using Discord;
namespace Ellie.Canary;
/// The base class which will be loaded as a module into NadekoBot
/// Any user-defined snek has to inherit from this class.
/// Sneks get instantiated ONLY ONCE during the loading,
/// and any snek commands will be executed on the same instance.
public abstract class Snek : IAsyncDisposable
/// Name of the snek. Defaults to the lowercase class name
public virtual string Name
=> GetType().Name.ToLowerInvariant();
/// The prefix required before the command name. For example
/// if you set this to 'test' then a command called 'cmd' will have to be invoked by using
/// '.test cmd' instead of `.cmd`
public virtual string Prefix
=> string.Empty;
/// Executed once this snek has been instantiated and before any command is executed.
/// A representing completion
public virtual ValueTask InitializeAsync()
=> default;
/// Override to cleanup any resources or references which might hold this snek in memory
public virtual ValueTask DisposeAsync()
=> default;
/// This method is called right after the message was received by the bot.
/// You can use this method to make the bot conditionally ignore some messages and prevent further processing.
/// Execution order:
/// ** →
/// →
/// →
/// OR
/// Guild in which the message was sent
/// Message received by the bot
/// A representing whether the message should be ignored and not processed further
public virtual ValueTask ExecOnMessageAsync(IGuild? guild, IUserMessage msg)
=> default;
/// Override this method to modify input before the bot searches for any commands matching the input
/// Executed after
/// This is useful if you want to reinterpret the message under some conditions
/// Execution order:
/// →
/// ** →
/// →
/// OR
/// Guild in which the message was sent
/// Channel in which the message was sent
/// User who sent the message
/// Content of the message
/// A representing new, potentially modified content
public virtual ValueTask ExecInputTransformAsync(
IGuild? guild,
IMessageChannel channel,
IUser user,
string input
=> default;
/// This method is called after the command was found but not executed,
/// and can be used to prevent the command's execution.
/// The command information doesn't have to be from this snek as this method
/// will be called when *any* command from any module or snek was found.
/// You can choose to prevent the execution of the command by returning "true" value.
/// Execution order:
/// →
/// →
/// ** →
/// OR
/// Command context
/// Name of the snek or module from which the command originates
/// Name of the command which is about to be executed
/// A representing whether the execution should be blocked
public virtual ValueTask ExecPreCommandAsync(
AnyContext context,
string moduleName,
string commandName
=> default;
/// This method is called after the command was succesfully executed.
/// If this method was called, then will not be executed
/// Execution order:
/// →
/// →
/// →
/// ** OR
/// A representing completion
public virtual ValueTask ExecPostCommandAsync(AnyContext ctx, string moduleName, string commandName)
=> default;
/// This method is called if no command was found for the input.
/// Useful if you want to have games or features which take arbitrary input
/// but ignore any messages which were blocked or caused a command execution
/// If this method was called, then will not be executed
/// Execution order:
/// →
/// →
/// →
/// OR **
/// A representing completion
public virtual ValueTask ExecOnNoCommandAsync(IGuild? guild, IUserMessage msg)
=> default;
public readonly struct ExecResponse