using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; using DSharpPlus.Commands.Processors.SlashCommands; using DSharpPlus.Entities; namespace SupportChild.Interviews; public static class Interviewer { public static async void StartInterview(DiscordChannel channel) { if (channel.Parent == null) { return; } if (!Database.TryGetInterviewTemplate(channel.Parent.Id, out InterviewQuestion template)) { return; } await CreateQuestion(channel, template); Database.SaveInterview(channel.Id, template); } public static async Task RestartInterview(SlashCommandContext command) { if (Database.TryGetInterview(command.Channel.Id, out InterviewQuestion interviewRoot)) { if (Config.deleteMessagesAfterNoSummary) { await DeletePreviousMessages(interviewRoot, command.Channel); } if (!Database.TryDeleteInterview(command.Channel.Id)) { Logger.Error("Could not delete interview from database. Channel ID: " + command.Channel.Id); } } StartInterview(command.Channel); } public static async Task ProcessButtonOrSelectorResponse(DiscordInteraction interaction) { if (interaction?.Channel == null || interaction?.Message == null) { return; } // Ignore if option was deselected. if (interaction.Data.ComponentType is not DiscordComponentType.Button && interaction.Data.Values.Length == 0) { await interaction.CreateResponseAsync(DiscordInteractionResponseType.UpdateMessage); return; } // Return if there is no active interview in this channel if (!Database.TryGetInterview(interaction.Channel.Id, out InterviewQuestion interviewRoot)) { await interaction.CreateResponseAsync(DiscordInteractionResponseType.ChannelMessageWithSource, new DiscordInteractionResponseBuilder() .AddEmbed(new DiscordEmbedBuilder() .WithColor(DiscordColor.Red) .WithDescription("Error: There is no active interview in this ticket, ask an admin to check the bot logs if this seems incorrect.")) .AsEphemeral()); return; } // Return if the current question cannot be found in the interview. if (!interviewRoot.TryGetCurrentQuestion(out InterviewQuestion currentQuestion)) { await interaction.CreateResponseAsync(DiscordInteractionResponseType.ChannelMessageWithSource, new DiscordInteractionResponseBuilder() .AddEmbed(new DiscordEmbedBuilder() .WithColor(DiscordColor.Red) .WithDescription("Error: Something seems to have broken in this interview, you may want to restart it.")) .AsEphemeral()); Logger.Error("The interview for channel " + interaction.Channel.Id + " exists but does not have a message ID set for it's root question"); return; } // Check if this button/selector is for an older question. if (interaction.Message.Id != currentQuestion.messageID) { await interaction.CreateResponseAsync(DiscordInteractionResponseType.ChannelMessageWithSource, new DiscordInteractionResponseBuilder() .AddEmbed(new DiscordEmbedBuilder() .WithColor(DiscordColor.Red) .WithDescription("Error: You have already replied to this question, you have to reply to the latest one.")) .AsEphemeral()); return; } try { await interaction.CreateResponseAsync(DiscordInteractionResponseType.UpdateMessage); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error("Could not update original message:", e); } // Parse the response index from the button/selector. string componentID = ""; string answer = ""; switch (interaction.Data.ComponentType) { case DiscordComponentType.UserSelect: case DiscordComponentType.RoleSelect: case DiscordComponentType.ChannelSelect: case DiscordComponentType.MentionableSelect: if (interaction.Data.Resolved?.Roles?.Any() ?? false) { answer = interaction.Data.Resolved.Roles.First().Value.Mention; } else if (interaction.Data.Resolved?.Users?.Any() ?? false) { answer = interaction.Data.Resolved.Users.First().Value.Mention; } else if (interaction.Data.Resolved?.Channels?.Any() ?? false) { answer = interaction.Data.Resolved.Channels.First().Value.Mention; } else if (interaction.Data.Resolved?.Messages?.Any() ?? false) { answer = interaction.Data.Resolved.Messages.First().Value.Id.ToString(); } break; case DiscordComponentType.StringSelect: componentID = interaction.Data.Values[0]; break; case DiscordComponentType.Button: componentID = interaction.Data.CustomId.Replace("supportchild_interviewbutton ", ""); break; case DiscordComponentType.ActionRow: case DiscordComponentType.FormInput: default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Tried to process an invalid component type: " + interaction.Data.ComponentType); } // The different mentionable selectors provide the actual answer, while the others just return the ID. if (componentID == "") { foreach (KeyValuePair path in currentQuestion.paths) { // Skip to the first matching path. if (Regex.IsMatch(answer, path.Key)) { await HandleAnswer(answer, path.Value, interviewRoot, currentQuestion, interaction.Channel); return; } } Logger.Error("The interview for channel " + interaction.Channel.Id + " reached a question of type " + currentQuestion.type + " which has no valid next question. Their selection was:\n" + answer); DiscordMessage followupMessage = await interaction.CreateFollowupMessageAsync(new DiscordFollowupMessageBuilder().AddEmbed(new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Color = DiscordColor.Red, Description = "Error: Could not determine the next question based on your answer. Check your response and ask an admin to check the bot logs if this seems incorrect." }).AsEphemeral()); currentQuestion.AddRelatedMessageIDs(followupMessage.Id); Database.SaveInterview(interaction.Channel.Id, interviewRoot); } else { if (!int.TryParse(componentID, out int pathIndex)) { Logger.Error("Invalid interview button/selector index: " + componentID); return; } if (pathIndex >= currentQuestion.paths.Count || pathIndex < 0) { Logger.Error("Invalid interview button/selector index: " + pathIndex); return; } (string questionString, InterviewQuestion nextQuestion) = currentQuestion.paths.ElementAt(pathIndex); await HandleAnswer(questionString, nextQuestion, interviewRoot, currentQuestion, interaction.Channel); } } public static async Task ProcessResponseMessage(DiscordMessage answerMessage) { // Either the message or the referenced message is null. if (answerMessage.Channel == null || answerMessage.ReferencedMessage?.Channel == null) { return; } // The channel does not have an active interview. if (!Database.TryGetInterview(answerMessage.ReferencedMessage.Channel.Id, out InterviewQuestion interviewRoot)) { return; } if (!interviewRoot.TryGetCurrentQuestion(out InterviewQuestion currentQuestion)) { return; } // The user responded to something other than the latest interview question. if (answerMessage.ReferencedMessage.Id != currentQuestion.messageID) { return; } // The user responded to a question which does not take a text response. if (currentQuestion.type != QuestionType.TEXT_INPUT) { return; } // The length requirement is less than 1024 characters, and must be less than the configurable limit if it is set. int maxLength = Math.Min(currentQuestion.maxLength ?? 1024, 1024); if (answerMessage.Content.Length > maxLength) { DiscordMessage lengthMessage = await answerMessage.RespondAsync(new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Description = "Error: Your answer cannot be more than " + maxLength + " characters (" + answerMessage.Content.Length + "/" + maxLength + ").", Color = DiscordColor.Red }); currentQuestion.AddRelatedMessageIDs(answerMessage.Id, lengthMessage.Id); Database.SaveInterview(answerMessage.Channel.Id, interviewRoot); return; } if (answerMessage.Content.Length < (currentQuestion.minLength ?? 0)) { DiscordMessage lengthMessage = await answerMessage.RespondAsync(new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Description = "Error: Your answer must be at least " + currentQuestion.minLength + " characters (" + answerMessage.Content.Length + "/" + currentQuestion.minLength + ").", Color = DiscordColor.Red }); currentQuestion.AddRelatedMessageIDs(answerMessage.Id, lengthMessage.Id); Database.SaveInterview(answerMessage.Channel.Id, interviewRoot); return; } foreach ((string questionString, InterviewQuestion nextQuestion) in currentQuestion.paths) { // Skip to the first matching path. if (!Regex.IsMatch(answerMessage.Content, questionString)) { continue; } await HandleAnswer(answerMessage.Content, nextQuestion, interviewRoot, currentQuestion, answerMessage.Channel, answerMessage); return; } Logger.Error("The interview for channel " + answerMessage.Channel.Id + " reached a question of type " + currentQuestion.type + " which has no valid next question. Their message was:\n" + answerMessage.Content); DiscordMessage errorMessage = await answerMessage.RespondAsync(new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Description = "Error: Could not determine the next question based on your answer. Check your response and ask an admin to check the bot logs if this seems incorrect.", Color = DiscordColor.Red }); currentQuestion.AddRelatedMessageIDs(answerMessage.Id, errorMessage.Id); Database.SaveInterview(answerMessage.Channel.Id, interviewRoot); } private static async Task HandleAnswer(string answer, InterviewQuestion nextQuestion, InterviewQuestion interviewRoot, InterviewQuestion previousQuestion, DiscordChannel channel, DiscordMessage answerMessage = null) { // The error message type should not alter anything about the interview. if (nextQuestion.type != QuestionType.ERROR) { previousQuestion.answer = answer; // There is no message ID if the question is not a text input. previousQuestion.answerID = answerMessage == null ? 0 : answerMessage.Id; } // Create next question, or finish the interview. switch (nextQuestion.type) { case QuestionType.TEXT_INPUT: case QuestionType.BUTTONS: case QuestionType.TEXT_SELECTOR: case QuestionType.ROLE_SELECTOR: case QuestionType.USER_SELECTOR: case QuestionType.CHANNEL_SELECTOR: case QuestionType.MENTIONABLE_SELECTOR: await CreateQuestion(channel, nextQuestion); Database.SaveInterview(channel.Id, interviewRoot); break; case QuestionType.END_WITH_SUMMARY: OrderedDictionary summaryFields = new OrderedDictionary(); interviewRoot.GetSummary(ref summaryFields); DiscordEmbedBuilder embed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder() { Color = Utilities.StringToColor(nextQuestion.color), Title = nextQuestion.title, Description = nextQuestion.message, }; foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in summaryFields) { embed.AddField((string)entry.Key, (string)entry.Value); } await channel.SendMessageAsync(embed); if (Config.deleteMessagesAfterSummary) { await DeletePreviousMessages(interviewRoot, channel); } if (!Database.TryDeleteInterview(channel.Id)) { Logger.Error("Could not delete interview from database. Channel ID: " + channel.Id); } return; case QuestionType.END_WITHOUT_SUMMARY: await channel.SendMessageAsync(new DiscordEmbedBuilder() { Color = Utilities.StringToColor(nextQuestion.color), Title = nextQuestion.title, Description = nextQuestion.message }); if (Config.deleteMessagesAfterNoSummary) { await DeletePreviousMessages(interviewRoot, channel); } if (!Database.TryDeleteInterview(channel.Id)) { Logger.Error("Could not delete interview from database. Channel ID: " + channel.Id); } break; case QuestionType.ERROR: default: if (answerMessage == null) { DiscordMessage errorMessage = await channel.SendMessageAsync(new DiscordEmbedBuilder() { Color = Utilities.StringToColor(nextQuestion.color), Title = nextQuestion.title, Description = nextQuestion.message }); previousQuestion.AddRelatedMessageIDs(errorMessage.Id); } else { DiscordMessageBuilder errorMessageBuilder = new DiscordMessageBuilder() .AddEmbed(new DiscordEmbedBuilder() { Color = Utilities.StringToColor(nextQuestion.color), Title = nextQuestion.title, Description = nextQuestion.message }).WithReply(answerMessage.Id); DiscordMessage errorMessage = await answerMessage.RespondAsync(errorMessageBuilder); previousQuestion.AddRelatedMessageIDs(errorMessage.Id, answerMessage.Id); } Database.SaveInterview(channel.Id, interviewRoot); break; } } private static async Task DeletePreviousMessages(InterviewQuestion interviewRoot, DiscordChannel channel) { List previousMessages = []; interviewRoot.GetMessageIDs(ref previousMessages); foreach (ulong previousMessageID in previousMessages) { try { DiscordMessage previousMessage = await channel.GetMessageAsync(previousMessageID); await channel.DeleteMessageAsync(previousMessage, "Deleting old interview message."); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Warn("Failed to delete old interview message: ", e); } } } private static async Task CreateQuestion(DiscordChannel channel, InterviewQuestion question) { DiscordMessageBuilder msgBuilder = new(); DiscordEmbedBuilder embed = new() { Color = Utilities.StringToColor(question.color), Title = question.title, Description = question.message }; switch (question.type) { case QuestionType.BUTTONS: int nrOfButtons = 0; for (int nrOfButtonRows = 0; nrOfButtonRows < 5 && nrOfButtons < question.paths.Count; nrOfButtonRows++) { List buttonRow = []; for (; nrOfButtons < 5 * (nrOfButtonRows + 1) && nrOfButtons < question.paths.Count; nrOfButtons++) { (string questionString, InterviewQuestion nextQuestion) = question.paths.ToArray()[nrOfButtons]; buttonRow.Add(new DiscordButtonComponent(nextQuestion.GetButtonStyle(), "supportchild_interviewbutton " + nrOfButtons, questionString)); } msgBuilder.AddComponents(buttonRow); } break; case QuestionType.TEXT_SELECTOR: List selectionComponents = []; int selectionOptions = 0; for (int selectionBoxes = 0; selectionBoxes < 5 && selectionOptions < question.paths.Count; selectionBoxes++) { List categoryOptions = []; for (; selectionOptions < 25 * (selectionBoxes + 1) && selectionOptions < question.paths.Count; selectionOptions++) { (string questionString, InterviewQuestion nextQuestion) = question.paths.ToArray()[selectionOptions]; categoryOptions.Add(new DiscordSelectComponentOption(questionString, selectionOptions.ToString(), nextQuestion.selectorDescription)); } selectionComponents.Add(new DiscordSelectComponent("supportchild_interviewselector " + selectionBoxes, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(question.selectorPlaceholder) ? "Select an option..." : question.selectorPlaceholder, categoryOptions)); } msgBuilder.AddComponents(selectionComponents); break; case QuestionType.ROLE_SELECTOR: msgBuilder.AddComponents(new DiscordRoleSelectComponent("supportchild_interviewroleselector", string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(question.selectorPlaceholder) ? "Select a role..." : question.selectorPlaceholder)); break; case QuestionType.USER_SELECTOR: msgBuilder.AddComponents(new DiscordUserSelectComponent("supportchild_interviewuserselector", string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(question.selectorPlaceholder) ? "Select a user..." : question.selectorPlaceholder)); break; case QuestionType.CHANNEL_SELECTOR: msgBuilder.AddComponents(new DiscordChannelSelectComponent("supportchild_interviewchannelselector", string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(question.selectorPlaceholder) ? "Select a channel..." : question.selectorPlaceholder)); break; case QuestionType.MENTIONABLE_SELECTOR: msgBuilder.AddComponents(new DiscordMentionableSelectComponent("supportchild_interviewmentionableselector", string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(question.selectorPlaceholder) ? "Select a user or role..." : question.selectorPlaceholder)); break; case QuestionType.TEXT_INPUT: embed.WithFooter("Reply to this message with your answer. You cannot include images or files."); break; case QuestionType.END_WITH_SUMMARY: case QuestionType.END_WITHOUT_SUMMARY: case QuestionType.ERROR: default: break; } msgBuilder.AddEmbed(embed); DiscordMessage message = await channel.SendMessageAsync(msgBuilder); question.messageID = message.Id; } }