using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using DSharpPlus; using DSharpPlus.Entities; using DSharpPlus.SlashCommands; using DSharpPlus.SlashCommands.Attributes; namespace SupportChild.Commands; public class CreateSelectionBoxPanelCommand : ApplicationCommandModule { [SlashRequireGuild] [SlashCommand("createselectionboxpanel", "Creates a selection box which users can use to open new tickets in specific categories.")] public async Task OnExecute(InteractionContext command, [Option("Message", "(Optional) The message to show in the selection box.")] string message = null) { DiscordMessageBuilder builder = new DiscordMessageBuilder() .WithContent(" ") .AddComponents(await GetSelectComponents(command, message ?? "Open new ticket...")); await command.Channel.SendMessageAsync(builder); await command.CreateResponseAsync(new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Green, Description = "Successfully created message, make sure to run this command again if you add new categories to the bot." }, true); } public static async Task> GetSelectComponents(InteractionContext command, string placeholder) { List verifiedCategories = await Utilities.GetVerifiedChannels(); if (verifiedCategories.Count == 0) { return new List(); } verifiedCategories = verifiedCategories.OrderBy(x =>; List selectionComponents = new List(); int selectionOptions = 0; for (int selectionBoxes = 0; selectionBoxes < 5 && selectionOptions < verifiedCategories.Count; selectionBoxes++) { List categoryOptions = new List(); for (; selectionOptions < 25 * (selectionBoxes + 1) && selectionOptions < verifiedCategories.Count; selectionOptions++) { categoryOptions.Add(new DiscordSelectComponentOption(verifiedCategories[selectionOptions].name, verifiedCategories[selectionOptions].id.ToString())); } selectionComponents.Add(new DiscordSelectComponent("supportchild_newticketselector" + selectionBoxes, placeholder, categoryOptions, false, 0, 1)); } return selectionComponents; } public static async Task OnSelectionMenuUsed(DiscordInteraction interaction) { if (interaction.Data.Values == null || interaction.Data.Values.Length <= 0) { return; } if (!ulong.TryParse(interaction.Data.Values[0], out ulong categoryID) || categoryID == 0) { return; } await interaction.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.DeferredChannelMessageWithSource, new DiscordInteractionResponseBuilder().AsEphemeral()); (bool success, string message) = await NewCommand.OpenNewTicket(interaction.User.Id, interaction.ChannelId, categoryID); if (success) { await interaction.CreateFollowupMessageAsync(new DiscordFollowupMessageBuilder().AddEmbed(new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Green, Description = message }).AsEphemeral()); } else { await interaction.CreateFollowupMessageAsync(new DiscordFollowupMessageBuilder().AddEmbed(new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Red, Description = message }).AsEphemeral()); } } }