2023-07-11 16:35:28 +12:00
#nullable enable
using System;
using System.Buffers;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Ayu.Discord.Voice
public sealed class PoopyBufferImmortalized : ISongBuffer
private readonly byte[] _buffer;
private readonly byte[] _outputArray;
private CancellationToken _cancellationToken;
private bool _isStopped;
public int ReadPosition { get; private set; }
public int WritePosition { get; private set; }
public int ContentLength => WritePosition >= ReadPosition
? WritePosition - ReadPosition
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: (_buffer.Length - ReadPosition) + WritePosition;
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public int FreeSpace => _buffer.Length - ContentLength;
public bool Stopped => _cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested || _isStopped;
public PoopyBufferImmortalized(int frameSize)
_buffer = ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Rent(1_000_000);
_outputArray = new byte[frameSize];
ReadPosition = 0;
WritePosition = 0;
public void Stop()
=> _isStopped = true;
// this method needs a rewrite
public Task<bool> BufferAsync(ITrackDataSource source, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
_cancellationToken = cancellationToken;
var bufferingCompleted = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously);
Task.Run(async () =>
var output = ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Rent(38400);
int read;
while (!Stopped && (read = source.Read(output)) > 0)
while (!Stopped && FreeSpace <= read)
await Task.Delay(100, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (Stopped)
Write(output, read);
}, cancellationToken);
return bufferingCompleted.Task;
private void Write(byte[] input, int writeCount)
if (WritePosition + writeCount < _buffer.Length)
Buffer.BlockCopy(input, 0, _buffer, WritePosition, writeCount);
WritePosition += writeCount;
var wroteNormally = _buffer.Length - WritePosition;
Buffer.BlockCopy(input, 0, _buffer, WritePosition, wroteNormally);
var wroteFromStart = writeCount - wroteNormally;
Buffer.BlockCopy(input, wroteNormally, _buffer, 0, wroteFromStart);
WritePosition = wroteFromStart;
public Span<byte> Read(int count, out int length)
var toRead = Math.Min(ContentLength, count);
var wp = WritePosition;
if (ContentLength == 0)
length = 0;
return Span<byte>.Empty;
if (wp > ReadPosition || ReadPosition + toRead <= _buffer.Length)
// thsi can be achieved without copying if
// writer never writes until the end,
// but leaves a single chunk free
Span<byte> toReturn = _outputArray;
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((Span<byte>) _buffer).Slice(ReadPosition, toRead).CopyTo(toReturn);
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ReadPosition += toRead;
length = toRead;
return toReturn;
Span<byte> toReturn = _outputArray;
var toEnd = _buffer.Length - ReadPosition;
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var bufferSpan = (Span<byte>) _buffer;
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bufferSpan.Slice(ReadPosition, toEnd).CopyTo(toReturn);
var fromStart = toRead - toEnd;
bufferSpan.Slice(0, fromStart).CopyTo(toReturn.Slice(toEnd));
ReadPosition = fromStart;
length = toEnd + fromStart;
return toReturn;
public void Dispose()
=> ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Return(_buffer);
public void Reset()
ReadPosition = 0;
WritePosition = 0;