2023-08-03 00:15:57 +12:00

95 lines
4.5 KiB

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using DSharpPlus;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Valkyrie.Properties;
using YamlDotNet.Serialization;
namespace Valkyrie;
internal static class Config
internal static string token = "";
internal static ulong logChannel;
internal static string welcomeMessage = "";
internal static LogLevel logLevel = LogLevel.Information;
internal static TimestampFormat timestampFormat = TimestampFormat.RelativeTime;
internal static bool randomAssignment = false;
internal static bool randomAssignRoleOverride = false;
internal static string presenceType = "Playing";
internal static string presenceText = "";
internal static bool newCommandUsesSelector = false;
internal static int ticketLimit = 5;
internal static bool ticketUpdatedNotifications = false;
internal static double ticketUpdatedNotificationDelay = 0.0;
internal static bool assignmentNotifications = false;
internal static bool closingNotifications = false;
internal static string hostName = "";
internal static int port = 3306;
internal static string database = "akheemah";
internal static string username = "akheemah";
internal static string password = "";
public static void LoadConfig()
// Write default config to file if it does not already exist
if (!File.Exists("./config.yml"))
File.WriteAllText("./config.yml", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Resources.default_config));
// Reads config contents into FileStream
FileStream stream = File.OpenRead("./config.yml");
// Converts the FileStream into a YAML object
IDeserializer deserializer = new DeserializerBuilder().Build();
object yamlObject = deserializer.Deserialize(new StreamReader(stream)) ?? "";
// Converts the YAML object into a JSON object as the YAML ones do not support traversal of nodes by name
ISerializer serializer = new SerializerBuilder().JsonCompatible().Build();
JObject json = JObject.Parse(serializer.Serialize(yamlObject));
// Sets up the bot
token = json.SelectToken("bot.token")?.Value<string>() ?? "";
logChannel = json.SelectToken("bot.log-channel")?.Value<ulong>() ?? 0;
welcomeMessage = json.SelectToken("bot.welcome-message")?.Value<string>() ?? "";
string stringLogLevel = json.SelectToken("bot.console-log-level")?.Value<string>() ?? "";
if (!Enum.TryParse(stringLogLevel, true, out logLevel))
logLevel = LogLevel.Information;
Logger.Warn("Log level '" + stringLogLevel + "' invalid, using 'Information' instead.");
string stringTimestampFormat = json.SelectToken("bot.timestamp-format")?.Value<string>() ?? "RelativeTime";
if (!Enum.TryParse(stringTimestampFormat, true, out timestampFormat))
timestampFormat = TimestampFormat.RelativeTime;
Logger.Warn("Timestamp '" + stringTimestampFormat + "' invalid, using 'RelativeTime' instead.");
randomAssignment = json.SelectToken("bot.random-assignment")?.Value<bool>() ?? false;
randomAssignRoleOverride = json.SelectToken("bot.random-assign-role-override")?.Value<bool>() ?? false;
presenceType = json.SelectToken("bot.presence-type")?.Value<string>() ?? "Playing";
presenceText = json.SelectToken("bot.presence-text")?.Value<string>() ?? "";
newCommandUsesSelector = json.SelectToken("")?.Value<bool>() ?? false;
ticketLimit = json.SelectToken("bot.ticket-limit")?.Value<int>() ?? 5;
ticketUpdatedNotifications = json.SelectToken("notifications.ticket-updated")?.Value<bool>() ?? false;
ticketUpdatedNotificationDelay = json.SelectToken("notifications.ticket-updated-delay")?.Value<double>() ?? 0.0;
assignmentNotifications = json.SelectToken("notifications.assignment")?.Value<bool>() ?? false;
closingNotifications = json.SelectToken("notifications.closing")?.Value<bool>() ?? false;
// Reads database info
hostName = json.SelectToken("database.address")?.Value<string>() ?? "";
port = json.SelectToken("database.port")?.Value<int>() ?? 3306;
database = json.SelectToken("")?.Value<string>() ?? "akheemah";
username = json.SelectToken("database.user")?.Value<string>() ?? "akheemah";
password = json.SelectToken("database.password")?.Value<string>() ?? "";