export const VoiceGatewayVersion = '4'; /** * https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/opcodes-and-status-codes#voice-voice-opcodes */ export enum VoiceOpcodes { /** * Begin a voice websocket connection */ Identify, /** * Select the voice protocol */ SelectProtocol, /** * Complete the websocket handshake */ Ready, /** * Keep the websocket connection alive */ Heartbeat, /** * Describe the session */ SessionDescription, /** * Indicate which users are speaking */ Speaking, /** * Sent to acknowledge a received client heartbeat */ HeartbeatAck, /** * Resume a connection */ Resume, /** * Time to wait between sending heartbeats in milliseconds */ Hello, /** * Acknowledge a successful session resume */ Resumed, /** * A client has connected to the voice channel */ ClientConnect = 12, /** * A client has disconnected from the voice channel */ ClientDisconnect, } /** * https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/opcodes-and-status-codes#voice-voice-close-event-codes */ export enum VoiceCloseCodes { /** * You sent an invalid opcode */ UnknownOpcode = 4001, /** * You sent a invalid payload in your identifying to the Gateway */ FailedToDecode, /** * You sent a payload before identifying with the Gateway */ NotAuthenticated, /** * The token you sent in your identify payload is incorrect */ AuthenticationFailed, /** * You sent more than one identify payload. Stahp */ AlreadyAuthenticated, /** * Your session is no longer valid */ SessionNoLongerValid, /** * Your session has timed out */ SessionTimeout = 4009, /** * We can't find the server you're trying to connect to */ ServerNotFound = 4011, /** * We didn't recognize the protocol you sent */ UnknownProtocol, /** * Either the channel was deleted, you were kicked, or the main gateway session was dropped. Should not reconnect */ Disconnected = 4014, /** * The server crashed. Our bad! Try resuming */ VoiceServerCrashed, /** * We didn't recognize your encryption */ UnknownEncryptionMode, }