--- uid: Guides.Entities.Intro title: Introduction --- # Entities in Discord.Net Discord.Net provides a versatile entity system for navigating the Discord API. > [!TIP] > It is **vital** that you use the proper IDs for an entity when using > a `GetXXX` method. It is recommended that you enable Discord's > _developer mode_ to allow easy access to entity IDs, found in > Settings > Appearance > Advanced. Read more about it in the > [FAQ](xref:FAQ.Basics.GetStarted) page. ## Inheritance Due to the nature of the Discord API, some entities are designed with multiple variants; for example, `IUser` and `IGuildUser`. All models will contain the most detailed version of an entity possible, even if the type is less detailed. ## Socket & REST REST entities are retrieved over REST, and will be disposed after use. It is suggested to limit the amount of REST calls as much as possible, as calls over REST interact with the API, and are thus prone to rate-limits. - [Learn more about REST](https://restfulapi.net/) Socket entities are created through the gateway, most commonly through `DiscordSocketClient` events. These entities will enter the clients' global cache for later use. In the case of the `MessageReceived` event, a `SocketMessage` is passed in with a channel property of type `SocketMessageChannel`. All messages come from channels capable of messaging, so this is the only variant of a channel that can cover every single case. But that doesn't mean a message _can't_ come from a `SocketTextChannel`, which is a message channel in a guild. To retrieve information about a guild from a message entity, you will need to cast its channel object to a `SocketTextChannel`. > [!NOTE] > You can find out the inheritance tree & definitions of various entities > [here](xref:Guides.Entities.Glossary) ## Navigation All socket entities have navigation properties on them, which allow you to easily navigate to an entity's parent or children. As explained above, you will sometimes need to cast to a more detailed version of an entity to navigate to its parent. ## Accessing Socket Entities The most basic forms of entities, `SocketGuild`, `SocketUser`, and `SocketChannel` can be pulled from the DiscordSocketClient's global cache, and can be retrieved using the respective `GetXXX` method on DiscordSocketClient. More detailed versions of entities can be pulled from the basic entities, e.g., `SocketGuild.GetUser`, which returns a `SocketGuildUser`, or `SocketGuild.GetChannel`, which returns a `SocketGuildChannel`. Again, you may need to cast these objects to get a variant of the type that you need. ### Sample [!code-csharp[Socket Sample](samples/socketentities.cs)] ## Accessing REST Entities REST entities work almost the same as Socket entities, but are much less frequently used. To access REST entities, the `DiscordSocketClient`'s `Rest` property is required. Another option here is to create your own [DiscordRestClient], independent of the Socket gateway. [DiscordRestClient]: xref:Discord.Rest.DiscordRestClient ### Sample [!code-csharp[Rest Sample](samples/restentities.cs)]