using System.Collections.Generic; using MySqlConnector; namespace SupportChild.Database; public class StaffMember(MySqlDataReader reader) { public readonly ulong userID = reader.GetUInt64("user_id"); public string name = reader.GetString("name"); public readonly bool active = reader.GetBoolean("active"); public static bool AddStaff(string name, ulong userID) { try { using MySqlConnection c = Connection.GetConnection(); c.Open(); using MySqlCommand update = IsStaff(userID) ? new MySqlCommand("UPDATE staff SET name = @name WHERE user_id = @user_id", c) : new MySqlCommand("INSERT INTO staff (user_id, name) VALUES (@user_id, @name);", c); update.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", name); update.Parameters.AddWithValue("@user_id", userID); update.Prepare(); return update.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0; } catch (MySqlException e) { Logger.Warn("Could not add staff to database.", e); return false; } } public static bool RemoveStaff(ulong userID) { try { using MySqlConnection c = Connection.GetConnection(); c.Open(); using MySqlCommand update = new("DELETE FROM staff WHERE user_id = @user_id", c); update.Parameters.AddWithValue("@user_id", userID); update.Prepare(); return update.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0; } catch (MySqlException e) { Logger.Warn("Could not remove staff from database.", e); return false; } } public static bool AssignStaff(Ticket ticket, ulong staffID) { try { using MySqlConnection c = Connection.GetConnection(); c.Open(); using MySqlCommand update = new("UPDATE tickets SET assigned_staff_id = @assigned_staff_id WHERE id = @id", c); update.Parameters.AddWithValue("@assigned_staff_id", staffID); update.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id",; update.Prepare(); return update.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0; } catch (MySqlException e) { Logger.Warn("Could not add staff to ticket in database.", e); return false; } } public static bool UnassignStaff(Ticket ticket) { return AssignStaff(ticket, 0); } public static bool SetStaffActive(ulong staffID, bool active) { try { using MySqlConnection c = Connection.GetConnection(); c.Open(); MySqlCommand update = new("UPDATE staff SET active = @active WHERE user_id = @user_id", c); update.Parameters.AddWithValue("@user_id", staffID); update.Parameters.AddWithValue("@active", active); update.Prepare(); return update.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0; } catch (MySqlException e) { Logger.Warn("Could not set staff member as active in database.", e); return false; } } public static List<StaffMember> GetActiveStaff(params ulong[] ignoredUserIDs) { using MySqlConnection c = Connection.GetConnection(); c.Open(); using MySqlCommand selection = new("SELECT * FROM staff WHERE active = true AND user_id NOT IN (@user_ids)", c); selection.Parameters.AddWithValue("@user_ids", string.Join(",", ignoredUserIDs)); selection.Prepare(); MySqlDataReader results = selection.ExecuteReader(); if (!results.Read()) { return []; } List<StaffMember> staffMembers = [new(results)]; while (results.Read()) { staffMembers.Add(new StaffMember(results)); } results.Close(); return staffMembers; } public static List<StaffMember> GetAllStaff(params ulong[] ignoredUserIDs) { using MySqlConnection c = Connection.GetConnection(); c.Open(); using MySqlCommand selection = new("SELECT * FROM staff WHERE user_id NOT IN (@user_ids)", c); selection.Parameters.AddWithValue("@user_ids", string.Join(",", ignoredUserIDs)); selection.Prepare(); MySqlDataReader results = selection.ExecuteReader(); if (!results.Read()) { return []; } List<StaffMember> staffMembers = [new(results)]; while (results.Read()) { staffMembers.Add(new StaffMember(results)); } results.Close(); return staffMembers; } public static bool IsStaff(ulong staffID) { using MySqlConnection c = Connection.GetConnection(); c.Open(); using MySqlCommand selection = new("SELECT * FROM staff WHERE user_id=@user_id", c); selection.Parameters.AddWithValue("@user_id", staffID); selection.Prepare(); MySqlDataReader results = selection.ExecuteReader(); if (!results.Read()) { return false; } results.Close(); return true; } public static bool TryGetStaff(ulong staffID, out StaffMember staffMember) { using MySqlConnection c = Connection.GetConnection(); c.Open(); using MySqlCommand selection = new("SELECT * FROM staff WHERE user_id=@user_id", c); selection.Parameters.AddWithValue("@user_id", staffID); selection.Prepare(); MySqlDataReader results = selection.ExecuteReader(); if (!results.Read()) { staffMember = null; return false; } staffMember = new StaffMember(results); results.Close(); return true; } }