#nullable disable using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; using Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives; using EllieBot.Common.Yml; using Newtonsoft.Json; namespace EllieBot.Services; public sealed class BotCredsProvider : IBotCredsProvider { private const string CREDS_FILE_NAME = "creds.yml"; private const string CREDS_EXAMPLE_FILE_NAME = "creds_example.yml"; private string CredsPath { get; } private string CredsExamplePath { get; } private readonly int? _totalShards; private readonly Creds _creds = new(); private readonly IConfigurationRoot _config; private readonly object _reloadLock = new(); private readonly IDisposable _changeToken; public BotCredsProvider(int? totalShards = null, string credPath = null) { _totalShards = totalShards; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(credPath)) { CredsPath = credPath; CredsExamplePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(credPath), CREDS_EXAMPLE_FILE_NAME); } else { CredsPath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), CREDS_FILE_NAME); CredsExamplePath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), CREDS_EXAMPLE_FILE_NAME); } try { if (!File.Exists(CredsExamplePath)) File.WriteAllText(CredsExamplePath, Yaml.Serializer.Serialize(_creds)); } catch { // this can fail in docker containers } MigrateCredentials(); if (!File.Exists(CredsPath)) { Log.Warning( "{CredsPath} is missing. Attempting to load creds from environment variables prefixed with 'EllieBot_'. Example is in {CredsExamplePath}", CredsPath, CredsExamplePath); } try { _config = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddYamlFile(CredsPath, false, true) .AddEnvironmentVariables("EllieBot_") .Build(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } _changeToken = ChangeToken.OnChange(() => _config.GetReloadToken(), Reload); Reload(); } public void Reload() { lock (_reloadLock) { _creds.OwnerIds.Clear(); _config.Bind(_creds); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_creds.Token)) { Log.Error("Token is missing from creds.yml or Environment variables.\nAdd it and restart the program"); Helpers.ReadErrorAndExit(5); return; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_creds.RestartCommand?.Cmd) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_creds.RestartCommand?.Args)) { if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Unix) { _creds.RestartCommand = new RestartConfig() { Args = "dotnet", Cmd = "EllieBot.dll -- {0}" }; } else { _creds.RestartCommand = new RestartConfig() { Args = "EllieBot.exe", Cmd = "{0}" }; } } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_creds.RedisOptions)) _creds.RedisOptions = ",syncTimeout=3000"; // replace the old generated key with the shared key if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_creds.CoinmarketcapApiKey) || _creds.CoinmarketcapApiKey.StartsWith("e79ec505-0913")) _creds.CoinmarketcapApiKey = "3077537c-7dfb-4d97-9a60-56fc9a9f5035"; _creds.TotalShards = _totalShards ?? _creds.TotalShards; } } public void ModifyCredsFile(Action func) { var ymlData = File.ReadAllText(CREDS_FILE_NAME); var creds = Yaml.Deserializer.Deserialize(ymlData); func(creds); ymlData = Yaml.Serializer.Serialize(creds); File.WriteAllText(CREDS_FILE_NAME, ymlData); } private string OldCredsJsonPath => Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "credentials.json"); private string OldCredsJsonBackupPath => Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "credentials.json.bak"); private void MigrateCredentials() { if (File.Exists(OldCredsJsonPath)) { Log.Information("Migrating old creds..."); var jsonCredentialsFileText = File.ReadAllText(OldCredsJsonPath); var oldCreds = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonCredentialsFileText); if (oldCreds is null) { Log.Error("Error while reading old credentials file. Make sure that the file is formatted correctly"); return; } var creds = new Creds { Version = 1, Token = oldCreds.Token, OwnerIds = oldCreds.OwnerIds.Distinct().ToHashSet(), GoogleApiKey = oldCreds.GoogleApiKey, RapidApiKey = oldCreds.MashapeKey, OsuApiKey = oldCreds.OsuApiKey, CleverbotApiKey = oldCreds.CleverbotApiKey, TotalShards = oldCreds.TotalShards <= 1 ? 1 : oldCreds.TotalShards, Patreon = new Creds.PatreonSettings(oldCreds.PatreonAccessToken, null, null, oldCreds.PatreonCampaignId), Votes = new Creds.VotesSettings(oldCreds.VotesUrl, oldCreds.VotesToken, string.Empty, string.Empty), BotListToken = oldCreds.BotListToken, RedisOptions = oldCreds.RedisOptions, LocationIqApiKey = oldCreds.LocationIqApiKey, TimezoneDbApiKey = oldCreds.TimezoneDbApiKey, CoinmarketcapApiKey = oldCreds.CoinmarketcapApiKey }; File.Move(OldCredsJsonPath, OldCredsJsonBackupPath, true); File.WriteAllText(CredsPath, Yaml.Serializer.Serialize(creds)); Log.Warning( "Data from credentials.json has been moved to creds.yml\nPlease inspect your creds.yml for correctness"); } if (File.Exists(CREDS_FILE_NAME)) { var creds = Yaml.Deserializer.Deserialize(File.ReadAllText(CREDS_FILE_NAME)); if (creds.Version <= 5) { creds.BotCache = BotCacheImplemenation.Redis; } if (creds.Version <= 6) { creds.Version = 7; File.WriteAllText(CREDS_FILE_NAME, Yaml.Serializer.Serialize(creds)); } if (creds.Version <= 7) { creds.Version = 8; File.WriteAllText(CREDS_FILE_NAME, Yaml.Serializer.Serialize(creds)); } } } public IBotCredentials GetCreds() { lock (_reloadLock) { return _creds; } } }