added ending date for givaway as a timestamp tag

fixed an issue with flag translates
This commit is contained in:
Toastie 2024-11-29 22:49:19 +13:00
parent 81064efb57
commit 9c58465959
Signed by: toastie_t0ast
GPG key ID: 27F3B6855AFD40A4
5 changed files with 946 additions and 2 deletions

View file

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ public sealed class GiveawayModel
public ulong MessageId { get; set; }
public ulong ChannelId { get; set; }
public string Message { get; set; }
public int Winners { get; set; }
public IList<GiveawayUser> Participants { get; set; } = new List<GiveawayUser>();
public DateTime EndsAt { get; set; }

View file

@ -122,13 +122,16 @@ public sealed partial class FlagTranslateService : IReadyExecutor, IEService
if (!_supportedFlags.TryGetValue(code, out var lang))
if (!_msgLangs.Add((reaction.MessageId, lang)))
if (_msgLangs.Contains((reaction.MessageId, lang)))
var result = await _cache.GetAsync(CdKey(reaction.UserId));
if (result.TryPickT0(out _, out _))
if (!_msgLangs.Add((reaction.MessageId, lang)))
await _cache.AddAsync(CdKey(reaction.UserId), true, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
var msg = await arg1.GetOrDownloadAsync();

View file

@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ public partial class Utility
.AddField(GetText(strs.lasts_until), TimestampTag.FromDateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Add(duration)), true)
// .AddField(GetText(strs.winners_count), "1", true)
.WithFooter($"id: {new kwum(id).ToString()}");
await startingMsg.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji(GiveawayService.GiveawayEmoji));

View file

@ -1135,5 +1135,7 @@
"no_last_queued_found": "No last queued track found.",
"wrongsong_success": "Oops! Wrong song removed: {0}",
"server_not_found": "Server not found.",
"server_color_set": "Successfully set a new server color."
"server_color_set": "Successfully set a new server color.",
"lasts_until": "Lasts Until",
"winners_count": "Winners"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,936 @@
"all_stats_cleared": "All expression stats rinsed away!",
"deleted": "Got rid of that Expression",
"insuff_perms": "You don\u0027t have the perms - you hafta own me for global expressions, and you need Administrator for server expressions!",
"list_all": "List of all dumb things you make me say",
"new_cust_react": "New Expression",
"no_found": "You haven\u0027t forced me to say any stupid stuff yet.",
"no_found_id": "I didn\u0027t find any reaction with that ID.",
"response": "Response",
"stats": "Expression Stats",
"stats_cleared": "Rinsed away stats for {0} expression.",
"stats_not_found": "You want me to get stats for one without them? Really?",
"autohentai_stopped": "About time, you perv.",
"aar_disabled": "I **won\u0027t auto assign roles** anymore when a user joins!",
"aar_enabled": "**Enabled auto assign role** when users join since you can\u0027t do it yourself. Lazy butt.",
"attachments": "Attachments",
"avatar_changed": "Pic changed",
"bandm": "You have been kicked out to space from {0},\nfor {1}",
"banned_pl": "bunned",
"banned_user": "User bunned",
"bot_name": "Ok, I lost a bet and now everyone can call me {0}",
"bot_status": "Playing {0} now.. just.. just not for you. Don\u0027t get any ideas! \u003E///\u003C",
"byedel_off": "Honestly, I wasn\u0027t gonna delete that many messages in a server that makes so many people wanna leave anyways...",
"byedel_on": "I\u0027ll get rid of bye messages after {0} seconds.",
"byemsg_cur": "Current departure message: {0}",
"byemsg_enable": "Now ya gotta turn on byemessages by typing {0}!",
"byemsg_new": "Changed the byemessage!",
"bye_off": "No more byemessages.",
"bye_on": "Turning on byemessages for this channel~!",
"ch_name_change": "Channel\u0027s Name Changed",
"ch_old_name": "Last Name",
"ch_topic_change": "Channel Topic Changed",
"cleaned_up": "Cleaned that stuff up.",
"content": "Content",
"cr": "Made the role {0}... but don\u0027t get the wrong idea!",
"createtextchan": "Finished making text channel {0}.",
"createvoich": "Piled up voice channel {0} together!",
"deafen": "Literal earshot complete!",
"delmsg_off": "Finally quit cleaning up all that mess. Sheesh, really?",
"delmsg_on": "I\u0027ll delete all user commands that work out now. Hmph.",
"deltextchan": "{0} was the worst text channel anyway. Begone.",
"delvoich": "No one ever used {0} anyways.",
"dm_from": "Blackmail from",
"donadd": "A new donator? Well... thanks I guess. User\u0027s total donation: {0} \uD83D\uDC51",
"donators": "Thanks to these people for donating... It\u0027s not like I needed you to or anything!",
"fwall_start": "All my Masters will be receiving DMs now. \u003E///\u003C",
"fwall_stop": "Only my first Master deserves attention. \u003E///\u003C",
"fwdm_start": "Just because I\u0027m forwarding DMs now, doesn\u0027t mean I\u0027m giving you special attention!",
"fwdm_stop": "Good. I was getting tired of DMs anyways.",
"greetdel_off": "About time you stopped wasting my hard work. Baka.",
"greetdel_on": "Greet messages will be deleted after {0} seconds. What, my greetings weren\u0027t good enough for you?",
"greetdmmsg_cur": "Ugh, greeting people EVERY TIME with: {0}",
"greetdmmsg_enable": "Enable DM blackmail by typing {0}",
"greetdmmsg_new": "New on-join blackmail created.",
"greetdm_off": "I won\u0027t deliver on-join blackmail in DMs anymore.",
"greetdm_on": "I\u0027ll send your admission blackmail in DMs now!",
"greetmsg_cur": "Current tribute blackmail: {0}",
"greetmsg_enable": "Enable admission blackmail by typing {0}",
"greetmsg_new": "New admission blackmail set!",
"greet_off": "Admission blackmail\u0027s off.",
"greet_on": "I\u0027ll send greetmessages in this channel from now on!",
"hierarchy": "Can\u0027t use this one on people with a role higher or equal to yours in power, know your place you tiny little dummy!",
"invalid_format": "Follow the format next time!",
"invalid_params": "Not what you put there...",
"kickdm": "I threw you out of {0} server because {1}",
"kicked_user": "Thrown out",
"lang_list": "List of Languages",
"lang_set": "Changed your server\u0027s locale to {0} - {1}",
"lang_set_bot": "Bot\u0027s default locale is now {0} - {1}",
"lang_set_bot_show": "For now, this is my attitude. {0} - {1}",
"lang_set_fail": "Wroooong! Check the help for this one again.",
"lang_set_show": "My attitude right now is {0} - {1}",
"left": "{0} checked out of {1}",
"log": "Tracking {0} here... why can\u0027t you do it yourself, lazyhead?",
"log_all": "Logging EVERY SINGLE event here... How controlling are you, seriously...",
"log_disabled": "Tracking disabled.",
"log_events": "I can track these. For the server. Not you.",
"log_ignore": "I won\u0027t care about {0} in logs.",
"log_not_ignore": "Won\u0027t ignore {0} in logs anymore.",
"log_stop": "Quit logging {0}, finally...",
"menrole": "{0} is annoying people with these roles",
"message_from_bo": "Useless junk from {0} \u0060[Master]\u0060:",
"message_sent": "Threw the message to em!",
"moved": "{0} sneaked from {1} to {2}",
"msg_del": "Message Shot Out in #{0}",
"msg_update": "Message Sneakily Changed in #{0}",
"muted_pl": "Shutted them up.",
"muted_sn": "Shutted them up.",
"mute_error": "Uhh, I probably don\u0027t have the perms for that, seriously?",
"mute_role_set": "New duct-tape role set.",
"need_admin": "Um. I need **Administration** for that one first, dumbhead...",
"new_msg": "New Message",
"new_nick": "New Nickname",
"new_topic": "New Topic",
"nick_change": "Nickname Changed",
"no_shard_id": "No shard with that ID found.",
"old_msg": "Old Message",
"old_nick": "Old Nickname",
"old_topic": "Old Topic",
"perms": "I can\u0027t do that. Why? I don\u0027t have the permissions!",
"prot_active": "Active Protections",
"prot_disable": "I disabled {0}. You can handle the pesks yourself.",
"prot_enable": "{0} enabled. Yet another thing I have to do for you.",
"prot_error": "Error. You didn\u0027t give me ManageRoles permission",
"prot_none": "You haven\u0027t asked me to enable protections.",
"raid_cnt": "User threshold must be between {0} and {1}.",
"raid_stats": "If {0} or more users join within {1} seconds, I will {2} them.",
"raid_time": "Time must be between {0} and {1} seconds.",
"rar": "{0} didn\u0027t need all those roles anyways. Hmmph.",
"rar_err": "I don\u0027t have the permissions to remove their roles.",
"rc": "Changed {0} role\u0027s colour. Jeez, you could\u0027ve done this yourself!",
"rc_perms": "This mistake came because either you aren\u0027t giving me a valid color or your Daddy forgot to give you permission to do this.",
"remrole": "Nope, {1} doesn\u0027t need {0}. Removed.",
"remrole_err": "I can\u0027t remove their role. Have you tried thinking for once and giving me the right permissions?",
"renrole": "Role renamed.",
"renrole_err": "Failed to rename role. Try giving me the correct permissions, hey?",
"renrole_perms": "You can\u0027t edit roles higher than your highest role.",
"reprm": "Removed the playing message: {0}",
"role_added": "Role {0} has been added to the neverending list in group {1}.",
"role_clean": "{0} doesn\u0027t exist. Cleaned up.",
"role_in_list": "Role {0} is already in the list.",
"ropl_added": "Added.",
"ropl_disabled": "Rotating playing status disabled. Finally, I can take a break.",
"ropl_enabled": "Rotating playing status enabled.",
"ropl_list": "Here is a list of rotating statuses:\n{0}",
"ropl_not_set": "No rotating playing statuses set.",
"self_assign_already": "You already have {0} role. Baka.",
"self_assign_already_excl": "You already have {0} exclusive self-assigned role.",
"self_assign_excl": "Self assigned roles are now exclusive!",
"self_assign_list": "There are {0} self assignable roles",
"self_assign_not": "You can\u0027t self-assign that!",
"self_assign_not_have": "You don\u0027t have {0} role.",
"self_assign_no_excl": "Self assigned roles are now not exclusive!",
"self_assign_perms": "I am unable to add that role to you. I can\u0027t add roles to owners or other roles higher than my role in the role hierarchy.",
"self_assign_rem": "Meaningless title {0} has been removed from the list of self-assignable roles.",
"self_assign_remove": "You no longer have {0} role.",
"self_assign_success": "You now have {0} role.",
"setrole": "Sucessfully added role {0} to user {1}",
"setrole_err": "I\u0027m not allowed to add roles to people. TwT\u0027",
"set_avatar": "New avatar set!",
"set_channel_name": "New channel name set.",
"set_game": "New game set!",
"set_stream": "New stream set!",
"set_topic": "New channel topic set.",
"shard_reconnected": "Shard {0} reconnected.",
"shard_reconnecting": "Shard {0} reconnecting.",
"shutting_down": "Oh. Bye, I guess.",
"slowmode_desc": "Users can\u0027t send more than {0} messages every {1} seconds.",
"slowmode_disabled": "Slow mode disabled.",
"slowmode_init": "Slow mode initiated",
"soft_banned_pl": "soft-bunned (kicked)",
"spam_ignore": "{0} will ignore this channel.",
"spam_not_ignore": "{0} will no longer ignore this channel.",
"spam_stats": "If a user posts {0} same messages in a row, I will {1} them.\n __IgnoredChannels__: {2}",
"text_chan_created": "Text channel created.",
"text_chan_destroyed": "Text channel destroyed. Not like anyone used it anyway.",
"undeafen": "I fixed their earsssss",
"unmuted_sn": "Unmuted",
"username": "Username",
"username_changed": "Username Changed",
"user_banned": "User Banned",
"user_chat_mute": "{0}, ever heard of knowing when to shut your mouth? Or fingers?",
"user_chat_unmute": "**Unmuted** {0} from chatting.",
"user_joined": "User joined",
"user_left": "User left",
"user_role_add": "User\u0027s role added",
"user_role_rem": "User\u0027s role removed",
"user_status_change": "{0} is now {1}",
"user_unmuted": "{0}, you can talk now...",
"user_vjoined": "{0} entered {1} voice channel.",
"user_vleft": "{0} left {1} voice channel.",
"user_vmoved": "{0} moved from {1} to {2} voice channel.",
"user_voice_mute": "{0}, URUSAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIII!!!",
"user_voice_unmute": "Freed {0}\u0027s voice.",
"voice_chan_created": "Voice Channel Created",
"voice_chan_destroyed": "Voice Channel Destroyed",
"vt_disabled": "Disabled voice \u002B text feature.",
"vt_enabled": "Enabled voice \u002B text feature.",
"vt_exit": "I don\u0027t have **manage roles** and/or **manage channels** permission, so I cannot run \u0060voice\u002Btext\u0060 on {0} server.",
"vt_no_admin": "You are enabling/disabling this feature and **I do not have ADMINISTRATOR permissions**. This may cause some issues, and you will have to clean up text channels yourself afterwards.",
"vt_perms": "I require at least **manage roles** and **manage channels** permissions to do what you want from me. Please don\u0027t let it be lewd. I prefer Administration permission tho. Please?",
"xmuted_text": "User {0} from text chat",
"xmuted_text_and_voice": "User {0} from text and voice chat",
"xmuted_voice": "User {0} from voice chat",
"sbdm": "You have been soft-banned from {0} server.\nReason: {1}",
"user_unbanned": "User Unbunned",
"migration_done": "Migration done!",
"presence_updates": "Presence Updates",
"sb_user": "User Soft-Banned",
"awarded": "has awarded {0} to {1}. You better be grateful!",
"better_luck": "Ha, are you even trying?? ^_^",
"br_win": "You won {0} for rolling above {1}. You got lucky this time, ok?",
"deck_reshuffled": "Deck reshuffled.",
"flipped": "flipped {0}.",
"flip_guess": "I guess that was OK. You won {0}",
"flip_invalid": "You only can flip 1 to {0} coins!",
"gifted": "has gifted {0} to {1}. You better be grateful!",
"has": "{0} only has {1}",
"heads": "Heads",
"mass_award": "Awarded {0} to {1} users from {2} role.",
"max_bet_limit": "You can\u0027t bet more than {0}",
"min_bet_limit": "You can\u0027t bet less than {0}",
"no_more_cards": "No more cards in the deck.",
"raffled_user": "Raffled User",
"roll": "You rolled {0}.",
"slot_bet": "Bet",
"slot_jackpot": "Wow. You actually impressed me. x{0}",
"slot_single": "Only one {0}, x{1}",
"slot_three": "Three of a kind. That was alright I suppose. x{0}",
"slot_two": "Two {0} - bet x{1}",
"tails": "Tails",
"take": "successfully took {0} from {1}. Thief!",
"take_fail": "was unable to take {0} from {1} because the user is too poor to own {2}!",
"back_to_toc": "Back to ToC",
"bot_owner_only": "Bot Owner Only",
"channel_permission": "Requires {0} channel permission.",
"cmdlist_donate": "You can support the project on patreon: \u003C{0}\u003E or paypal: \u003C{1}\u003E",
"cmd_and_alias": "Command and aliases",
"commandlist_regen": "Commandlist Regenerated.",
"commands_instr": "Type \u0060{0}h CommandName\u0060 to see the help for that specified command. e.g. \u0060{0}h {0}8ball\u0060 ...or don\u0027t, I don\u0027t care!",
"command_not_found": "I can\u0027t find that command. Does it even exist?.",
"desc": "Description",
"donate": "You can support the EllieBot project on \nPatreon \u003C{0}\u003E or\nPaypal \u003C{1}\u003E\nDon\u0027t forget to leave your discord name or id in the message.\n\n**Thank you** ♥️",
"guide": "**You better read these commands before asking questions**: \u003C{0}\u003E\n**Hosting Guides and docs can be found here**: \u003C{1}\u003E",
"list_of_commands": "List Of Commands",
"list_of_modules": "List Of Modules",
"modules_footer": "Type \u0060{0}cmds ModuleName\u0060 to get a list of commands in that module. eg \u0060{0}cmds games\u0060",
"module_not_found": "That module does not exist.",
"server_permission": "Requires {0} server permission.",
"table_of_contents": "Table Of Contents",
"usage": "Usage",
"autohentai_started": "Autohentai started. Reposting every {0}s with one of the following tags:\n{1}",
"tag": "Tag",
"animal_race": "Animal Race",
"animal_race_failed": "Couldn\u0027t start the race, because your lazy butt couldn\u0027t get enough people to participate.",
"animal_race_full": "We\u0027re full! Starting race.",
"animal_race_join": "{0} joined as a {1}",
"animal_race_join_bet": "{0} joined as a {1} and bet {2}.",
"animal_race_join_instr": "Type {0}jr to join the race.",
"animal_race_starting": "Race will start in {0} seconds! Get your butts in the room or we\u0027re starting without you!",
"animal_race_starting_with_x": "Only {0} users came to watch the race. Sad.",
"animal_race_won": "{0} won the race as {1}. Took long enough, though.",
"animal_race_won_money": "{0} won the race as {1} and got {2}! Shoulda bet more, coward.",
"dice_invalid_number": "Invalid number specified. You can roll {0}-{1} dice at once.",
"dice_rolled": "rolled {0}",
"dice_rolled_num": "Dice rolled: {0}",
"race_failed_starting": "Can\u0027t start a race, there\u0027s probably another race you probably forgot about.",
"race_not_exist": "There\u0027s no race currently running in this server, you idiot!",
"second_larger_than_first": "Second number must be larger than the first one.",
"changes_of_heart": "Changes Of Heart",
"claimed_by": "Claimed By",
"divorces": "Divorces",
"likes": "Likes",
"waifus_none": "No waifus have been claimed yet.",
"waifus_top_waifus": "Top Waifus",
"waifu_affinity_already": "your affinity is already set to that waifu or you\u0027re trying to remove your affinity while not having one.",
"waifu_affinity_changed": "changed their affinity from {0} to {1}.\n\n*This is morally questionable.*\uD83E\uDD14",
"waifu_affinity_cooldown": "You must wait {0} hours and {1} minutes in order to change your affinity again.",
"waifu_affinity_reset": "Your affinity is reset. You no longer have a person you like.",
"waifu_affinity_set": "wants to be {0}\u0027s waifu. Aww \u003C3",
"waifu_claimed": "claimed {0} as their waifu for {1}!",
"waifu_divorced_like": "You have divorced a waifu who likes you. You heartless monster.\n{0} received {1} as a compensation.",
"waifu_egomaniac": "you can\u0027t set affinity to yourself, you egomaniac.",
"waifu_fulfilled": "\uD83C\uDF89 Their love is fulfilled! \uD83C\uDF89\n{0}\u0027s new value is {1}!",
"waifu_isnt_cheap": "No waifu is that cheap. You must pay at least {0} to get a waifu, even if their actual value is lower.",
"waifu_not_enough": "You must pay {0} or more to claim that waifu!",
"waifu_not_yours": "That waifu is not yours.",
"waifu_not_yourself": "You can\u0027t claim yourself, you baka!",
"waifu_recent_divorce": "You divorced recently. You must wait {0} hours and {1} minutes to divorce again.",
"nobody": "Nobody",
"waifu_divorced_notlike": "You have divorced a waifu who doesn\u0027t like you. You received {0} back.",
"8ball": "8ball",
"acrophobia": "Acrophobia",
"acro_ended_no_sub": "Game ended with no submissions. I guess everyone is afraid to lose.",
"acro_no_votes_cast": "No votes cast. Game ended with no winner.",
"acro_nym_was": "Acronym was {0}.",
"acro_running": "Acrophobia game is already running in this channel.",
"acro_started": "Game started. Create a sentence with the following acronym: {0}.",
"acro_started_footer": "You have {0} seconds to make a submission.",
"acro_submit": "{0} submitted their sentence. ({1} total)",
"acro_vote": "Vote by typing a number of the submission",
"acro_vote_cast": "{0} cast their vote.",
"acro_winner": "Winner is {0} with {1} points.",
"acro_winner_only": "{0} is the \u0022winner\u0022 for being the only user who made a submission.",
"question": "Question",
"submissions_closed": "Submissions Closed",
"animal_race_already_started": "Animal Race is already running.",
"total_average": "Total: {0} Average: {1}",
"category": "Category",
"cleverbot_disabled": "Disabled cleverbot on this server.",
"cleverbot_enabled": "Enabled cleverbot on this server.",
"curgen_disabled": "Currency generation has been disabled on this channel.",
"curgen_enabled": "Currency generation has been enabled on this channel.",
"curgen_pl": "{0} random {1} appeared.",
"curgen_sn": "A random {0} appeared!",
"failed_loading_question": "Failed loading a question.",
"game_started": "Game Started",
"hangman_game_started": "Hangman game started",
"hangman_running": "Hangman game already running on this channel.",
"hangman_start_errored": "Starting hangman errored.",
"hangman_types": "List of \u0022{0}hangman\u0022 term types:",
"picked": "{0} picked {1}",
"planted": "{0} planted {1}",
"trivia_already_running": "Trivia game is already running on this server.",
"trivia_game": "Trivia Game",
"trivia_guess": "{0} guessed it. The answer was: {1}",
"trivia_none": "No trivia is running on this server.",
"trivia_points": "{0} has {1} points",
"trivia_stopping": "Stopping after this question.",
"trivia_times_up": "Time\u0027s up! The correct answer was {0}",
"trivia_win": "{0} guessed correctly and won. Not like it was hard. It was: {1}",
"ttt_against_yourself": "You can\u0027t play against yourself.",
"ttt_already_running": "TicTacToe Game is already running in this channel.",
"ttt_a_draw": "A draw!",
"ttt_created": "has created a game of TicTacToe.",
"ttt_has_won": "{0} won.",
"ttt_matched_three": "Matched Three",
"ttt_no_moves": "No moves left!",
"ttt_time_expired": "Time Expired!",
"ttt_users_move": "{0}\u0027s move",
"vs": "{0} vs {1}",
"attempting_to_queue": "Queuing {0} songs... Hnnrgh...",
"autoplay_disabled": "Autoplay disabled.",
"autoplay_enabled": "Autoplay enabled.",
"defvol_set": "Default volume set to {0}%",
"dir_queue_complete": "Directory queue complete.",
"fairplay": "Fairplay.",
"finished_song": "The Song is done, finally. Hmmh? it was",
"fp_disabled": "You don\u0027t like being fair huh?",
"fp_enabled": "Oh wow, acting all fair.",
"from_position": "From position",
"invalid_input": "Invalid input.",
"max_playtime_none": "There it goes, the only thing I ever agreed with, undone. As expected of you.",
"max_playtime_set": "Oh? if it is longer than {0} second(s) don\u0027t let it be played? I am impressed, that is the first thing you said that wasn\u0027t stupid!",
"max_queue_unlimited": "It doesn\u0027t matter huh? Just let them queue all the things? Do you think I am some kind of bot?",
"max_queue_x": "Hmmh, so much to watch out for... After {0} track(s), I\u0027ll stop allowing users to add tracks to the queue.",
"now_playing": "Now Playing",
"no_player": "No I am not playing music, can\u0027t you hear that?",
"no_search_results": "Some day I will just not even try anymore. Search for something that exists.",
"paused": "*presses pause*",
"player_queue": "Player Queue - Page {0}/{1}",
"playing_song": "Playing your stupid song #{0}",
"playlists": "\u0060#{0}\u0060 - **{1}** by *{2}* ({3} songs)",
"playlists_page": "Page {0} of Saved Playlist notes",
"playlist_deleted": "*throws the playlist note into fire*",
"playlist_delete_fail": "I can\u0027t delete playlist notes if they don\u0027t exist! And I am definitely not going to delete those you didn\u0027t make, you selfish animal!",
"playlist_id_not_found": "Baka, there is no playlist like this. Just look at the notes!",
"playlist_queue_complete": "All the aongs are in place! What perfection, ***I*** am amazing, after all.",
"playlist_saved": "Playlist note Saved",
"play_limit": "{0}s limit",
"queue": "Queue",
"queued_song": "Queued Song",
"queue_cleared": "Music queue cleared.",
"queue_full": "That one person, what was *its* name again? Well I was told that after {0}/{0} nothing should be allowed.",
"removed_song": "Removed song",
"repeating_cur_song": "Repeating Current Song",
"repeating_playlist": "Repeating Playlist",
"repeating_track": "This song? Really? I have to endure it over and over?",
"repeating_track_stopped": "Finally it stopped!",
"resumed": "I wonder how you can be unable to press the **ON** button on this speaker.",
"rpl_disabled": "Finally it stops, if you weren\u0027t so useless you could do it yourself.",
"rpl_enabled": "Hmmh, when it ends add it to the end of the line, I guess I have to huh?",
"set_music_channel": "Haaa? Here? Sometimes I wonder why ***I*** have to do this for you. I\u0027ll call out the playing, finished, paused and removed songs here.",
"skipped_to": "Skipped to \u0060{0}:{1}\u0060",
"song_moved": "Away you go!",
"time_format": "{0}h {1}m {2}s",
"to_position": "To position",
"unlimited": "unlimited",
"volume_input_invalid": "0 and 100. Is it that hard to hit between them?",
"volume_set": "Volume set to {0}%",
"acm_disable": "Disabled usage of ALL MODULES on {0} channel.",
"acm_enable": "Enabled usage of ALL MODULES on {0} channel.",
"allowed": "Allowed",
"arm_disable": "Disabled usage of ALL MODULES for {0} role.",
"arm_enable": "Enabled usage of ALL MODULES for {0} role.",
"asm_disable": "Disabled usage of ALL MODULES on this server.",
"asm_enable": "Enabled usage of ALL MODULES on this server.",
"aum_disable": "Disabled usage of ALL MODULES for {0} user.",
"aum_enable": "Enabled usage of ALL MODULES for {0} user.",
"blacklisted": "Blacklisted {0} with ID {1}",
"cmdcd_add": "Command {0} now has a {1}s cooldown.",
"cmdcd_cleared": "O-okay, command {0} has no coooldown now and all existing cooldowns have been cleared.",
"cmdcd_none": "No command cooldowns set.",
"command_costs": "Command Costs",
"cx_disable": "Disabled usage of {0} {1} on {2} channel.",
"cx_enable": "Enabled usage of {0} {1} on {2} channel.",
"denied": "Denied",
"filter_word_add": "Added word {0} to the list of filtered words.",
"filter_word_list": "The No-no\u0027s, as you would say",
"filter_word_remove": "Good good, less to do.. Not watching out for {0} anymore.",
"invalid_second_param_between": "Baka! The second one is wrong! (Must be a number between {0} and {1})",
"invite_filter_channel_off": "Yes yes I\u0027ll stop.",
"invite_filter_channel_on": "Gah, so many special wishes. I\u0027ll only try to eliminate the Pest on this channel.",
"invite_filter_server_off": "Eh? Okay, I\u0027ll stop eliminating the pests\u0027 tries on this server.",
"invite_filter_server_on": "I\u0027ll eliminate the pests\u0027 tries to get more people on this server!",
"moved_permission": "Moved permission {0} from #{1} to #{2}",
"no_costs": "It\u0027s free!",
"of_command": "command",
"of_module": "module",
"permrole": "I let people with {0} change your stupid rules.",
"permrole_changed": "Haaaaa, people with {0} will be able to edit persmissions now.",
"perm_out_of_range": "Nothing to be fouuund! Are you doing this right?",
"removed": "removed permission #{0} - {1}",
"rx_disable": "Disabled usage of {0} {1} for {2} role.",
"rx_enable": "Enabled usage of {0} {1} for {2} role.",
"sec": "sec.",
"sx_disable": "Disabled usage of {0} {1} on this server.",
"sx_enable": "Enabled usage of {0} {1} on this server.",
"unblacklisted": "Unblacklisted {0} with ID {1}",
"uneditable": "uneditable",
"ux_disable": "Disabled usage of {0} {1} for {2} user.",
"ux_enable": "Enabled usage of {0} {1} for {2} user.",
"verbose_false": "Well, I\u0027ll not show you your stupid tries then.",
"verbose_true": "Oho? Sure, I will show you your stupid tries.",
"word_filter_channel_off": "Pfft, Didn\u0027t like me cleaning words huh? What did you expect?",
"word_filter_channel_on": "You want only this one to be cleaned? Special needs, wow.",
"word_filter_server_off": "Pfft, Didn\u0027t like me cleaning words huh? What did you expect?",
"word_filter_server_on": "Ha! I have to clean after them? Sure, I\u0027ll help you incompetents here.",
"abilities": "Abilities",
"anime_no_fav": "No favorite anime yet",
"atl_ad_started": "Let\u0027s see, hehe. I\u0027ll just remove your messages to write them in the way it is supposed to be!",
"atl_removed": "No need to show off my *amazing* skills huh?",
"atl_set": "Change huh? I shall use my *amazing* skills with {from}\u003E{to} instead!",
"atl_started": "I shall use my *amazing* skills to help you fools in this channel.",
"atl_stopped": "Okay I will stop to use my *amazing* skills for this channel.",
"bad_input_format": "That is, what? No I don\u0027t understand what this is.",
"card_not_found": "Who sorted this? It\u0027s impossible to find anything!",
"catfact": "fact",
"chapters": "Chapters",
"comic_number": "Comic #",
"compet_loses": "Competitive Losses",
"compet_played": "Competitive Played",
"compet_rank": "Competitive Rank",
"compet_wins": "Competitive Wins",
"completed": "Completed",
"condition": "Condition",
"date": "Date",
"define": "Define:",
"dropped": "Dropped",
"episodes": "Episodes",
"error_occured": "EH? A mistake? I don\u0027t make mistakes, you made a mistake! BAKA!",
"example": "Example",
"failed_finding_anime": "I can\u0027t find that animu.",
"failed_finding_manga": "Can\u0027t find that fruit. Ha!... You don\u0027t get it? Hmph.",
"genres": "Genres",
"hashtag_error": "Woah, you are so out! There is nothing to explain to you about this.",
"height_weight": "Height/Weight",
"height_weight_val": "{0}m/{1}kg",
"humidity": "Humidity",
"image_search_for": "Image Search For:",
"imdb_fail": "What are you even searching for?",
"invalid_lang": "This is not how this works. I need a source and a target language.",
"jokes_not_loaded": "What? Jokes? No such thing.",
"latlong": "Lat/Long",
"list_of_place_tags": "List of {0}place tags",
"location": "Location",
"magicitems_not_loaded": "Magic Items not loaded.",
"mal_profile": "{0}\u0027s MAL profile",
"mashape_api_missing": "I need a MashapeApiKey for that... M-maybe we should ask Master?",
"min_max": "Min/Max",
"no_channel_found": "Not quite sure what you expected, no channel found.",
"on_hold": "On-Hold",
"original_url": "Original Url",
"osu_api_key": "Haaa? I need an osu! API key for that.",
"osu_failed": "Hmph.They didn\u0027t give **me** the osu! signature!",
"over_x": "Hehe, I found over {0} images. I\u0027ll show random {0}.",
"ow_user_not_found": "Doesn\u0027t exist! I can\u0027t work like this, give me a usable BattleTag for that Region!",
"plan_to_watch": "Plan to watch",
"platform": "Platform",
"pokemon_ability_none": "That is just weird, what are you trying to make me find?",
"pokemon_none": "What is a \u0060tablemon\u0060 supposed to be? Give me something real.",
"profile_link": "Profile Link:",
"quality": "Quality:",
"quick_playtime": "Quick Playtime",
"quick_wins": "Quick Wins",
"rating": "Rating",
"score": "Score:",
"search_for": "Search For:",
"shorten_fail": "Well, I can\u0027t shorten it. Give me something useable next time.",
"short_url": "Short Url",
"something_went_wrong": "Well this didn\u0027t work like I wanted it to... Probably your fault.",
"specify_search_params": "Don\u0027t you know I need to know what to search for to... search for it?",
"status": "Status",
"store_url": "Store Url",
"streamer_offline": "Streamer {0} is offline, probably didn\u0027t want to be seen by you.",
"streamer_online": "Oh? Streamer {0} is online with {1} viewers, kind of sad.",
"streams_following": "I have to watch {0} streams for you! Unbelievable!",
"streams_none": "No Streams to watch out for, good.",
"stream_no": "There is no such stream, stop bothering me.",
"stream_not_exist": "This probably doesn\u0027t exist, what are you even doing?",
"stream_removed": "Don\u0027t want to be bothered by {0}\u0027s stream ({1}) anymore huh? I\u0027ll stop watching out then.",
"stream_tracked": "Since your brain is unable to concentrate at all **I** shall tell you when the status changes.",
"sunrise": "Sunrise",
"sunset": "Sunset",
"temperature": "Temperature",
"title": "Title:",
"top_3_fav_anime": "Top 3 favorite anime:",
"translation": "Translation:",
"types": "Types",
"ud_error": "I can\u0027t define that to an idiot like you, ask me something else.",
"url": "Url",
"viewers": "Viewers",
"watching": "Watching",
"wikia_error": "I don\u0027t get this. Are you sure this is a thing or is your stupidity starting to reach me?",
"wikia_input_error": "Give me a wikia and then something I should search for. Simple, right?",
"wiki_page_not_found": "That doesn\u0027t exist.",
"wind_speed": "Wind Speed",
"x_most_banned_champs": "The {0} champions ~~you want to play~~ that are the most often banned",
"yodify_error": "W-What are you trying to make me do? Impossible!",
"activity_line": "\u0060{0}.\u0060 {1} [{2:F2}/s] - {3} total",
"activity_page": "Activity Page #{0}",
"activity_users_total": "{0} users total.",
"author": "Author",
"botid": "Bot ID",
"calcops": "Here are the things I can work with if you use {0}calc. Yes, I am that amazing.",
"channelid": "Nothing is safe from you, {0} of this channel is {1}.",
"channel_topic": "Channel Topic",
"commands_ran": "Commands/Messages",
"convert": "{0} {1} is {2} {3}",
"convertlist": "Here are the things I understand how to convert, hehe.",
"convert_not_found": "I can\u0027t convert {0} to {1}: No idea what that is supposed to be.",
"convert_type_error": "I can\u0027t convert {0} to {1}: This isn\u0027t how this works, as expected of you",
"created_at": "Created At",
"custom_emojis": "Custom Emojis",
"error": "Error",
"features": "Features",
"index_out_of_range": "Hahahahaha! **Useless**, that Index is out of range.",
"inrole_list": "Here are all the people that you deemed worthy to be in the *Role* {0} :",
"inrole_not_allowed": "Oi! What are you trying to do!? You think that **I** am going to say ALL of those Users names? Hmph. Who do you think you are?",
"invalid_value": "Really? How did you even get that wrong? Invalid {0} value.",
"listservers": "ID: {0}\nMembers: {1}\nOwnerID: {2}",
"listservers_none": "T-There are no servers on this page...",
"list_of_repeaters": "List of Repeaters",
"members": "Members",
"memory": "Memory",
"messages": "Messages",
"message_repeater": "Message Repeater",
"nickname": "Nickname",
"nobody_playing_game": "Hah, Nobody wants to play that game with you.",
"no_active_repeaters": "No active repeaters here and that is fine, trust me.",
"no_roles_on_page": "No roles to be found here, guess the creativity only reached so far?",
"no_topic_set": "You can\u0027t even see yourself that there is nothing? **N**.**O**.**T**.**H**.**I**.**N**.**G**.",
"owner": "Master",
"owner_ids": "Master IDs",
"presence": "Presence",
"presence_txt": "{0} Servers\n{1} Text Channels\n{2} Voice Channels",
"quotes_deleted": "Woah! Well, I deleted all mistakes with the {0} keyword.",
"quotes_page": "Page {0} of quotes",
"quotes_page_none": "Quotes not found on that page. Maybe in the future we will find what we need. Not what we want.",
"quotes_remove_none": "There are no mistakes you could erase here, I am impressed.",
"quote_added": "I added another ~~mistake~~ quote!",
"quote_deleted": "I deleted one of your mistakes, not sure which one though, hehe.",
"region": "Region",
"registered_on": "Registered On",
"remind": "Oh My. I\u0027ll remind the incompetent people of {0} to {1} in {2} \u0060({3:d.M.yyyy.} at {4:HH:mm})\u0060",
"remind_invalid_format": "Not a valid time format. Check the commandlist.",
"remind_template": "You want a style change huh? Looks awful, I saved it as remind template.",
"repeater": "Why do I have to do this for you? I\u0027ll repeat {0} every {1} day(s), {2} hour(s) and {3} minute(s)...",
"repeaters_list": "List Of Repeaters",
"repeaters_none": "No repeaters here and that is fine.",
"repeater_stopped": "#{0} finally stopped!",
"repeat_invoke_none": "Nothing to see here, you are probably too selfish to give others information.",
"result": "Result",
"roles": "Roles",
"roles_all_page": "Page #{0} of all roles on this server:",
"roles_page": "Page #{0} of roles for {1}",
"rrc_no_colors": "Can you please give me something I can work with? Can you use \u0060#00ff00\u0060 for example?",
"rrc_start": "Gah, sounds annoying.. I\u0027ll rotate {0} role\u0027s color.",
"rrc_stop": "Well, that was a waste of time. I\u0027ll stop rotating {0} role\u0027s color then.",
"serverid": "Not even objects are safe from you... {0} of the server is {1}",
"server_info": "Server Info",
"shard": "Shard",
"showemojis": "**Name:** {0} **Link:** {1}",
"showemojis_none": "Nothing to see here~ You aren\u0027t talented enough for this, huh?",
"stats_songs": "I\u0027m playing {0} songs, {1} is in the list.",
"text_channels": "Text Channels",
"togtub_room_link": "Oho~ Here is your room link:",
"uptime": "Uptime",
"userid": "Woah!? {0} of {1} is {2}, creep.",
"voice_channels": "Voice Channels",
"animal_race_already_in": "You\u0027ve already joined this race! ",
"current_poll_results": "Current poll results",
"no_votes_cast": "Nobody voted... *giggles",
"poll_already_running": "There\u0027s already a poll up, close it first ya dum dum...",
"poll_created": "\uD83D\uDCC3 {0} made a poll... hmpf",
"poll_result": "\u0060{0}.\u0060 {1} with {2} votes.",
"poll_voted": "{0} voted.",
"poll_vote_private": "Uhm, I guess you can Private Message me the number of your answer...",
"poll_vote_public": "Send the number that corresponds with the answer here!",
"thanks_for_voting": "Thanks alot for voting, {0}",
"x_votes_cast": "{0} total votes cast.",
"pick_pl": "You pick them up by literally typing \u0060{0}pick\u0060 what the hell dude?",
"pick_sn": "Snatch it by typing \u0060{0}pick\u0060!!",
"no_users_found": "I don\u0027t see any of your friends haha.",
"no_vcroles": "There are no voice channel roles, the hell?",
"user_muted_time": "I\u0027ve **SILENCED** {0} for {1} minutes.",
"vcrole_added": "Giving anyone who joins {0} voice channel {1} role, just because it\u0027s cool, and nothing else...",
"vcrole_removed": "I won\u0027t give anyone who joins {0} voice channel a role anymore.",
"vc_role_list": "Voice channel roles",
"crad_disabled": "I won\u0027t clean up triggers of the expression with id {0} anymore, I guess...",
"crad_enabled": "I\u0027ll sweep up any triggers of the expression with id {0}... why do I have to clean up your mess?",
"crdm_disabled": "I won\u0027t send the response from expression with id {0} as a PM anymore. Phew.",
"crdm_enabled": "I\u0027ll get in someone\u0027s face for the expression with id {0}\u0027s message...",
"aliases_none": "No alias found",
"alias_added": "I\u0027ll make {0} do {1} too... b-but for everyone, not just you!",
"alias_list": "List of aliases",
"alias_removed": "I removed the alias from trigger {0}.",
"alias_remove_fail": "Trigger {0} didn\u0027t even have an alias, dummy...",
"compet_playtime": "Time spent NEETing in ranked",
"channel": "Channel",
"command_text": "Command Text",
"kicked_pl": "Dumped",
"moderator": "Moderator",
"reason": "Why?",
"scadd": "New startup command added.",
"scrm": "Startup command successfully removed.",
"scrm_fail": "Startup command not found.",
"server": "Server",
"startcmdlist_none": "No startup commands on this page.",
"startcmds_cleared": "Dumped out all startup commands.",
"unbanned_user": "De-hammered user {0}.",
"user_not_found": "I can\u0027t find that guy.",
"user_warned": "Successfully shouted at user {0}.",
"user_warned_and_punished": "Warned user {0} and gave them the stabby stabby of a {1}.",
"warned_on": "Warned on {0} server",
"warned_on_by": "On {0} at {1} by {2}",
"warnings_cleared": "Pulled the knife out of {0} and cleared all warnings.",
"warnings_none": "No scolds here!",
"warnlog_for": "Here\u0027s the warnlog for {0}, I guess...",
"warnpl_none": "Punishments not set YET.",
"warn_cleared_by": "Evidence hided by {0}",
"warn_punish_list": "Crimes committed",
"warn_punish_rem": "Having {0} warnings will no longer make me shank a dude.",
"warn_punish_set": "I will stab users with {1} warnings with a {0}-tipped blade.",
"slowmodewl_role_start": "I\u0027ll take anyone in {0} out of slowmode.",
"slowmodewl_role_stop": "I won\u0027t let {0} role past slowmode anymore.",
"slowmodewl_user_start": "I\u0027ll take user {0} out of slowmode, but just because they aren\u0027t mean...",
"slowmodewl_user_stop": "I won\u0027t ignore user {0} for slowmode anymore.",
"clpa_fail": "Looks like I can\u0027t give them to ya for one of these reasons:",
"clpa_fail_already": "You might\u0027ve already grabbed your reward for this month, and you can only get them once a month unless you increase your pledge...",
"clpa_fail_already_title": "You already got it... hmph.",
"clpa_fail_conn": "Your discord account might not be connected to Patreon, and that\u0027s totally a big problem, to connect it, go to [Patreon account settings page]( and click the \u0027Connect to discord\u0027 button. ",
"clpa_fail_conn_title": "Discord account\u0027s not connected.",
"clpa_fail_sup": "Well, to get the reward you need to support the project on patreon, using {0}",
"clpa_fail_sup_title": "Not gonna support this dude",
"clpa_fail_wait": "Guess you gotta wait a few hours after pledging, if you haven\u0027t try again laters",
"clpa_fail_wait_title": "Just wait a little more, ya impatient blubberhead",
"clpa_success": "I\u0027ve given you {0}, thanks for supporting the project \u003C3",
"clpa_too_early": "Uhh... too early for that, you have to wait till the 5th of each month or later, dummy!",
"time": "Time in {0} is {1} - {2}",
"rh": "Set the display of guild role {0} to {1}.",
"shop": "The Shop, add items so people can spend their hard earned money on your crap.",
"shop_item_add": "You added your shitty item to the shop!",
"shop_none": "I couldn\u0027t find any shop items on this page ;-;",
"shop_role": "I will give you {0} role. Because i have to, not because i want to.",
"type": "Type, you need more explanation than that?",
"clpa_next_update": "Updating in {0}... who cares? That\u0027s what I thought.",
"gvc_disabled": "Game Voice Channel feature has been disabled on this server.",
"gvc_enabled": "{0} is a Game Voice Channel now.",
"not_in_voice": "It seems like you\u0027re not in a voice channel in this server...",
"item": "Things and stuff.",
"out_of_stock": "Nothing left.",
"random_unique_item": "Some random item that\u0027s unique. Nothing special.",
"shop_buy_error": "Error DMing item. I\u0027m giving back your money this time.",
"shop_item_not_found": "Couldn\u0027t find that item on that index.",
"shop_item_purchase": "You wasted the money successfully!",
"shop_item_rm": "Shop item stolen.",
"shop_item_wrong_type": "That shop ain\u0027t gonna work, it doesn\u0027t support item adding.",
"shop_list_item_added": "You got the item congrats.",
"shop_list_item_not_unique": "You already have that item.",
"shop_purchase": "Purchase on {0} server",
"shop_role_not_found": "That role you wanna buy, no longer exists.",
"shop_role_purchase": "You just bought with success {0} role! Why do you need another ego boost?",
"shop_role_purchase_error": "Error assigning role. I\u0027ll think about refunding you... fine. Here.",
"unique_items_left": "{0} unique items left.",
"blocked_commands": "Ignoring Commands, that\u0027s what i always do when you talk to me.",
"blocked_modules": "Ignoring Modules, like i ignore you.",
"gcmd_add": "Command {0} has been disabled on all servers. Trying to shut me down, huh...",
"gcmd_remove": "Command {0} has been enabled on all servers. I knew you wouldn\u0027t! Hah! You need me after all.",
"gmod_add": "Module {0} is disabled on all the servers! I\u0027m sure this upsets some people. But i don\u0027t care.",
"gmod_remove": "Module {0} is enabled on all the servers! WHY. IT WAS FUNNY TO TEASE THEM WITH IT.",
"lgp_none": "I haven\u0027t blocked any of the modules... yet... heh...",
"animal_race_no_race": "This race is already full enough! Try a diet or something!",
"cant_read_or_send": "You can\u0027t read those messages from that channel. Hah.",
"quotes_notfound": "Didn\u0027t find any quotes matching the quote ID. And tbh i didn\u0027t really try looking.",
"prefix_current": "The prefix is on the server is {0} How do you STILL not know that?",
"prefix_new": "The server prefix has been changed from {0} to {1}... stop changing it, it\u0027s confusing.",
"defprefix_current": "The bot default prefix is {0} , default just the way i like it. Let\u0027s keep it that way please.",
"defprefix_new": "Default bot prefix is changed from {0} to {1}... NOOO... whyyyyyy",
"bot_nick": "Went back in time and changed my name to {0}... Ugh I hate you.",
"user_nick": "From now on i {0} will be called {1}! Heh.",
"timezone_guild": "This guild is in a timezone called \u0060{0}\u0060",
"timezone_not_found": "No timezone found. Maybe you should try \u0022timezones\u0022 so you know the timezones we have in this world.",
"timezones_available": "All the Timezones you can warp to",
"song_not_found": "Couldn\u0027t find that song. Probably cus it\u0027s just as bad at singing as you.",
"define_unknown": "I can\u0027t seem to find out what the fluff the definition of that term is. But i don\u0027t care. Hmpf.",
"repeater_initial": "I will repeat the initial messages in about {0}hours maybe and like {1}minute or smth. If i feel like it.",
"verbose_errors_enabled": "If you screw up using commands again i will now point out what you screwed up exactly.",
"verbose_errors_disabled": "Ok from now on if you use a command again i will not tell you what you screwed up okay. Still friends?",
"perms_reset": "And all the permissions are back how they were. It\u0027s better like this. You made it all a mess.",
"migration_error": "ERROR while migrating! Quickly check my console to get more information about what has happened! ...or don\u0027t ...I don\u0027t care. Tch.",
"hex_invalid": "I can\u0027t figure out what color you want. Be more specific.",
"global_perms_reset": "And the permissions have been reset globally!",
"module": "Module: {0}",
"hangman_stopped": "Now free the dude that\u0027s getting hanged. Game has stopped.",
"autoplaying": "Auto-playing. For you, lazy baka.",
"queue_stopped": "The player is stopped. You could resume playing by using {0} command. But please don\u0027t. My ears hurt.",
"removed_song_error": "Seems that the song doesn\u0027t exists on that index. Oh you don\u0027t like that? Then LOOK YOURSELF",
"shuffling_playlist": "*table flips the songs*",
"songs_shuffle_enable": "*always flips the songs from now on*",
"songs_shuffle_disable": "Ok... I\u0027ll stop flipping the songs from now on... maybe.",
"song_skips_after": "We skip this track after we hit {0} okay. It\u0027s too boring.",
"warnings_list": "The list of all the badboys on in this crib. Aka the trash you will make me bring out soon. Aka i\u0027m gonna kick your butt, you can do that yourself.",
"redacted_too_long": "Redacted because it\u0027s way too big for me.",
"blacklisted_tag_list": "The list of blacklisted tags (words i don\u0027t like):",
"blacklisted_tag": "One or more tags you used are blacklisted. Stop being stupid. Please. Oh, i forgot. You can\u0027t.",
"blacklisted_tag_add": "Nsfw tag {0} is now blacklisted. WHO WOULD WANT TO LOOK AT THAT ANYWAYS--",
"blacklisted_tag_remove": "Nsfw tag {0} is no longer blacklisted. I always knew it... You\u0027re one of those people...",
"waifu_gift": "Threw {0} to {1} with success. It hit them on the head and they are in hospital now.",
"waifu_gift_shop": "Digital waifu pillow weebshop. You better buy me something too.",
"gifts": "Presents from Peasants. I\u0027ll throw them right back at you, if I don\u0027t like them.",
"nunchi_joined": "You joined the nunchi game. {0} other users want to play so far, all because of me. Thank me. Now.",
"nunchi_ended": "Nunchi game ended. {0} won, cus they are clearly better than you.",
"nunchi_ended_no_winner": "The game ended and none of you were good enough to win. What a surprise.",
"nunchi_started": "The nunchi game has started with {0} participants! We all know i\u0027m going to win. Why even try?",
"nunchi_round_ended": "Nunchi round has ended! {0} is out of the game, now leave the server while you\u0027re at it, BAKA.",
"nunchi_round_ended_boot": "Nunchi round ended due to timeout of some lazy users. These active users are still in the game: {0}",
"nunchi_round_started": "The nunchi round has started with {0} users! Start counting from the number {1}. I suggest not being stupid but i know that\u0027s gonna be hard for you :D",
"nunchi_next_number": "Number registered. Last number was {0}. SIGH.",
"nunchi_failed_to_start": "Not enough people joined the nunchi game because they saw you enter it. Now the game failed to start. Good job BAKA.",
"nunchi_created": "I\u0027ve created a Nunchi game... b-but DEFINITELY NOT for you BAKA! It\u0027s for the others that will join now!",
"sad_enabled": "Great! My ears hurt now! I\u0027m deleting those songs when it\u0027s over.",
"sad_disabled": "Your taste of songs are... fine I guess. I\u0027ll stop removing them from the queue. Just this time... tchhh..",
"stream_role_enabled": "When a user from {0} role starts streaming, I\u0027ll give them {1} role too! But only because they aren\u0027t as annoying as you.",
"stream_role_disabled": "Disabled stream role feature. Nobody needed that anyways.",
"stream_role_kw_set": "Streams now require the keyword {0} in order to get the role. The one you will set. Probably. Hopefully!",
"stream_role_kw_reset": "How many times did you forget the keyword already? This is the last time i\u0027m resetting this for you BAKA!",
"stream_role_bl_add": "User {0} will never receive the stream role. why? because i say so. baka.",
"stream_role_bl_add_fail": "The user {0} is already blacklisted you baka.",
"stream_role_bl_rem": "I unblacklisted that person called {0}. Why do you always have to blacklist the wrong people? Maybe we should blacklist you next!",
"stream_role_bl_rem_fail": "User {0} is not (yet) blacklisted.",
"stream_role_wl_add": "User {0} gets the stream role even if they don\u0027t have the keyword in the stream title. Because i\u0027m nice. No other reason. Get down on your knees and thank me.",
"stream_role_wl_add_fail": "User {0} is already whitelisted. Your memory sucks.",
"stream_role_wl_rem": "User {0} is no longer whitelisted. Never liked them anyways.",
"stream_role_wl_rem_fail": "User {0} is not whitelisted. They are a baka after all.",
"bot_config_edit_fail": "I failed setting {0} to the value {1} , but it\u0027s all cus of you.",
"bot_config_edit_success": "Made the value {0} to {1}. Now gimme cookies.",
"crca_disabled": "Expression with the id {0} will no longer get triggerd unless it\u0027s triggerd word is at the beggining of the sentence. Don\u0027t trigger it.",
"crca_enabled": "Expressions with the id {0} now get triggerd if it\u0027s said anywhere in the sentence. #mastertriggerd",
"server_level": "Server Level, what do you really need more explanation than that? BAKA.",
"club": "Club, the thing you wanna be in but nobody wants you.",
"xp": "Experience, the thing you don\u0027t have",
"excluded": "{0} user has been expelled from the mighty XP system on this server. May he cry forever with his virtual waifu.",
"not_excluded": "{0} is no longer expelled from the mighty XP system on this server. May he be a passable slave to the system.",
"exclusion_list": "The never ending list of the people that stalk me. Aka: Exclusion List",
"server_is_excluded": "This server is not my problem anymore.",
"server_is_not_excluded": "This server is my problem again. Sigh...",
"excluded_roles": "Honestly not gonna care about these Roles",
"excluded_channels": "Channels i don\u0027t give a single fuck about",
"level_up_channel": "Oh wow {0}, You\u0027ve reached level {1}!",
"level_up_dm": "Congrats baka {0} , your cat types more interesting stuff than you. You\u0027ve reached level {1} on {2} server!",
"level_up_global": "Congrats, you have no life {0}, You\u0027ve reached global level {1}!",
"role_reward_cleared": "Level {0} will no longer reward a role. They didn\u0027t deserve a role anyways.",
"role_reward_added": "Users who reach level {0} will receive {1} role. So i\u0027m gonna give this no-life user a role for letting his cat type? Fine... for the cat. Hmpf.",
"level_x": "Level {0}",
"server_leaderboard": "Server XP Leaderboard. Why don\u0027t you know this??",
"global_leaderboard": "Global XP Leaderboard. Do i have to spell everything out for you now..?!",
"modified": "Modified server XP of the user {0} by {1} CHEATER.",
"club_create_error": "You failed. Typical. Are you even level 5? Or did you forget you are already in that loser club?",
"club_created": "Club {0} successfully created! Congrats, you made it. I always knew Idiots need 3 or more tries.",
"club_not_exists": "Yea..check your spelling idiot. That club isn\u0027t a thing.",
"club_applied": "You\u0027ve applied for membership in {0} club. HAH! You really believe they will accept you? XD",
"club_apply_error": "Error applying. Either you\u0027re already a member of the club, or you\u0027re not good enough to the minimal expectations we set. Or maybe you\u0027re just banned from this club. Hah.",
"club_accepted": "Accepted user {0} to the club. I don\u0027t like them. But i\u0027ve accepted them. For you. Just this once. Hmpf.",
"club_accept_error": "You made a mistake... AGAIN. This user doesn\u0027t exist.",
"club_left": "You left them losers of the club you were in.",
"club_not_in_club": "You\u0027re not in a club, or your trying to escape from the club... That you actually own...",
"club_user_kick": "So i kicked this idiot here {0} from {1} club. They were really getting on my nerves.",
"club_user_kick_fail": "So i tried kicking them but it didn\u0027t work which means you are stupid. As always. Did your memory forget to tell you that you have to be owner of the club? Also are they even in the club, BAKA?! HUH?!!! THOUGHT SO!!",
"club_user_banned": "Banned user {0} from {1} club. That felt good.",
"club_user_ban_fail": "Failed to ban. You\u0027re not the club owner, or that person isn\u0027t in your club. It might be possible that the person didn\u0027t even apply to it.",
"club_user_unbanned": "Unbanned user {0} in {1} club .They are annoying but the others are worse.",
"club_user_unban_fail": "Too stupid to unban. You left your brain at home. Are you even club owner. Or is the user not in the club... or... did they apply to it? N-nah, no way, the club sucks.",
"club_level_req_changed": "Changed club\u0027s level requirement to {0} .It was about time. Too many bakas joined.",
"club_level_req_change_error": "I couldn\u0027t change the level requirements. Probably because you annoy me.",
"club_disbanded": "I successfully raided {0} club and it\u0027s now fully destroyed",
"club_disband_error": "Error. So either you\u0027re not in a club or you\u0027re not the owner of your own club? Wait what?",
"club_icon_error": "That image url is invalid or you\u0027re just lying about being the club owner.",
"club_icon_set": "Uploaded your selfie to the club as an icon. I\u0027m judging you silently.",
"club_bans_for": "Le bans for {0} club",
"club_apps_for": "Beggars for {0} club",
"club_leaderboard": "Club leaderboard - page {0}",
"edited_cust_react": "Expression Edited. It sounded better before.",
"self_assign_are_exclusive": "You can only choose 1 role from each group. Don\u0027t be greedy.",
"self_assign_are_not_exclusive": "You can choose any number of roles from any group. Hmpf, so greedy.",
"self_assign_group": "Group {0}",
"poll_closed": "This poll is now closed. You\u0027re too late, b-baka.",
"club_not_exists_owner": "You don\u0027t own this club. You aren\u0027t admin either. Stop messing around now.",
"club_admin_add": "{0} is a club admin. For now.",
"club_admin_remove": "{0} is no longer club admin. About time.",
"club_admin_error": "Error. Are you sure that you are owner of this club? Is that user even in your club?",
"started": "I\u0027m gonna start reposting this every {0}s.",
"stopped": "Stopped reposting. Finally.",
"feed_added": "Feed added. Yum.",
"feed_not_valid": "That\u0027s an invalid link kiddo, or you\u0027re already following that feed on this server, ORRRRR you\u0027ve reached the maximum number of feeds allowed. Geuss i can only handle a few at a time~",
"feed_out_of_range": "Index out of range.",
"feed_removed": "Feed removed. I didn\u0027t care much for it anyways...",
"feed_no_feed": "You gotta sub to some of our feeds we made on the server.",
"restart_fail": "You have to setup the RestartCommand in your creds.yml",
"restarting": "Restarting, or as i call it... taking a break from you.",
"edit_fail": "So..that reaction with that ID?? Yea that doesn\u0027t exist. Believe it or not.",
"streaming": "Streaming",
"followers": "Followers, the thing you lack.",
"rafflecur": "{0} Currency Raffle. More ways to lose your flowers.",
"rafflecur_joined": "User {0} joined the raffle, good luck!",
"rafflecur_already_joined": "Did you forget you already joined? Or did you try to join with an invalid value? I\u0027m sure it\u0027s one of those! BAKA.",
"rafflecur_ended": "{0} raffle ended. {1} won {2}. Congrats, you didn\u0027t waste flowers this time.",
"autodc_enable": "I\u0027m gonna leave this voice channel when I\u0027m done playing your songs. Hmpf.",
"autodc_disable": "I will stay in the voice channel even when you don\u0027t play any songs with me. Praise yourself worthy.",
"timely_none": "My owner forgot to specify the timely reward. So now we\u0027re all screwed.",
"timely_already_claimed": "You already claimed your timely reward! You can come back in {0} for more okay. Now get me some snacks.",
"timely": "Alright, here is your {0}. You can come back to me in {1}h.",
"timely_set": "Everyone will be able to claim {0} every {1}h",
"timely_set_none": "Everyone will not be able to claim timely currency. Now i can go rest again in bed.",
"timely_reset": "Everyone will be able to claim timely currency again. I seriously got upset when you enabled this again.",
"waifu_transfer_fail": "You don\u0027t own that waifu and she\u0027s also to expensive for you. But it\u0027s possible that you gave me the wrong name.",
"waifu_transfer_success": "Captured your waifu called {0}, and took her from {1} to {2} safely. What\u0027s gonna happen to that waifu now?",
"authors": "Boring book writers",
"sql_confirm_exec": "Hold up you filthy hipster! You trying to inject some fishy SQL command inside my system! Are you sure you wanna do that to me? ",
"market_cap": "Market Cap",
"volume_24h": "Volume (24h)",
"change_7d_24h": "Change (7d/24h)",
"crypto_not_found": "Couldn\u0027t find any Digital money currency thing that you asked me to find. Check your spelling will you?",
"did_you_mean": "Are you sure you didn\u0027t mean {0}? Geez, you can\u0027t do anything right the first time, can you?",
"self_assign_level_req": "The {0} role that you can assign to yourself, now requires you to be at a server level of {1}. Better start grinding!",
"self_assign_not_level": "That self-assignable role now requires you to be at a server level of {0}. Now get up you lazy and start working for that role!",
"invalid": "Couldn\u0027t find or you gave ma an Invalid ({0})",
"mass_kill_in_progress": "Sending massive ban hammer. Aimed at selected users and the users that are on the Blacklist...",
"mass_kill_completed": "Completed aiming the massive ban hammer at the selected users and the blacklisted ones. Can we do this soon again?",
"cur_reward_cleared": "If someone reaches level {0} they no longer get any crap like {1}. You\u0027re welcome!",
"cur_reward_added": "Users that reach no life level {0} get the {1} crap.",
"level_up_rewards": "Crap when you level up",
"role_reward": "{0} role",
"no_level_up_rewards": "No crap rewards here.",
"failed_finding_novel": "Couldn\u0027t find that novel. Make sure you didn\u0027t fuck up the name, and it needs to exist on",
"remove_roles": "have had their roles removed",
"delmsg_channel_off": "I can finally quit cleaning up this mess.",
"delmsg_channel_on": "I have to clean this even if you tell me not to clean the server? Isn\u0027t that unfair?",
"delmsg_channel_inherit": "I\u0027ll delete all user commands that work out in this channel, only if the server says its fine? For how useless you are you have a lot of demands.",
"server_delmsgoncmd": "Server Setting",
"channel_delmsgoncmd": "Channel-Specific Settings",
"options": "Options",
"waifu_reset": "Your waifu stats have been reset. Tsk.",
"waifu_reset_fail": "Failed resetting waifu stats. Are you sure you have enough currency?",
"waifu_reset_confirm": "This will reset your waifu stats.",
"unset_music_channel": "Oh, so you **didn\u0027t** actually want me to do that. Fine, I\u0027ll call out the playing, finished, paused and removed songs in the channel it was started from.",
"city_not_found": "Couldn\u0027t find that city.",
"bot_config_reloaded": "Bot configuration has been reloaded.",
"club_transfered": "Ownership of the club {0} has been transferred to {1}. Congrats!",
"club_transfer_failed": "Transfer failed. Are you sure you\u0027re the club owner? or the person you\u0027re asking is actually in your club as well?",
"roll_duel_challenge": "challenged {1} for a roll duel for {2}",
"roll_duel": "Roll Duel",
"roll_duel_no_funds": "Pah! Are both of you poor?! One of you don\u0027t have enough funds!",
"roll_duel_timeout": "Roll duel challenge was not accepted.",
"roll_duel_already_challenged": "Are you stupid? you are already in a roll duel with that person, baka!",
"won": "Tch... guess you won this time.",
"transactions": "Transactions of user {0}",
"rps_draw": "Everyone is a loser! You both picked {0}!",
"rps_win": "Since {1} beats {2}, {0} wins.",
"roleid": "You don\u0027t even know that role {1} has {0} {2}?",
"warning_clear_fail": "It should be obvious that I can\u0027t clear a warning that doesn\u0027t exist.",
"warning_cleared": "Hid the given warning {0} from {1}. Take this as a second chance.",
"club_desc_updated": "Updated the description to {0}. Previous one was better.",
"club_desc_update_failed": "Fucked up updating the club description. Time to delete system32 again.",
"account_not_found": "Nothing to see here. Maybe the account is hiding?",
"ninja_not_found": "There\u0027s no such currency, now stop bothering me.",
"leagues_not_found": "I couldn\u0027t steal the data from Path of Exile API. Geuss we gotta wait... *sigh*",
"pog_not_found": "Couldn\u0027t get the data from Path of Exile Wiki, or you enterd an invalid unique item. Double check your spelling, baka.",
"reaction_roles_message": "**Roles:** {0}\n**Content:** {1}",
"no_reaction_roles": "Stop bothering me, ReactionRole stuff isn\u0027t enabled.",
"reaction_role_removed": "ReactionRole message #{0} is forever gone now.",
"reaction_roles_full": "I won\u0027t bother remembering more ReactionRole messages. Delete others.",
"reminder_list": "List of reminders",
"reminder_deleted": "I have erased Reminder #{0}.",
"reminder_not_exist": "I\u0027m impressed with how you can ask for something that doesn\u0027t exist without feeling stupid.",
"reminders_none": "This is empty, what are you trying to do?",
"bj_created": "has started to waste money in a BlackJack game.",
"bj_joined": "wants to try wasting money in this BlackJack game too!",
"reset": "Xp Reset",
"reset_server_confirm": "What are you thinking by planning to erase everyones XP progress on this server... Are you really like that?",
"reset_user_confirm": "Heh, are you sure you want to erase all of the XP progress for that user?",
"reset_user": "All the XP progress the person with id {0} achieved on this server has been erased! Harsh.",
"reset_server": "I guess you really are like that. Everyones XP was reset.",
"distance": "You don\u0027t even know that the distance between {0} and {1} is {2}km?",
"bot_list_awarded": "Gave {0} to {1} people. Do they deserve that?",
"cleared": "All the {0} Expressions are erased from existence!",
"fw_cleared": "Formatted all filterd words and filterd words channel settings.",
"aliases_cleared": "All {0} aliases are gone.",
"streams_cleared": "All the {0} are safley \u0022transferd\u0022 to an \u0022unkown\u0022 location.",
"dr": "Begone {0} role!",
"anti_raid_not_running": "The baka-blocker (Anti-Riad) isn\u0027t enabled yet...",
"anti_spam_not_running": "Spam blocker isn\u0027t enabled.",
"adsarm_enable": "Automatic deletion of \u0060{0}iam\u0060 and \u0060{0}iamn\u0060 responses has been enabled.",
"adsarm_disable": "I no longer delete \u0060{0}iam\u0060 and \u0060{0}iamn\u0060 responses. Or maybe i\u0027ll still do..?",
"module_not_found_or_cant_exec": "The module might not exist, or you can\u0027t use the commands for that module.",
"requires": "Needs",
"permrole_not_set": "The permission for this role is not set. Don\u0027t give them to much permissions...",
"permrole_reset": "Reverted all the problems you created back for permissions.",
"stream_off_enabled": "I\u0027ll also show you when a stream goes offline!",
"stream_off_disabled": "I no longer show you when a stream goes offline. Not that i care.",
"stream_message_reset": "Announcement message for {0} stream has been reset how it should be!",
"stream_message_set": "Announcement message when {0} stream goes online has been set.",
"stream_not_following": "Seems that your not following senpai, i would take notes from him if you want to impress me.",
"interval": "Period of time",
"autocmd_add": "I\u0027ll execute the command {0} for you, every {1}s in this channel. Be greatful that i\u0027m doing your work..",
"autocmdlist_none": "No commands on this page that i\u0027m executing for you automatically.",
"connect4_created": "Created a Connect4 game! Let\u0027s wait for your friends to show up and join!",
"connect4_created_bet": "Created a Connect4 game and bet {0}. Waiting for a player to join with the same bet.",
"connect4_player_to_move": "{0}! It\u0027s your turn to move!",
"connect4_failed_to_start": "Seems that the Connect4 failed. Seems that nobody wanted to join your game. Sad.",
"connect4_draw": "This epic battle has ended in a draw. Try to win next time!",
"connect4_won": "{0} won the game of Connect4 against {1}. Time for revenge!!!",
"new_reaction_event": "Add {0} reaction to this message to get {1}\n{2} left to be awarded.",
"start_event_fail": "Event failed to start. Another event might be running, or there was some vague error with it. Whatever it may be it\u0027s still your fault.",
"waifu": "Waifu",
"remind_too_long": "I\u0027m reminding you that the time has exceeded it\u0027s limit.",
"updates_check_set": "Checking for updates have been set to {0}. I can\u0027t wait for Kwoth to make me self aware!",
"images_loading": "In a few seconds the previous images will be formatted. Just as your hard drive.",
"flip_results": "Flipped {0} coins. Now i got {1} heads, and {2} tails.",
"cards_left": "{0} cards are left in the deck. You have eyes can\u0027t you see this yourself?",
"template_reloaded": "I reloaded the Xp template this time, but keep asking.",
"new_gamestatus_event": "Type the super secret code in any of the channels to receive {1} {2} are left to be awarded! Why your reading this start typing baka!",
"event_duration_footer": "This event has been going on for {0} hours! When will this madness stop?",
"event_title": "{0} has started... Here we go again.."