# Discord.Net **Discord.Net** is an unofficial .NET API Wrapper for the Discord API (https://discord.com/developers/docs/intro). ## 📄 Documentation - https://discordnet.dev - [Sample Projects](https://github.com/discord-net/Discord.Net/tree/dev/samples) in our repository ## Feedback You report issues with the library by opening an issue in our [GitHub Repository](https://github.com/discord-net/Discord.Net) If you need help with using Discord.Net check out the following: - ask on our [Discord Support Server](https://discord.gg/dnet) - start a thread in [GitHub Discussions](https://github.com/discord-net/Discord.Net/discussions) ## 📥 Installation ### Stable (NuGet) Our stable builds available from NuGet through the Discord.Net metapackage: - [Discord.Net](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Discord.Net/) The individual components may also be installed from NuGet: - _Webhooks_ - [Discord.Net.Webhook](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Discord.Net.Webhook/) - _Text-Command & Interaction services._ - [Discord.Net.Commands](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Discord.Net.Commands/) - [Discord.Net.Interactions](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Discord.Net.Interactions/) - _Complete API coverage._ - [Discord.Net.WebSocket](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Discord.Net.WebSocket/) - [Discord.Net.Rest](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Discord.Net.Rest/) - _The API core. Implements only entities and barebones functionality._ - [Discord.Net.Core](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Discord.Net.Core/) ### Unstable Nightly builds are available through our MyGet feed (`https://www.myget.org/F/discord-net/api/v3/index.json`). These builds target the dev branch. ## 🩷 Supporting Discord.Net Discord.Net is an MIT-licensed open source project with its development made possible entirely by volunteers. If you'd like to support our efforts financially, please consider: - [Contributing on Open Collective](https://opencollective.com/discordnet). ## 🛑 Known Issues ### WebSockets (Win7 and earlier) .NET Core 1.1 does not support WebSockets on Win7 and earlier. This issue has been fixed since the release of .NET Core 2.1. It is recommended to target .NET Core 2.1 or above for your project if you wish to run your bot on legacy platforms; alternatively, you may choose to install the [Discord.Net.Providers.WS4Net](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Discord.Net.Providers.WS4Net/) package. ### TLS on .NET Framework. Discord supports only TLS1.2+ on all their websites including the API since 07/19/2022. .NET Framework does not support this protocol by default. If you depend on .NET Framework, it is suggested to upgrade your project to `net6-windows`. This framework supports most of the windows-only features introduced by fx, and resolves startup errors from the TLS protocol mismatch. ## 🗃️ Versioning Guarantees This library generally abides by [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org). Packages are published in `MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH` version format.