var data))
return string.Empty;
return data.Strings.GetCommandStrings(commandName, culture).Desc
?? data.CanaryInfos
.SelectMany(x => x.Commands)
.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Aliases.Any(alias
=> alias.Equals(commandName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
?? string.Empty;
private async ValueTask<MarmaladeLoadResult> InternalLoadAsync(string name)
if (_resolved.ContainsKey(name))
return MarmaladeLoadResult.AlreadyLoaded;
var safeName = Uri.EscapeDataString(name);
await _lock.WaitAsync();
if (LoadAssemblyInternal(safeName,
out var ctx,
out var canaryData,
out var services,
out var strings,
out var typeReaders))
var moduleInfos = new List<ModuleInfo>();
foreach (var point in canaryData)
// initialize canary and subcanaries
await point.Instance.InitializeAsync();
foreach (var sub in point.Subcanaries)
await sub.Instance.InitializeAsync();
var module = await LoadModuleInternalAsync(name, point, strings, services);
catch (Exception ex)
"Error loading canary {CanaryName}",
var execs = GetExecsInternal(canaryData, strings, services);
await _behHandler.AddRangeAsync(execs);
_resolved[name] = new(LoadContext: ctx,
ModuleInfos: moduleInfos.ToImmutableArray(),
CanaryInfos: canaryData.ToImmutableArray(),
Services = services
services = null;
return MarmaladeLoadResult.Success;
return MarmaladeLoadResult.Empty;
catch (Exception ex) when (ex is FileNotFoundException or BadImageFormatException)
return MarmaladeLoadResult.NotFound;
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Error(ex, "An error occurred loading a marmalade");
return MarmaladeLoadResult.UnknownError;
private IReadOnlyCollection<ICustomBehavior> GetExecsInternal(IReadOnlyCollection<CanaryInfo> canaryData, IMarmaladeStrings strings, IServiceProvider services)
var behs = new List<ICustomBehavior>();
foreach (var canary in canaryData)
behs.Add(new BehaviorAdapter(new(canary.Instance), strings, services));
foreach (var sub in canary.Subcanaries)
behs.Add(new BehaviorAdapter(new(sub.Instance), strings, services));
return behs;
private void LoadTypeReadersInternal(Dictionary<Type, TypeReader> typeReaders)
var notAddedTypeReaders = new List<Type>();
foreach (var (type, typeReader) in typeReaders)
// if type reader for this type already exists, it will not be replaced
if (_cmdService.TypeReaders.Contains(type))
_cmdService.AddTypeReader(type, typeReader);
// remove the ones that were not added
// to prevent them from being unloaded later
// as they didn't come from this marmalade
foreach (var toRemove in notAddedTypeReaders)
private bool LoadAssemblyInternal(
string safeName,
[NotNullWhen(true)] out WeakReference<MarmaladeAssemblyLoadContext>? ctxWr,
[NotNullWhen(true)] out IReadOnlyCollection<CanaryInfo>? canaryData,
out IServiceProvider services,
out IMarmaladeStrings strings,
out Dictionary<Type, TypeReader> typeReaders)
ctxWr = null;
canaryData = null;
var path = $"{BASE_DIR}/{safeName}/{safeName}.dll";
strings = MarmaladeStrings.CreateDefault($"{BASE_DIR}/{safeName}");
var ctx = new MarmaladeAssemblyLoadContext(Path.GetDirectoryName(path));
var a = ctx.LoadFromAssemblyPath(Path.GetFullPath(path));
var sis = LoadCanariesFromAssembly(a, out services);
typeReaders = LoadTypeReadersFromAssembly(a, strings, services);
if (sis.Count == 0)
return false;
ctxWr = new(ctx);
canaryData = sis;
return true;
private static readonly Type _paramParserType = typeof(ParamParser<>);
private Dictionary<Type, TypeReader> LoadTypeReadersFromAssembly(
Assembly assembly,
IMarmaladeStrings strings,
IServiceProvider services)
var paramParsers = assembly.GetExportedTypes()
.Where(x => x.IsClass
&& !x.IsAbstract
&& x.BaseType is not null
&& x.BaseType.IsGenericType
&& x.BaseType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == _paramParserType);
var typeReaders = new Dictionary<Type, TypeReader>();
foreach (var parserType in paramParsers)
var parserObj = ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance(services, parserType);
var targetType = parserType.BaseType!.GetGenericArguments()[0];
var typeReaderInstance = (TypeReader)Activator.CreateInstance(
args: new[] { parserObj, strings, services })!;
typeReaders.Add(targetType, typeReaderInstance);
return typeReaders;
private async Task<ModuleInfo> LoadModuleInternalAsync(string marmaladeName, CanaryInfo canaryInfo, IMarmaladeStrings strings, IServiceProvider services)
var module = await _cmdService.CreateModuleAsync(canaryInfo.Instance.Prefix,
CreateModuleFactory(marmaladeName, canaryInfo, strings, services));
return module;
private Action<ModuleBuilder> CreateModuleFactory(
string marmaladeName,
CanaryInfo canaryInfo,
IMarmaladeStrings strings,
IServiceProvider marmaladeServices)
=> mb =>
var m = mb.WithName(canaryInfo.Name);
foreach (var f in canaryInfo.Filters)
m.AddPrecondition(new FilterAdapter(f, strings));
foreach (var cmd in canaryInfo.Commands)
CreateCommandFactory(marmaladeName, cmd, strings));
foreach (var subInfo in canaryInfo.Subcanaries)
m.AddModule(subInfo.Instance.Prefix, CreateModuleFactory(marmaladeName, subInfo, strings, marmaladeServices));
#pragma warning disable IDE0090 // Use 'new(...)'
private static readonly RequireContextAttribute _reqGuild = new RequireContextAttribute(ContextType.Guild);
private static readonly RequireContextAttribute _reqDm = new RequireContextAttribute(ContextType.DM);
#pragma warning restore IDE0090 // Use 'new(...)'
private Action<CommandBuilder> CreateCommandFactory(string marmaladeName, CanaryCommandData cmd, IMarmaladeStrings strings)
=> (cb) =>
if (cmd.ContextType == CommandContextType.Guild)
else if (cmd.ContextType == CommandContextType.Dm)
foreach (var f in cmd.Filters)
cb.AddPrecondition(new FilterAdapter(f, strings));
foreach (var ubp in cmd.UserAndBotPerms)
if (ubp is user_permAttribute up)
if (up.GuildPerm is { } gp)
cb.AddPrecondition(new UserPermAttribute(gp));
else if (up.ChannelPerm is { } cp)
cb.AddPrecondition(new UserPermAttribute(cp));
else if (ubp is bot_permAttribute bp)
if (bp.GuildPerm is { } gp)
cb.AddPrecondition(new BotPermAttribute(gp));
else if (bp.ChannelPerm is { } cp)
cb.AddPrecondition(new BotPermAttribute(cp));
else if (ubp is bot_owner_onlyAttribute)
cb.AddPrecondition(new OwnerOnlyAttribute());
// using summary to save method name
// method name is used to retrieve desc/usages
foreach (var param in cmd.Parameters)
cb.AddParameter(param.Name, param.Type, CreateParamFactory(param));
private Action<ParameterBuilder> CreateParamFactory(ParamData paramData)
=> (pb) =>
if (paramData.IsOptional)
private Func<ICommandContext, object[], IServiceProvider, CommandInfo, Task> CreateCallback(
CommandContextType contextType,
WeakReference<CanaryInfo> canaryDataWr,
WeakReference<CanaryCommandData> canaryCommandDataWr,
WeakReference<IServiceProvider> marmaladeServicesWr,
IMarmaladeStrings strings)
=> async (context, parameters, svcs, _) =>
if (!canaryCommandDataWr.TryGetTarget(out var cmdData)
|| !canaryDataWr.TryGetTarget(out var canaryData)
|| !marmaladeServicesWr.TryGetTarget(out var marmaladeServices))
Log.Warning("Attempted to run an unloaded canary's command");
var paramObjs = ParamObjs(contextType, cmdData, parameters, context, svcs, marmaladeServices, strings);
var methodInfo = cmdData.MethodInfo;
if (methodInfo.ReturnType == typeof(Task)
|| (methodInfo.ReturnType.IsGenericType
&& methodInfo.ReturnType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Task<>)))
await (Task)methodInfo.Invoke(canaryData.Instance, paramObjs)!;
else if (methodInfo.ReturnType == typeof(ValueTask))
await ((ValueTask)methodInfo.Invoke(canaryData.Instance, paramObjs)!).AsTask();
else // if (methodInfo.ReturnType == typeof(void))
methodInfo.Invoke(canaryData.Instance, paramObjs);
paramObjs = null;
cmdData = null;
canaryData = null;
marmaladeServices = null;
private static object[] ParamObjs(
CommandContextType contextType,
CanaryCommandData cmdData,
object[] parameters,
ICommandContext context,
IServiceProvider svcs,
IServiceProvider svcProvider,
IMarmaladeStrings strings)
var extraParams = contextType == CommandContextType.Unspecified ? 0 : 1;
extraParams += cmdData.InjectedParams.Count;
var paramObjs = new object[parameters.Length + extraParams];
var startAt = 0;
if (contextType != CommandContextType.Unspecified)
paramObjs[0] = ContextAdapterFactory.CreateNew(context, strings, svcs);
startAt = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < cmdData.InjectedParams.Count; i++)
var svc = svcProvider.GetService(cmdData.InjectedParams[i]);
if (svc is null)
throw new ArgumentException($"Cannot inject a service of type {cmdData.InjectedParams[i]}");
paramObjs[i + startAt] = svc;
svc = null;
startAt += cmdData.InjectedParams.Count;
for (var i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
paramObjs[startAt + i] = parameters[i];
return paramObjs;
private async Task<MarmaladeUnloadResult> InternalUnloadAsync(string name)
if (!_resolved.Remove(name, out var lsi))
return MarmaladeUnloadResult.NotLoaded;
await _lock.WaitAsync();
foreach (var mi in lsi.ModuleInfos)
await _cmdService.RemoveModuleAsync(mi);
await _behHandler.RemoveRangeAsync(lsi.Execs);
await DisposeCanaryInstances(lsi);
var lc = lsi.LoadContext;
// removing this line will prevent assembly from being unloaded quickly
// as this local variable will be held for a long time potentially
// due to how async works
lsi.Services = null!;
lsi = null;
return UnloadInternal(lc)
? MarmaladeUnloadResult.Success
: MarmaladeUnloadResult.PossiblyUnable;
private void UnloadTypeReaders(Dictionary<Type, TypeReader> valueTypeReaders)
foreach (var tr in valueTypeReaders)
_cmdService.TryRemoveTypeReader(tr.Key, false, out _);
private async Task DisposeCanaryInstances(ResolvedMarmalade marmalade)
foreach (var si in marmalade.CanaryInfos)
await si.Instance.DisposeAsync();
foreach (var sub in si.Subcanaries)
await sub.Instance.DisposeAsync();
catch (Exception ex)
"Failed cleanup of Canary {CanaryName}. This marmalade might not unload correctly",
// marmalades = null;
private bool UnloadInternal(WeakReference<MarmaladeAssemblyLoadContext> lsi)
return !lsi.TryGetTarget(out _);
private void UnloadContext(WeakReference<MarmaladeAssemblyLoadContext> lsiLoadContext)
if (lsiLoadContext.TryGetTarget(out var ctx))
private void GcCleanup()
// cleanup
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
private static readonly Type _canaryType = typeof(Canary);
private IServiceProvider LoadMarmaladeServicesInternal(Assembly a)
=> new ServiceCollection()
.Scan(x => x.FromAssemblies(a)
.AddClasses(static x => x.WithAttribute<svcAttribute>(x => x.Lifetime == Lifetime.Transient))
.AddClasses(static x => x.WithAttribute<svcAttribute>(x => x.Lifetime == Lifetime.Singleton))
public IReadOnlyCollection<CanaryInfo> LoadCanariesFromAssembly(Assembly a, out IServiceProvider services)
var marmaladeServices = LoadMarmaladeServicesInternal(a);
services = new MarmaladeServiceProvider(_botServices, marmaladeServices);
// find all types in teh assembly
var types = a.GetExportedTypes();
// snek is always a public non abstract class
var classes = types.Where(static x => x.IsClass
&& (x.IsNestedPublic || x.IsPublic)
&& !x.IsAbstract
&& x.BaseType == _canaryType
&& (x.DeclaringType is null || x.DeclaringType.IsAssignableTo(_canaryType)))
var topModules = new Dictionary<Type, CanaryInfo>();
foreach (var cl in classes)
if (cl.DeclaringType is not null)
// get module data, and add it to the topModules dictionary
var module = GetModuleData(cl, services);
topModules.Add(cl, module);
foreach (var c in classes)
if (c.DeclaringType is not Type dt)
// if there is no top level module which this module is a child of
// just print a warning and skip it
if (!topModules.TryGetValue(dt, out var parentData))
Log.Warning("Can't load submodule {SubName} because parent module {Name} does not exist",
GetModuleData(c, services, parentData);
return topModules.Values.ToArray();
private CanaryInfo GetModuleData(Type type, IServiceProvider services, CanaryInfo? parentData = null)
var filters = type.GetCustomAttributes<FilterAttribute>(true)
var instance = (Canary)ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance(services, type);
var module = new CanaryInfo(instance.Name,
GetCommands(instance, type),
if (parentData is not null)
return module;
private IReadOnlyCollection<CanaryCommandData> GetCommands(Canary instance, Type type)
var methodInfos = type
| BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly
| BindingFlags.Public)
.Where(static x =>
if (x.GetCustomAttribute<cmdAttribute>(true) is null)
return false;
if (x.ReturnType.IsGenericType)
var genericType = x.ReturnType.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
if (genericType == typeof(Task<>))
return true;
// if (genericType == typeof(ValueTask<>))
// return true;
Log.Warning("Method {MethodName} has an invalid return type: {ReturnType}",
return false;
var succ = x.ReturnType == typeof(Task)
|| x.ReturnType == typeof(ValueTask)
|| x.ReturnType == typeof(void);
if (!succ)
Log.Warning("Method {MethodName} has an invalid return type: {ReturnType}",
return succ;
var cmds = new List<CanaryCommandData>();
foreach (var method in methodInfos)
var filters = method.GetCustomAttributes<FilterAttribute>(true).ToArray();
var userAndBotPerms = method.GetCustomAttributes<MarmaladePermAttribute>(true)
var prio = method.GetCustomAttribute<prioAttribute>(true)?.Priority ?? 0;
var paramInfos = method.GetParameters();
var cmdParams = new List<ParamData>();
var diParams = new List<Type>();
var cmdContext = CommandContextType.Unspecified;
var canInject = false;
for (var paramCounter = 0; paramCounter < paramInfos.Length; paramCounter++)
var pi = paramInfos[paramCounter];
var paramName = pi.Name ?? "unnamed";
var isContext = paramCounter == 0 && pi.ParameterType.IsAssignableTo(typeof(AnyContext));
var leftoverAttribute = pi.GetCustomAttribute<leftoverAttribute>(true);
var hasDefaultValue = pi.HasDefaultValue;
var defaultValue = pi.DefaultValue;
var isLeftover = leftoverAttribute != null;
var isParams = pi.GetCustomAttribute<ParamArrayAttribute>() is not null;
var paramType = pi.ParameterType;
var isInjected = pi.GetCustomAttribute<injectAttribute>(true) is not null;
if (isContext)
if (hasDefaultValue || leftoverAttribute != null || isParams)
throw new ArgumentException("IContext parameter cannot be optional, leftover, constant or params. " + GetErrorPath(method, pi));
if (paramCounter != 0)
throw new ArgumentException($"IContext parameter has to be first. {GetErrorPath(method, pi)}");
canInject = true;
if (paramType.IsAssignableTo(typeof(GuildContext)))
cmdContext = CommandContextType.Guild;
else if (paramType.IsAssignableTo(typeof(DmContext)))
cmdContext = CommandContextType.Dm;
cmdContext = CommandContextType.Any;
if (isInjected)
if (!canInject && paramCounter != 0)
throw new ArgumentException($"Parameters marked as [Injected] have to come after IContext");
canInject = true;
canInject = false;
if (isParams)
if (hasDefaultValue)
throw new NotSupportedException("Params can't have const values at the moment. "
+ GetErrorPath(method, pi));
// if it's params, it means it's an array, and i only need a parser for the actual type,
// as the parser will run on each array element, it can't be null
paramType = paramType.GetElementType()!;
// leftover can only be the last parameter.
if (isLeftover && paramCounter != paramInfos.Length - 1)
var path = GetErrorPath(method, pi);
Log.Error("Only one parameter can be marked [Leftover] and it has to be the last one. {Path} ",
throw new ArgumentException("Leftover attribute error.");
cmdParams.Add(new ParamData(paramType, paramName, hasDefaultValue, defaultValue, isLeftover, isParams));
var cmdAttribute = method.GetCustomAttribute<cmdAttribute>(true)!;
var aliases = cmdAttribute.Aliases;
if (aliases.Length == 0)
aliases = new[] { method.Name.ToLowerInvariant() };
new(cmdAttribute.desc, cmdAttribute.args),
return cmds;
private string GetErrorPath(MethodInfo m, System.Reflection.ParameterInfo pi)
=> $@"Module: {m.DeclaringType?.Name}
Command: {m.Name}
ParamName: {pi.Name}
ParamType: {pi.ParameterType.Name}";
public enum MarmaladeLoadResult
public enum MarmaladeUnloadResult

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace Ellie.Marmalade;
public class MarmaladeServiceProvider : IServiceProvider
private readonly IServiceProvider _ellieServices;
private readonly IServiceProvider _marmaladeServices;
public MarmaladeServiceProvider(IServiceProvider ellieServices, IServiceProvider marmaladeServices)
_ellieServices = ellieServices;
_marmaladeServices = marmaladeServices;
public object? GetService(Type serviceType)
if (!serviceType.Assembly.IsCollectible)
return _ellieServices.GetService(serviceType);
return _marmaladeServices.GetService(serviceType);

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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using System.Reflection;
using CommandStrings = Ellie.Marmalade.CommandStrings;
namespace Ellie.Marmalade;
public sealed class CanaryCommandData
public CanaryCommandData(
IReadOnlyCollection<string> aliases,
MethodInfo methodInfo,
Canary module,
FilterAttribute[] filters,
MarmaladePermAttribute[] userAndBotPerms,
CommandContextType contextType,
IReadOnlyList<Type> injectedParams,
IReadOnlyList<ParamData> parameters,
CommandStrings strings,
int priority)
Aliases = aliases;
MethodInfo = methodInfo;
Module = module;
Filters = filters;
UserAndBotPerms = userAndBotPerms;
ContextType = contextType;
InjectedParams = injectedParams;
Parameters = parameters;
Priority = priority;
OptionalStrings = strings;
public MarmaladePermAttribute[] UserAndBotPerms { get; set; }
public CommandStrings OptionalStrings { get; set; }
public IReadOnlyCollection<string> Aliases { get; }
public MethodInfo MethodInfo { get; set; }
public Canary Module { get; set; }
public FilterAttribute[] Filters { get; set; }
public CommandContextType ContextType { get; }
public IReadOnlyList<Type> InjectedParams { get; }
public IReadOnlyList<ParamData> Parameters { get; }
public int Priority { get; }

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
namespace Ellie.Marmalade;
public sealed record CanaryInfo(
string Name,
CanaryInfo? Parent,
Canary Instance,
IReadOnlyCollection<CanaryCommandData> Commands,
IReadOnlyCollection<FilterAttribute> Filters)
public List<CanaryInfo> Subcanaries { get; set; } = new();

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
namespace Ellie.Marmalade;
public sealed record ParamData(
Type Type,
string Name,
bool IsOptional,
object? DefaultValue,
bool IsLeftover,
bool IsParams

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
using System.Collections.Immutable;
namespace Ellie.Marmalade;
public sealed record ResolvedMarmalade(
WeakReference<MarmaladeAssemblyLoadContext> LoadContext,
IImmutableList<ModuleInfo> ModuleInfos,
IImmutableList<CanaryInfo> CanaryInfos,
IMarmaladeStrings Strings,
Dictionary<Type, TypeReader> TypeReaders,
IReadOnlyCollection<ICustomBehavior> Execs)
public IServiceProvider Services { get; set; } = null!;