
127 lines
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2024-03-22 18:34:09 -07:00
syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
option csharp_namespace = "EllieBot.Coordinator";
package elliebot;
service Coordinator {
// sends update to coordinator to let it know that the shard is alive
rpc Heartbeat(HeartbeatRequest) returns (HeartbeatReply);
// restarts a shard given the id
rpc RestartShard(RestartShardRequest) returns (RestartShardReply);
// reshards given the new number of shards
rpc Reshard(ReshardRequest) returns (ReshardReply);
// Reload config
rpc Reload(ReloadRequest) returns (ReloadReply);
// Gets status of a single shard
rpc GetStatus(GetStatusRequest) returns (GetStatusReply);
// Get status of all shards
rpc GetAllStatuses(GetAllStatusesRequest) returns (GetAllStatusesReply);
// Restarts all shards. Queues them to be restarted at a normal rate. Setting Nuke to true will kill all shards right
// away
rpc RestartAllShards(RestartAllRequest) returns (RestartAllReply);
// kill coordinator (and all shards as a consequence)
rpc Die(DieRequest) returns (DieReply);
rpc SetConfigText(SetConfigTextRequest) returns (SetConfigTextReply);
rpc GetConfigText(GetConfigTextRequest) returns (GetConfigTextReply);
enum ConnState {
Disconnected = 0;
Connecting = 1;
Connected = 2;
message HeartbeatRequest {
int32 shardId = 1;
int32 guildCount = 2;
ConnState state = 3;
message HeartbeatReply {
bool gracefulImminent = 1;
message RestartShardRequest {
int32 shardId = 1;
// should it be queued for restart, set false to kill it and restart immediately with priority
bool queue = 2;
message RestartShardReply {
message ReshardRequest {
int32 shards = 1;
message ReshardReply {
message ReloadRequest {
message ReloadReply {
message GetStatusRequest {
int32 shardId = 1;
message GetStatusReply {
int32 shardId = 1;
ConnState state = 2;
int32 guildCount = 3;
google.protobuf.Timestamp lastUpdate = 4;
bool scheduledForRestart = 5;
google.protobuf.Timestamp startedAt = 6;
message GetAllStatusesRequest {
message GetAllStatusesReply {
repeated GetStatusReply Statuses = 1;
message RestartAllRequest {
bool nuke = 1;
message RestartAllReply {
message DieRequest {
bool graceful = 1;
message DieReply {
message GetConfigTextRequest {
message GetConfigTextReply {
string configYml = 1;
message SetConfigTextRequest {
string configYml = 1;
message SetConfigTextReply {
bool success = 1;
string error = 2;