using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using DSharpPlus.Commands; using DSharpPlus.Commands.ContextChecks; using DSharpPlus.Commands.Processors.SlashCommands; using DSharpPlus.Entities; using DSharpPlus.Exceptions; using DSharpPlus.Interactivity; using DSharpPlus.Interactivity.Extensions; namespace SupportChild.Commands; [Command("admin")] [Description("Administrative commands.")] public class AdminCommands { [RequireGuild] [Command("listinvalid")] [Description("List tickets which channels have been deleted. Use /admin unsetticket to remove them.")] public async Task ListInvalid(SlashCommandContext command) { if (!Database.TryGetOpenTickets(out List openTickets)) { await command.RespondAsync(new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Red, Description = "Could not get any open tickets from database." }, true); } // Get all channels in all guilds the bot is part of List allChannels = new List(); foreach (KeyValuePair guild in SupportChild.client.Guilds) { try { allChannels.AddRange(await guild.Value.GetChannelsAsync()); } catch (Exception) { /*ignored*/ } } // Check which tickets channels no longer exist List listItems = new List(); foreach (Database.Ticket ticket in openTickets) { if (allChannels.All(channel => channel.Id != ticket.channelID)) { listItems.Add("ID: **" +"00000") + ":** <#" + ticket.channelID + ">\n"); } } if (listItems.Count == 0) { await command.RespondAsync(new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Green, Description = "All tickets are valid!" }, true); return; } List embeds = new List(); foreach (string message in Utilities.ParseListIntoMessages(listItems)) { embeds.Add(new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Title = "Invalid tickets:", Color = DiscordColor.Red, Description = message }); } // Add the footers for (int i = 0; i < embeds.Count; i++) { embeds[i].Footer = new DiscordEmbedBuilder.EmbedFooter { Text = $"Page {i + 1} / {embeds.Count}" }; } List listPages = new List(); foreach (DiscordEmbedBuilder embed in embeds) { listPages.Add(new Page("", embed)); } await command.Interaction.SendPaginatedResponseAsync(true, command.User, listPages); } [RequireGuild] [Command("setticket")] [Description("Turns a channel into a ticket. WARNING: Anyone will be able to delete the channel using /close.")] public async Task SetTicket(SlashCommandContext command, [Parameter("user")][Description("(Optional) The owner of the ticket.")] DiscordUser user = null) { // Check if ticket exists in the database if (Database.IsOpenTicket(command.Channel.Id)) { await command.RespondAsync(new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Red, Description = "This channel is already a ticket." }, true); return; } DiscordUser ticketUser = (user == null ? command.User : user); long id = Database.NewTicket(ticketUser.Id, 0, command.Channel.Id); string ticketID = id.ToString("00000"); await command.RespondAsync(new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Green, Description = "Channel has been designated ticket " + ticketID + "." }); try { // Log it if the log channel exists DiscordChannel logChannel = await SupportChild.client.GetChannelAsync(Config.logChannel); await logChannel.SendMessageAsync(new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Green, Description = command.Channel.Mention + " has been designated ticket " + ticketID + " by " + command.Member.Mention + "." }); } catch (NotFoundException) { Logger.Error("Could not find the log channel."); } } [RequireGuild] [Command("unsetticket")] [Description("Deletes a ticket from the ticket system without deleting the channel.")] public async Task UnsetTicket(SlashCommandContext command, [Parameter("ticket-id")][Description("(Optional) Ticket to unset. Uses the channel you are in by default.")] long ticketID = 0) { Database.Ticket ticket; if (ticketID == 0) { // Check if ticket exists in the database if (!Database.TryGetOpenTicket(command.Channel.Id, out ticket)) { await command.RespondAsync(new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Red, Description = "This channel is not a ticket!" }, true); return; } } else { // Check if ticket exists in the database if (!Database.TryGetOpenTicketByID((uint)ticketID, out ticket)) { await command.RespondAsync(new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Red, Description = "There is no ticket with this ticket ID." }, true); return; } } if (Database.DeleteOpenTicket( { await command.RespondAsync(new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Green, Description = "Channel has been undesignated as a ticket." }); try { // Log it if the log channel exists DiscordChannel logChannel = await SupportChild.client.GetChannelAsync(Config.logChannel); await logChannel.SendMessageAsync(new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Green, Description = command.Channel.Mention + " has been undesignated as a ticket by " + command.Member.Mention + "." }); } catch (NotFoundException) { Logger.Error("Could not find the log channel."); } } else { await command.RespondAsync(new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Red, Description = "Error: Failed removing ticket from database." }, true); } } [Command("reload")] [Description("Reloads the bot config.")] public async Task Reload(SlashCommandContext command) { await command.RespondAsync(new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Green, Description = "Reloading bot application..." }); Logger.Log("Reloading bot..."); SupportChild.Reload(); } }