Added Expressions module
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 1409 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
#nullable disable
using EllieBot.Db.Models;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace EllieBot.Modules.EllieExpressions;
public static class EllieExpressionExtensions
private static string ResolveTriggerString(this string str, DiscordSocketClient client)
=> str.Replace("%bot.mention%", client.CurrentUser.Mention, StringComparison.Ordinal);
public static async Task<IUserMessage> Send(
this EllieExpression cr,
IUserMessage ctx,
IReplacementService repSvc,
DiscordSocketClient client,
IMessageSenderService sender)
var channel = cr.DmResponse ? await ctx.Author.CreateDMChannelAsync() : ctx.Channel;
var trigger = cr.Trigger.ResolveTriggerString(client);
var substringIndex = trigger.Length;
if (cr.ContainsAnywhere)
var pos = ctx.Content.AsSpan().GetWordPosition(trigger);
if (pos == WordPosition.Start)
substringIndex += 1;
else if (pos == WordPosition.End)
substringIndex = ctx.Content.Length;
else if (pos == WordPosition.Middle)
substringIndex += ctx.Content.IndexOf(trigger, StringComparison.InvariantCulture);
var canMentionEveryone = (ctx.Author as IGuildUser)?.GuildPermissions.MentionEveryone ?? true;
var repCtx = new ReplacementContext(client: client,
guild: (ctx.Channel as ITextChannel)?.Guild as SocketGuild,
channel: ctx.Channel,
users: ctx.Author
() => canMentionEveryone
? ctx.Content[substringIndex..].Trim()
: ctx.Content[substringIndex..].Trim().SanitizeMentions(true));
var text = SmartText.CreateFrom(cr.Response);
text = await repSvc.ReplaceAsync(text, repCtx);
return await sender.Response(channel).Text(text).Sanitize(false).SendAsync();
public static WordPosition GetWordPosition(this ReadOnlySpan<char> str, in ReadOnlySpan<char> word)
var wordIndex = str.IndexOf(word, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
if (wordIndex == -1)
return WordPosition.None;
if (wordIndex == 0)
if (word.Length < str.Length && str.IsValidWordDivider(word.Length))
return WordPosition.Start;
else if (wordIndex + word.Length == str.Length)
if (str.IsValidWordDivider(wordIndex - 1))
return WordPosition.End;
else if (str.IsValidWordDivider(wordIndex - 1) && str.IsValidWordDivider(wordIndex + word.Length))
return WordPosition.Middle;
return WordPosition.None;
private static bool IsValidWordDivider(this in ReadOnlySpan<char> str, int index)
var ch = str[index];
if (ch is >= 'a' and <= 'z' or >= 'A' and <= 'Z' or >= '1' and <= '9')
return false;
return true;
public enum WordPosition
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
#nullable disable
using EllieBot.Db.Models;
namespace EllieBot.Modules.EllieExpressions;
public partial class EllieExpressions : EllieModule<EllieExpressionsService>
public enum All
private readonly IBotCredentials _creds;
private readonly IHttpClientFactory _clientFactory;
public EllieExpressions(IBotCredentials creds, IHttpClientFactory clientFactory)
_creds = creds;
_clientFactory = clientFactory;
private bool AdminInGuildOrOwnerInDm()
=> (ctx.Guild is null && _creds.IsOwner(ctx.User))
|| (ctx.Guild is not null && ((IGuildUser)ctx.User).GuildPermissions.Administrator);
private async Task ExprAddInternalAsync(string key, string message)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key))
var ex = await _service.AddAsync(ctx.Guild?.Id, key, message);
await Response()
.WithDescription($"#{new kwum(ex.Id)}")
.AddField(GetText(strs.trigger), key)
message.Length > 1024 ? GetText(strs.redacted_too_long) : message))
public async Task ExprToggleGlobal()
var result = await _service.ToggleGlobalExpressionsAsync(ctx.Guild.Id);
if (result)
await Response().Confirm(strs.expr_global_disabled).SendAsync();
await Response().Confirm(strs.expr_global_enabled).SendAsync();
public async Task ExprAddServer(string key, [Leftover] string message)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key))
await ExprAddInternalAsync(key, message);
public async Task ExprAdd(string trigger, [Leftover] string response)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(response) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(trigger))
if (!AdminInGuildOrOwnerInDm())
await Response().Error(strs.expr_insuff_perms).SendAsync();
await ExprAddInternalAsync(trigger, response);
public async Task ExprEdit(kwum id, [Leftover] string message)
var channel = ctx.Channel as ITextChannel;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message) || id < 0)
if (!IsValidExprEditor())
await Response().Error(strs.expr_insuff_perms).SendAsync();
var ex = await _service.EditAsync(ctx.Guild?.Id, id, message);
if (ex is not null)
await Response()
.AddField(GetText(strs.trigger), ex.Trigger)
message.Length > 1024 ? GetText(strs.redacted_too_long) : message))
await Response().Error(strs.expr_no_found_id).SendAsync();
private bool IsValidExprEditor()
=> (ctx.Guild is not null && ((IGuildUser)ctx.User).GuildPermissions.Administrator)
|| (ctx.Guild is null && _creds.IsOwner(ctx.User));
public async Task ExprList(int page = 1)
if (--page < 0 || page > 999)
var allExpressions = _service.GetExpressionsFor(ctx.Guild?.Id)
.OrderBy(x => x.Trigger)
if (!allExpressions.Any())
await Response().Error(strs.expr_no_found).SendAsync();
await Response()
.Page((exprs, _) =>
var desc = exprs
.Select(ex => $"{(ex.ContainsAnywhere ? "🗯" : "◾")}"
+ $"{(ex.DmResponse ? "✉" : "◾")}"
+ $"{(ex.AutoDeleteTrigger ? "❌" : "◾")}"
+ $"`{(kwum)ex.Id}` {ex.Trigger}"
+ (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ex.Reactions)
? string.Empty
: " // " + string.Join(" ", ex.GetReactions())))
return _sender.CreateEmbed().WithOkColor().WithTitle(GetText(strs.expressions)).WithDescription(desc);
public async Task ExprShow(kwum id)
var found = _service.GetExpression(ctx.Guild?.Id, id);
if (found is null)
await Response().Error(strs.expr_no_found_id).SendAsync();
var inter = CreateEditInteraction(id, found);
await Response()
.Interaction(IsValidExprEditor() ? inter : null)
.AddField(GetText(strs.trigger), found.Trigger.TrimTo(1024))
found.Response.TrimTo(1000).Replace("](", "]\\(")))
private EllieInteractionBase CreateEditInteraction(kwum id, EllieExpression found)
var modal = new ModalBuilder()
.WithTitle($"Edit expression {id}")
.AddTextInput(new TextInputBuilder()
var inter = _inter.Create(ctx.User.Id,
new ButtonBuilder()
async (sm) =>
var msg = sm.Data.Components.FirstOrDefault()?.Value;
await ExprEdit(id, msg);
return inter;
public async Task ExprDeleteInternalAsync(kwum id)
var ex = await _service.DeleteAsync(ctx.Guild?.Id, id);
if (ex is not null)
await Response()
.AddField(GetText(strs.trigger), ex.Trigger.TrimTo(1024))
.AddField(GetText(strs.response), ex.Response.TrimTo(1024)))
await Response().Error(strs.expr_no_found_id).SendAsync();
public async Task ExprDeleteServer(kwum id)
=> await ExprDeleteInternalAsync(id);
public async Task ExprDelete(kwum id)
if (!AdminInGuildOrOwnerInDm())
await Response().Error(strs.expr_insuff_perms).SendAsync();
await ExprDeleteInternalAsync(id);
public async Task ExprReact(kwum id, params string[] emojiStrs)
if (!AdminInGuildOrOwnerInDm())
await Response().Error(strs.expr_insuff_perms).SendAsync();
var ex = _service.GetExpression(ctx.Guild?.Id, id);
if (ex is null)
await Response().Error(strs.expr_no_found_id).SendAsync();
if (emojiStrs.Length == 0)
await _service.ResetExprReactions(ctx.Guild?.Id, id);
await Response().Confirm(strs.expr_reset(Format.Bold(id.ToString()))).SendAsync();
var succ = new List<string>();
foreach (var emojiStr in emojiStrs)
var emote = emojiStr.ToIEmote();
// i should try adding these emojis right away to the message, to make sure the bot can react with these emojis. If it fails, skip that emoji
await ctx.Message.AddReactionAsync(emote);
await Task.Delay(100);
if (succ.Count >= 3)
catch { }
if (succ.Count == 0)
await Response().Error(strs.invalid_emojis).SendAsync();
await _service.SetExprReactions(ctx.Guild?.Id, id, succ);
await Response()
succ.Select(static x => x.ToString()).Join(", ")))
public Task ExprCa(kwum id)
=> InternalExprEdit(id, ExprField.ContainsAnywhere);
public Task ExprDm(kwum id)
=> InternalExprEdit(id, ExprField.DmResponse);
public Task ExprAd(kwum id)
=> InternalExprEdit(id, ExprField.AutoDelete);
public Task ExprAt(kwum id)
=> InternalExprEdit(id, ExprField.AllowTarget);
public async Task ExprsReload()
await _service.TriggerReloadExpressions();
await ctx.OkAsync();
private async Task InternalExprEdit(kwum id, ExprField option)
if (!AdminInGuildOrOwnerInDm())
await Response().Error(strs.expr_insuff_perms).SendAsync();
var (success, newVal) = await _service.ToggleExprOptionAsync(ctx.Guild?.Id, id, option);
if (!success)
await Response().Error(strs.expr_no_found_id).SendAsync();
if (newVal)
await Response()
await Response()
public async Task ExprClear()
if (await PromptUserConfirmAsync(_sender.CreateEmbed()
.WithTitle("Expression clear")
.WithDescription("This will delete all expressions on this server.")))
var count = _service.DeleteAllExpressions(ctx.Guild.Id);
await Response().Confirm(strs.exprs_cleared(count)).SendAsync();
public async Task ExprsExport()
if (!AdminInGuildOrOwnerInDm())
await Response().Error(strs.expr_insuff_perms).SendAsync();
_ = ctx.Channel.TriggerTypingAsync();
var serialized = _service.ExportExpressions(ctx.Guild?.Id);
await using var stream = await serialized.ToStream();
await ctx.Channel.SendFileAsync(stream, "exprs-export.yml");
public async Task ExprsImport([Leftover] string input = null)
if (!AdminInGuildOrOwnerInDm())
await Response().Error(strs.expr_insuff_perms).SendAsync();
input = input?.Trim();
_ = ctx.Channel.TriggerTypingAsync();
if (input is null)
var attachment = ctx.Message.Attachments.FirstOrDefault();
if (attachment is null)
await Response().Error(strs.expr_import_no_input).SendAsync();
using var client = _clientFactory.CreateClient();
input = await client.GetStringAsync(attachment.Url);
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input))
await Response().Error(strs.expr_import_no_input).SendAsync();
var succ = await _service.ImportExpressionsAsync(ctx.Guild?.Id, input);
if (!succ)
await Response().Error(strs.expr_import_invalid_data).SendAsync();
await ctx.OkAsync();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,801 @@
#nullable disable
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using EllieBot.Common.ModuleBehaviors;
using EllieBot.Common.Yml;
using EllieBot.Db;
using EllieBot.Db.Models;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore;
using EllieBot.Modules.Permissions.Services;
using YamlDotNet.Serialization;
using YamlDotNet.Serialization.NamingConventions;
namespace EllieBot.Modules.EllieExpressions;
public sealed class EllieExpressionsService : IExecOnMessage, IReadyExecutor
private const string MENTION_PH = "%bot.mention%";
private const string PREPEND_EXPORT =
# Keys are triggers, Each key has a LIST of expressions in the following format:
# - res: Response string
# id: Alphanumeric id used for commands related to the expression. (Note, when using .exprsimport, a new id will be generated.)
# react:
# - <List
# - of
# - reactions>
# at: Whether expression allows targets (see .h .exprat)
# ca: Whether expression expects trigger anywhere (see .h .exprca)
# dm: Whether expression DMs the response (see .h .exprdm)
# ad: Whether expression automatically deletes triggering message (see .h .exprad)
private static readonly ISerializer _exportSerializer = new SerializerBuilder()
=> new MultilineScalarFlowStyleEmitter(args))
public int Priority
=> 0;
private readonly object _gexprWriteLock = new();
private readonly TypedKey<EllieExpression> _gexprAddedKey = new("gexpr.added");
private readonly TypedKey<int> _gexprDeletedkey = new("gexpr.deleted");
private readonly TypedKey<EllieExpression> _gexprEditedKey = new("gexpr.edited");
private readonly TypedKey<bool> _exprsReloadedKey = new("exprs.reloaded");
// it is perfectly fine to have global expressions as an array
// 1. expressions are almost never added (compared to how many times they are being looped through)
// 2. only need write locks for this as we'll rebuild+replace the array on every edit
// 3. there's never many of them (at most a thousand, usually < 100)
private EllieExpression[] globalExpressions = Array.Empty<EllieExpression>();
private ConcurrentDictionary<ulong, EllieExpression[]> newguildExpressions = new();
private readonly DbService _db;
private readonly DiscordSocketClient _client;
// private readonly PermissionService _perms;
// private readonly GlobalPermissionService _gperm;
// private readonly CmdCdService _cmdCds;
private readonly IPermissionChecker _permChecker;
private readonly ICommandHandler _cmd;
private readonly IBotStrings _strings;
private readonly IBot _bot;
private readonly IPubSub _pubSub;
private readonly IMessageSenderService _sender;
private readonly IReplacementService _repSvc;
private readonly Random _rng;
private bool ready;
private ConcurrentHashSet<ulong> _disabledGlobalExpressionGuilds;
private readonly PermissionService _pc;
public EllieExpressionsService(
DbService db,
IBotStrings strings,
IBot bot,
DiscordSocketClient client,
ICommandHandler cmd,
IPubSub pubSub,
IMessageSenderService sender,
IReplacementService repSvc,
IPermissionChecker permChecker,
PermissionService pc)
_db = db;
_client = client;
_cmd = cmd;
_strings = strings;
_bot = bot;
_pubSub = pubSub;
_sender = sender;
_repSvc = repSvc;
_permChecker = permChecker;
_pc = pc;
_rng = new EllieRandom();
_pubSub.Sub(_exprsReloadedKey, OnExprsShouldReload);
pubSub.Sub(_gexprAddedKey, OnGexprAdded);
pubSub.Sub(_gexprDeletedkey, OnGexprDeleted);
pubSub.Sub(_gexprEditedKey, OnGexprEdited);
bot.JoinedGuild += OnJoinedGuild;
_client.LeftGuild += OnLeftGuild;
private async Task ReloadInternal(IReadOnlyList<ulong> allGuildIds)
await using var uow = _db.GetDbContext();
var guildItems = await uow.Set<EllieExpression>()
.Where(x => allGuildIds.Contains(x.GuildId.Value))
newguildExpressions = guildItems.GroupBy(k => k.GuildId!.Value)
.ToDictionary(g => g.Key,
g => g.Select(x =>
x.Trigger = x.Trigger.Replace(MENTION_PH,
return x;
_disabledGlobalExpressionGuilds = new(await uow.Set<GuildConfig>()
.Where(x => x.DisableGlobalExpressions)
.Select(x => x.GuildId)
lock (_gexprWriteLock)
var globalItems = uow.Set<EllieExpression>()
.Where(x => x.GuildId == null || x.GuildId == 0)
.Where(x => x.Trigger != null)
.Select(x =>
x.Trigger = x.Trigger.Replace(MENTION_PH, _client.CurrentUser.Mention);
return x;
globalExpressions = globalItems;
ready = true;
private EllieExpression TryGetExpression(IUserMessage umsg)
if (!ready)
return null;
if (umsg.Channel is not SocketTextChannel channel)
return null;
var content = umsg.Content.Trim().ToLowerInvariant();
if (newguildExpressions.TryGetValue(channel.Guild.Id, out var expressions) && expressions.Length > 0)
var expr = MatchExpressions(content, expressions);
if (expr is not null)
return expr;
if (_disabledGlobalExpressionGuilds.Contains(channel.Guild.Id))
return null;
var localGrs = globalExpressions;
return MatchExpressions(content, localGrs);
private EllieExpression MatchExpressions(in ReadOnlySpan<char> content, EllieExpression[] exprs)
var result = new List<EllieExpression>(1);
for (var i = 0; i < exprs.Length; i++)
var expr = exprs[i];
var trigger = expr.Trigger;
if (content.Length > trigger.Length)
// if input is greater than the trigger, it can only work if:
// it has CA enabled
if (expr.ContainsAnywhere)
// if ca is enabled, we have to check if it is a word within the content
var wp = content.GetWordPosition(trigger);
// if it is, then that's valid
if (wp != WordPosition.None)
// if it's not, then it cant' work under any circumstance,
// because content is greater than the trigger length
// so it can't be equal, and it's not contained as a word
// if CA is disabled, and expr has AllowTarget, then the
// content has to start with the trigger followed by a space
if (expr.AllowTarget
&& content.StartsWith(trigger, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
&& content[trigger.Length] == ' ')
else if (content.Length < expr.Trigger.Length)
// if input length is less than trigger length, it means
// that the reaction can never be triggered
// if input length is the same as trigger length
// reaction can only trigger if the strings are equal
if (content.SequenceEqual(expr.Trigger))
if (result.Count == 0)
return null;
var cancelled = result.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Response == "-");
if (cancelled is not null)
return cancelled;
return result[_rng.Next(0, result.Count)];
public async Task<bool> ExecOnMessageAsync(IGuild guild, IUserMessage msg)
// maybe this message is an expression
var expr = TryGetExpression(msg);
if (expr is null || expr.Response == "-")
return false;
if (guild is SocketGuild sg)
var result = await _permChecker.CheckPermsAsync(
if (!result.IsAllowed)
var cache = _pc.GetCacheFor(guild.Id);
if (cache.Verbose)
if (result.TryPickT3(out var disallowed, out _))
var permissionMessage = _strings.GetText(strs.perm_prevent(disallowed.PermIndex + 1,
await _sender.Response(msg.Channel)
Log.Information("{PermissionMessage}", permissionMessage);
return true;
var sentMsg = await expr.Send(msg, _repSvc, _client, _sender);
var reactions = expr.GetReactions();
foreach (var reaction in reactions)
await sentMsg.AddReactionAsync(reaction.ToIEmote());
Log.Warning("Unable to add reactions to message {Message} in server {GuildId}",
await Task.Delay(1000);
if (expr.AutoDeleteTrigger)
await msg.DeleteAsync();
Log.Information("s: {GuildId} c: {ChannelId} u: {UserId} | {UserName} executed expression {Expr}",
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Warning(ex, "Error in Expression RunBehavior: {ErrorMessage}", ex.Message);
return false;
public async Task ResetExprReactions(ulong? maybeGuildId, int id)
EllieExpression expr;
await using var uow = _db.GetDbContext();
expr = uow.Set<EllieExpression>().GetById(id);
if (expr is null)
expr.Reactions = string.Empty;
await uow.SaveChangesAsync();
private Task UpdateInternalAsync(ulong? maybeGuildId, EllieExpression expr)
if (maybeGuildId is { } guildId)
UpdateInternal(guildId, expr);
return _pubSub.Pub(_gexprEditedKey, expr);
return Task.CompletedTask;
private void UpdateInternal(ulong? maybeGuildId, EllieExpression expr)
if (maybeGuildId is { } guildId)
(_, old) =>
var newArray = old.ToArray();
for (var i = 0; i < newArray.Length; i++)
if (newArray[i].Id == expr.Id)
newArray[i] = expr;
return newArray;
lock (_gexprWriteLock)
var exprs = globalExpressions;
for (var i = 0; i < exprs.Length; i++)
if (exprs[i].Id == expr.Id)
exprs[i] = expr;
private Task AddInternalAsync(ulong? maybeGuildId, EllieExpression expr)
// only do this for perf purposes
expr.Trigger = expr.Trigger.Replace(MENTION_PH, _client.CurrentUser.Mention);
if (maybeGuildId is { } guildId)
newguildExpressions.AddOrUpdate(guildId, [expr], (_, old) => old.With(expr));
return _pubSub.Pub(_gexprAddedKey, expr);
return Task.CompletedTask;
private Task DeleteInternalAsync(ulong? maybeGuildId, int id)
if (maybeGuildId is { } guildId)
(key, old) => DeleteInternal(old, id, out _));
return Task.CompletedTask;
lock (_gexprWriteLock)
var expr = Array.Find(globalExpressions, item => item.Id == id);
if (expr is not null)
return _pubSub.Pub(_gexprDeletedkey, expr.Id);
return Task.CompletedTask;
private EllieExpression[] DeleteInternal(
IReadOnlyList<EllieExpression> exprs,
int id,
out EllieExpression deleted)
deleted = null;
if (exprs is null || exprs.Count == 0)
return exprs as EllieExpression[] ?? exprs?.ToArray();
var newExprs = new EllieExpression[exprs.Count - 1];
for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < exprs.Count; i++, k++)
if (exprs[i].Id == id)
deleted = exprs[i];
newExprs[k] = exprs[i];
return newExprs;
public async Task SetExprReactions(ulong? guildId, int id, IEnumerable<string> emojis)
EllieExpression expr;
await using (var uow = _db.GetDbContext())
expr = uow.Set<EllieExpression>().GetById(id);
if (expr is null)
expr.Reactions = string.Join("@@@", emojis);
await uow.SaveChangesAsync();
await UpdateInternalAsync(guildId, expr);
public async Task<(bool Sucess, bool NewValue)> ToggleExprOptionAsync(ulong? guildId, int id, ExprField field)
var newVal = false;
EllieExpression expr;
await using (var uow = _db.GetDbContext())
expr = uow.Set<EllieExpression>().GetById(id);
if (expr is null || expr.GuildId != guildId)
return (false, false);
if (field == ExprField.AutoDelete)
newVal = expr.AutoDeleteTrigger = !expr.AutoDeleteTrigger;
else if (field == ExprField.ContainsAnywhere)
newVal = expr.ContainsAnywhere = !expr.ContainsAnywhere;
else if (field == ExprField.DmResponse)
newVal = expr.DmResponse = !expr.DmResponse;
else if (field == ExprField.AllowTarget)
newVal = expr.AllowTarget = !expr.AllowTarget;
await uow.SaveChangesAsync();
await UpdateInternalAsync(guildId, expr);
return (true, newVal);
public EllieExpression GetExpression(ulong? guildId, int id)
using var uow = _db.GetDbContext();
var expr = uow.Set<EllieExpression>().GetById(id);
if (expr is null || expr.GuildId != guildId)
return null;
return expr;
public int DeleteAllExpressions(ulong guildId)
using var uow = _db.GetDbContext();
var count = uow.Set<EllieExpression>().ClearFromGuild(guildId);
newguildExpressions.TryRemove(guildId, out _);
return count;
public bool ExpressionExists(ulong? guildId, string input)
input = input.ToLowerInvariant();
var gexprs = globalExpressions;
foreach (var t in gexprs)
if (t.Trigger == input)
return true;
if (guildId is ulong gid && newguildExpressions.TryGetValue(gid, out var guildExprs))
foreach (var t in guildExprs)
if (t.Trigger == input)
return true;
return false;
public string ExportExpressions(ulong? guildId)
var exprs = GetExpressionsFor(guildId);
var exprsDict = exprs.GroupBy(x => x.Trigger).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Select(ExportedExpr.FromModel));
return PREPEND_EXPORT + _exportSerializer.Serialize(exprsDict).UnescapeUnicodeCodePoints();
public async Task<bool> ImportExpressionsAsync(ulong? guildId, string input)
Dictionary<string, List<ExportedExpr>> data;
data = Yaml.Deserializer.Deserialize<Dictionary<string, List<ExportedExpr>>>(input);
if (data.Sum(x => x.Value.Count) == 0)
return false;
return false;
await using var uow = _db.GetDbContext();
foreach (var entry in data)
var trigger = entry.Key;
await uow.Set<EllieExpression>()
.Where(expr => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(expr.Res))
.Select(expr => new EllieExpression
GuildId = guildId,
Response = expr.Res,
Reactions = expr.React?.Join("@@@"),
Trigger = trigger,
AllowTarget = expr.At,
ContainsAnywhere = expr.Ca,
DmResponse = expr.Dm,
AutoDeleteTrigger = expr.Ad
await uow.SaveChangesAsync();
await TriggerReloadExpressions();
return true;
#region Event Handlers
public async Task OnReadyAsync()
=> await OnExprsShouldReload(true);
private ValueTask OnExprsShouldReload(bool _)
=> new(ReloadInternal(_bot.GetCurrentGuildIds()));
private ValueTask OnGexprAdded(EllieExpression c)
lock (_gexprWriteLock)
var newGlobalReactions = new EllieExpression[globalExpressions.Length + 1];
Array.Copy(globalExpressions, newGlobalReactions, globalExpressions.Length);
newGlobalReactions[globalExpressions.Length] = c;
globalExpressions = newGlobalReactions;
return default;
private ValueTask OnGexprEdited(EllieExpression c)
lock (_gexprWriteLock)
for (var i = 0; i < globalExpressions.Length; i++)
if (globalExpressions[i].Id == c.Id)
globalExpressions[i] = c;
return default;
// if edited expr is not found?!
// add it
return default;
private ValueTask OnGexprDeleted(int id)
lock (_gexprWriteLock)
var newGlobalReactions = DeleteInternal(globalExpressions, id, out _);
globalExpressions = newGlobalReactions;
return default;
public Task TriggerReloadExpressions()
=> _pubSub.Pub(_exprsReloadedKey, true);
#region Client Event Handlers
private Task OnLeftGuild(SocketGuild arg)
newguildExpressions.TryRemove(arg.Id, out _);
return Task.CompletedTask;
private async Task OnJoinedGuild(GuildConfig gc)
await using var uow = _db.GetDbContext();
var exprs = await uow.Set<EllieExpression>().AsNoTracking().Where(x => x.GuildId == gc.GuildId).ToArrayAsync();
newguildExpressions[gc.GuildId] = exprs;
#region Basic Operations
public async Task<EllieExpression> AddAsync(
ulong? guildId,
string key,
string message,
bool ca = false,
bool ad = false,
bool dm = false)
key = key.ToLowerInvariant();
var expr = new EllieExpression
GuildId = guildId,
Trigger = key,
Response = message,
ContainsAnywhere = ca,
AutoDeleteTrigger = ad,
DmResponse = dm
if (expr.Response.Contains("%target%", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
expr.AllowTarget = true;
await using (var uow = _db.GetDbContext())
await uow.SaveChangesAsync();
await AddInternalAsync(guildId, expr);
return expr;
public async Task<EllieExpression> EditAsync(
ulong? guildId,
int id,
string message,
bool? ca = null,
bool? ad = null,
bool? dm = null)
await using var uow = _db.GetDbContext();
var expr = uow.Set<EllieExpression>().GetById(id);
if (expr is null || expr.GuildId != guildId)
return null;
// disable allowtarget if message had target, but it was removed from it
if (!message.Contains("%target%", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
&& expr.Response.Contains("%target%", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
expr.AllowTarget = false;
expr.Response = message;
// enable allow target if message is edited to contain target
if (expr.Response.Contains("%target%", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
expr.AllowTarget = true;
expr.ContainsAnywhere = ca ?? expr.ContainsAnywhere;
expr.AutoDeleteTrigger = ad ?? expr.AutoDeleteTrigger;
expr.DmResponse = dm ?? expr.DmResponse;
await uow.SaveChangesAsync();
await UpdateInternalAsync(guildId, expr);
return expr;
public async Task<EllieExpression> DeleteAsync(ulong? guildId, int id)
await using var uow = _db.GetDbContext();
var toDelete = uow.Set<EllieExpression>().GetById(id);
if (toDelete is null)
return null;
if ((toDelete.IsGlobal() && guildId is null) || guildId == toDelete.GuildId)
await uow.SaveChangesAsync();
await DeleteInternalAsync(guildId, id);
return toDelete;
return null;
public EllieExpression[] GetExpressionsFor(ulong? maybeGuildId)
if (maybeGuildId is { } guildId)
return newguildExpressions.TryGetValue(guildId, out var exprs) ? exprs : Array.Empty<EllieExpression>();
return globalExpressions;
public async Task<bool> ToggleGlobalExpressionsAsync(ulong guildId)
await using var ctx = _db.GetDbContext();
var gc = ctx.GuildConfigsForId(guildId, set => set);
var toReturn = gc.DisableGlobalExpressions = !gc.DisableGlobalExpressions;
await ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
if (toReturn)
return toReturn;
public async Task<(IReadOnlyCollection<EllieExpression> Exprs, int TotalCount)> FindExpressionsAsync(
ulong guildId,
string query,
int page)
await using var ctx = _db.GetDbContext();
if (newguildExpressions.TryGetValue(guildId, out var exprs))
return (exprs.Where(x => x.Trigger.Contains(query))
.Skip(page * 9)
.ToArray(), exprs.Length);
return ([], 0);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
#nullable disable
using EllieBot.Db.Models;
namespace EllieBot.Modules.EllieExpressions;
public class ExportedExpr
public string Res { get; set; }
public string Id { get; set; }
public bool Ad { get; set; }
public bool Dm { get; set; }
public bool At { get; set; }
public bool Ca { get; set; }
public string[] React;
public static ExportedExpr FromModel(EllieExpression cr)
=> new()
Res = cr.Response,
Id = ((kwum)cr.Id).ToString(),
Ad = cr.AutoDeleteTrigger,
At = cr.AllowTarget,
Ca = cr.ContainsAnywhere,
Dm = cr.DmResponse,
React = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cr.Reactions) ? null : cr.GetReactions()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
namespace EllieBot.Modules.EllieExpressions;
public enum ExprField
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
#nullable disable
using EllieBot.Modules.EllieExpressions;
namespace EllieBot.Common.TypeReaders;
public sealed class CommandOrExprTypeReader : EllieTypeReader<CommandOrExprInfo>
private readonly CommandService _cmds;
private readonly ICommandHandler _commandHandler;
private readonly EllieExpressionsService _exprs;
public CommandOrExprTypeReader(CommandService cmds, EllieExpressionsService exprs, ICommandHandler commandHandler)
_cmds = cmds;
_exprs = exprs;
_commandHandler = commandHandler;
public override async ValueTask<TypeReaderResult<CommandOrExprInfo>> ReadAsync(ICommandContext ctx, string input)
if (_exprs.ExpressionExists(ctx.Guild?.Id, input))
return TypeReaderResult.FromSuccess(new CommandOrExprInfo(input, CommandOrExprInfo.Type.Custom));
var cmd = await new CommandTypeReader(_commandHandler, _cmds).ReadAsync(ctx, input);
if (cmd.IsSuccess)
return TypeReaderResult.FromSuccess(new CommandOrExprInfo(((CommandInfo)cmd.Values.First().Value).Name,
return TypeReaderResult.FromError<CommandOrExprInfo>(CommandError.ParseFailed, "No such command or expression found.");
Add table
Reference in a new issue