forked from EllieBotDevs/elliebot
Updated Gambling module
I really need to rename this module.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 239 additions and 133 deletions
@ -74,6 +74,27 @@ public partial class Gambling
public async Task BankBalance([Leftover] IUser user)
var bal = await _bank.GetBalanceAsync(user.Id);
var eb = _sender.CreateEmbed()
.WithDescription(GetText(strs.bank_balance_other(user.ToString(), N(bal))));
await Response().User(ctx.User).Embed(eb).SendAsync();
await ctx.OkAsync();
await Response().Error(strs.cant_dm).SendAsync();
private async Task BankTakeInternalAsync(long amount, ulong userId)
if (await _bank.TakeAsync(userId, amount))
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ using EllieBot.Modules.Gambling.Common;
using EllieBot.Modules.Gambling.Common.Waifu;
using EllieBot.Modules.Gambling.Services;
using EllieBot.Db.Models;
using TwitchLib.Api.Helix.Models.Teams;
namespace EllieBot.Modules.Gambling;
@ -21,8 +22,8 @@ public partial class Gambling
var price = _service.GetResetPrice(ctx.User);
var embed = _sender.CreateEmbed()
if (!await PromptUserConfirmAsync(embed))
@ -307,24 +308,26 @@ public partial class Gambling
fansStr = "-";
var embed = _sender.CreateEmbed()
+ " "
+ (wi.FullName ?? name ?? targetId.ToString())
+ " - \"the "
+ _service.GetClaimTitle(wi.ClaimCount)
+ "\"")
.AddField(GetText(strs.price), N(wi.Price), true)
.AddField(GetText(strs.claimed_by), wi.ClaimerName ?? nobody, true)
.AddField(GetText(strs.likes), wi.AffinityName ?? nobody, true)
.AddField(GetText(strs.changes_of_heart), $"{wi.AffinityCount} - \"the {affInfo}\"", true)
.AddField(GetText(strs.divorces), wi.DivorceCount.ToString(), true)
.AddField("\u200B", "\u200B", true)
.AddField(GetText(, fansStr, true)
.AddField($"Waifus ({wi.ClaimCount})",
wi.ClaimCount == 0 ? nobody : claimsStr,
.AddField(GetText(, itemsStr, true);
+ " "
+ (wi.FullName ?? name ?? targetId.ToString())
+ " - \"the "
+ _service.GetClaimTitle(wi.ClaimCount)
+ "\"")
.AddField(GetText(strs.price), N(wi.Price), true)
.AddField(GetText(strs.claimed_by), wi.ClaimerName ?? nobody, true)
.AddField(GetText(strs.likes), wi.AffinityName ?? nobody, true)
$"{wi.AffinityCount} - \"the {affInfo}\"",
.AddField(GetText(strs.divorces), wi.DivorceCount.ToString(), true)
.AddField("\u200B", "\u200B", true)
.AddField(GetText(, fansStr, true)
.AddField($"Waifus ({wi.ClaimCount})",
wi.ClaimCount == 0 ? nobody : claimsStr,
.AddField(GetText(, itemsStr, true);
await Response().Embed(embed).SendAsync();
@ -348,7 +351,7 @@ public partial class Gambling
.Page((items, _) =>
var embed = _sender.CreateEmbed().WithTitle(GetText(strs.waifu_gift_shop)).WithOkColor();
.ForEach(x => embed.AddField(
@ -364,30 +367,27 @@ public partial class Gambling
public async Task WaifuGift(string itemName, [Leftover] IUser waifu)
public async Task WaifuGift(MultipleWaifuItems items, [Leftover] IUser waifu)
if (waifu.Id == ctx.User.Id)
var allItems = _service.GetWaifuItems();
var item = allItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == itemName.ToLowerInvariant());
if (item is null)
await Response().Error(strs.waifu_gift_not_exist).SendAsync();
var sucess = await _service.GiftWaifuAsync(ctx.User, waifu, item);
var sucess = await _service.GiftWaifuAsync(ctx.User, waifu, items.Item, items.Count);
if (sucess)
await Response()
.Confirm(strs.waifu_gift(Format.Bold(item + " " + item.ItemEmoji),
.Confirm(strs.waifu_gift(Format.Bold($"{GetCountString(items)}{items.Item} {items.Item.ItemEmoji}"),
await Response().Error(strs.not_enough(CurrencySign)).SendAsync();
private static string GetCountString(MultipleWaifuItems items)
=> items.Count > 1
? $"{items.Count}x "
: string.Empty;
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ using EllieBot.Db;
using EllieBot.Db.Models;
using EllieBot.Modules.Gambling.Common;
using EllieBot.Modules.Gambling.Common.Waifu;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp;
namespace EllieBot.Modules.Gambling.Services;
@ -89,9 +90,14 @@ public class WaifuService : IEService, IReadyExecutor
if (waifu is null)
return settings.Waifu.MinPrice;
var divorces = uow.Set<WaifuUpdate>().Count(x
=> x.Old != null && x.Old.UserId == user.Id && x.UpdateType == WaifuUpdateType.Claimed && x.New == null);
var affs = uow.Set<WaifuUpdate>().AsQueryable()
var divorces = uow.Set<WaifuUpdate>()
=> x.Old != null
&& x.Old.UserId == user.Id
&& x.UpdateType == WaifuUpdateType.Claimed
&& x.New == null);
var affs = uow.Set<WaifuUpdate>()
.Where(w => w.User.UserId == user.Id
&& w.UpdateType == WaifuUpdateType.AffinityChanged
&& w.New != null)
@ -110,12 +116,14 @@ public class WaifuService : IEService, IReadyExecutor
if (!await _cs.RemoveAsync(user.Id, price, new("waifu", "reset")))
return false;
var affs = uow.Set<WaifuUpdate>().AsQueryable()
var affs = uow.Set<WaifuUpdate>()
.Where(w => w.User.UserId == user.Id
&& w.UpdateType == WaifuUpdateType.AffinityChanged
&& w.New != null);
var divorces = uow.Set<WaifuUpdate>().AsQueryable()
var divorces = uow.Set<WaifuUpdate>()
.Where(x => x.Old != null
&& x.Old.UserId == user.Id
&& x.UpdateType == WaifuUpdateType.Claimed
@ -158,20 +166,22 @@ public class WaifuService : IEService, IReadyExecutor
result = WaifuClaimResult.NotEnoughFunds;
uow.Set<WaifuInfo>().Add(w = new()
Waifu = waifu,
Claimer = claimer,
Affinity = null,
Price = amount
User = waifu,
Old = null,
New = claimer,
UpdateType = WaifuUpdateType.Claimed
.Add(w = new()
Waifu = waifu,
Claimer = claimer,
Affinity = null,
Price = amount
User = waifu,
Old = null,
New = claimer,
UpdateType = WaifuUpdateType.Claimed
result = WaifuClaimResult.Success;
@ -186,13 +196,14 @@ public class WaifuService : IEService, IReadyExecutor
w.Price = amount + (amount / 4);
result = WaifuClaimResult.Success;
User = w.Waifu,
Old = oldClaimer,
New = w.Claimer,
UpdateType = WaifuUpdateType.Claimed
User = w.Waifu,
Old = oldClaimer,
New = w.Claimer,
UpdateType = WaifuUpdateType.Claimed
else if (amount >= w.Price * settings.Waifu.Multipliers.NormalClaim) // if no affinity
@ -206,13 +217,14 @@ public class WaifuService : IEService, IReadyExecutor
w.Price = amount;
result = WaifuClaimResult.Success;
User = w.Waifu,
Old = oldClaimer,
New = w.Claimer,
UpdateType = WaifuUpdateType.Claimed
User = w.Waifu,
Old = oldClaimer,
New = w.Claimer,
UpdateType = WaifuUpdateType.Claimed
@ -241,29 +253,31 @@ public class WaifuService : IEService, IReadyExecutor
remaining = await _cache.GetRatelimitAsync(GetAffinityKey(user.Id),
if (remaining is not null)
else if (w is null)
var thisUser = uow.GetOrCreateUser(user);
Affinity = newAff,
Waifu = thisUser,
Price = 1,
Claimer = null
Affinity = newAff,
Waifu = thisUser,
Price = 1,
Claimer = null
success = true;
User = thisUser,
Old = null,
New = newAff,
UpdateType = WaifuUpdateType.AffinityChanged
User = thisUser,
Old = null,
New = newAff,
UpdateType = WaifuUpdateType.AffinityChanged
@ -272,13 +286,14 @@ public class WaifuService : IEService, IReadyExecutor
w.Affinity = newAff;
success = true;
User = w.Waifu,
Old = oldAff,
New = newAff,
UpdateType = WaifuUpdateType.AffinityChanged
User = w.Waifu,
Old = oldAff,
New = newAff,
UpdateType = WaifuUpdateType.AffinityChanged
await uow.SaveChangesAsync();
@ -301,10 +316,10 @@ public class WaifuService : IEService, IReadyExecutor
private static TypedKey<long> GetDivorceKey(ulong userId)
=> new($"waifu:divorce_cd:{userId}");
private static TypedKey<long> GetAffinityKey(ulong userId)
=> new($"waifu:affinity:{userId}");
public async Task<(WaifuInfo, DivorceResult, long, TimeSpan?)> DivorceWaifuAsync(IUser user, ulong targetId)
DivorceResult result;
@ -343,13 +358,14 @@ public class WaifuService : IEService, IReadyExecutor
var oldClaimer = w.Claimer;
w.Claimer = null;
User = w.Waifu,
Old = oldClaimer,
New = null,
UpdateType = WaifuUpdateType.Claimed
User = w.Waifu,
Old = oldClaimer,
New = null,
UpdateType = WaifuUpdateType.Claimed
await uow.SaveChangesAsync();
@ -358,40 +374,54 @@ public class WaifuService : IEService, IReadyExecutor
return (w, result, amount, remaining);
public async Task<bool> GiftWaifuAsync(IUser from, IUser giftedWaifu, WaifuItemModel itemObj)
public async Task<bool> GiftWaifuAsync(
IUser from,
IUser giftedWaifu,
WaifuItemModel itemObj,
int count)
if (!await _cs.RemoveAsync(from, itemObj.Price, new("waifu", "item")))
ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfLessThan(count, 1, nameof(count));
if (!await _cs.RemoveAsync(from, itemObj.Price * count, new("waifu", "item")))
return false;
var totalValue = itemObj.Price * count;
await using var uow = _db.GetDbContext();
var w = uow.Set<WaifuInfo>().ByWaifuUserId(giftedWaifu.Id, set => set.Include(x => x.Items).Include(x => x.Claimer));
var w = uow.Set<WaifuInfo>()
set => set
.Include(x => x.Items)
.Include(x => x.Claimer));
if (w is null)
uow.Set<WaifuInfo>().Add(w = new()
Affinity = null,
Claimer = null,
Price = 1,
Waifu = uow.GetOrCreateUser(giftedWaifu)
.Add(w = new()
Affinity = null,
Claimer = null,
Price = 1,
Waifu = uow.GetOrCreateUser(giftedWaifu)
if (!itemObj.Negative)
Name = itemObj.Name.ToLowerInvariant(),
ItemEmoji = itemObj.ItemEmoji
w.Items.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(0, count)
.Select((_) => new WaifuItem()
Name = itemObj.Name.ToLowerInvariant(),
ItemEmoji = itemObj.ItemEmoji
if (w.Claimer?.UserId == from.Id)
w.Price += (long)(itemObj.Price * _gss.Data.Waifu.Multipliers.GiftEffect);
w.Price += (long)(totalValue * _gss.Data.Waifu.Multipliers.GiftEffect);
w.Price += itemObj.Price / 2;
w.Price += totalValue / 2;
w.Price -= (long)(itemObj.Price * _gss.Data.Waifu.Multipliers.NegativeGiftEffect);
w.Price -= (long)(totalValue * _gss.Data.Waifu.Multipliers.NegativeGiftEffect);
if (w.Price < 1)
w.Price = 1;
@ -492,6 +522,7 @@ public class WaifuService : IEService, IReadyExecutor
private static readonly TypedKey<long> _waifuDecayKey = $"waifu:last_decay";
public async Task OnReadyAsync()
// only decay waifu values from shard 0
@ -513,7 +544,7 @@ public class WaifuService : IEService, IReadyExecutor
var nowB = now.ToBinary();
var result = await _cache.GetAsync(_waifuDecayKey);
if (result.TryGetValue(out var val))
var lastDecay = DateTime.FromBinary(val);
@ -533,7 +564,6 @@ public class WaifuService : IEService, IReadyExecutor
Price = (long)(old.Price * multi)
catch (Exception ex)
@ -550,33 +580,35 @@ public class WaifuService : IEService, IReadyExecutor
await using var ctx = _db.GetDbContext();
return await ctx.GetTable<DiscordUser>()
.Where(x => ctx.GetTable<WaifuInfo>()
.Where(wi => wi.ClaimerId == waifuId)
.Select(wi => wi.WaifuId)
.Select(x => $"{x.Username}#{x.Discriminator}")
.Where(x => ctx.GetTable<WaifuInfo>()
.Where(wi => wi.ClaimerId == waifuId)
.Select(wi => wi.WaifuId)
.Select(x => $"{x.Username}#{x.Discriminator}")
public async Task<IReadOnlyCollection<string>> GetFansNames(int waifuId)
await using var ctx = _db.GetDbContext();
return await ctx.GetTable<DiscordUser>()
.Where(x => ctx.GetTable<WaifuInfo>()
.Where(wi => wi.AffinityId == waifuId)
.Select(wi => wi.WaifuId)
.Select(x => $"{x.Username}#{x.Discriminator}")
.Where(x => ctx.GetTable<WaifuInfo>()
.Where(wi => wi.AffinityId == waifuId)
.Select(wi => wi.WaifuId)
.Select(x => $"{x.Username}#{x.Discriminator}")
public async Task<IReadOnlyCollection<WaifuItem>> GetItems(int waifuId)
await using var ctx = _db.GetDbContext();
return await ctx.GetTable<WaifuItem>()
.Where(x => x.WaifuInfoId == ctx.GetTable<WaifuInfo>()
.Where(x => x.WaifuId == waifuId)
.Select(x => x.Id)
.Where(x => x.WaifuInfoId
== ctx.GetTable<WaifuInfo>()
.Where(x => x.WaifuId == waifuId)
.Select(x => x.Id)
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#nullable disable
using EllieBot.Modules.Gambling.Common;
namespace EllieBot.Modules.Gambling;
public record class MultipleWaifuItems(int Count, WaifuItemModel Item);
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
#nullable disable
using EllieBot.Common.TypeReaders;
using EllieBot.Modules.Gambling.Services;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace EllieBot.Modules.Gambling;
public partial class MultipleWaifuItemsTypeReader : EllieTypeReader<MultipleWaifuItems>
private readonly WaifuService _service;
private static partial Regex ItemRegex();
public MultipleWaifuItemsTypeReader(WaifuService service)
_service = service;
public override ValueTask<TypeReaderResult<MultipleWaifuItems>> ReadAsync(ICommandContext ctx, string input)
input = input.ToLowerInvariant();
var match = ItemRegex().Match(input);
if (!match.Success)
return new(Discord.Commands.TypeReaderResult.FromError(CommandError.ParseFailed, "Invalid input."));
var count = 1;
if (match.Groups["count"].Success)
if (!int.TryParse(match.Groups["count"].Value, out count) || count < 1)
return new(Discord.Commands.TypeReaderResult.FromError(CommandError.ParseFailed, "Invalid count."));
var itemName = match.Groups["item"].Value?.ToLowerInvariant();
var allItems = _service.GetWaifuItems();
var item = allItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == itemName);
if (item is null)
return new(Discord.Commands.TypeReaderResult.FromError(CommandError.ParseFailed, "Waifu gift does not exist."));
return new(Discord.Commands.TypeReaderResult.FromSuccess(new MultipleWaifuItems(count, item)));
Reference in a new issue