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2023-07-11 16:35:28 +12:00

207 lines
6.4 KiB

using System;
using System.Buffers;
namespace Ayu.Discord.Voice
public sealed class VoiceClient : IDisposable
delegate int EncodeDelegate(Span<byte> input, byte[] output);
private readonly int sampleRate;
private readonly int bitRate;
private readonly int channels;
private readonly int frameDelay;
private readonly int bitDepth;
public LibOpusEncoder Encoder { get; }
private readonly ArrayPool<byte> _arrayPool;
public int BitDepth => bitDepth * 8;
public int Delay => frameDelay;
private int FrameSizePerChannel => Encoder.FrameSizePerChannel;
public int InputLength => FrameSizePerChannel * channels * bitDepth;
EncodeDelegate Encode;
// w
public VoiceClient(SampleRate sampleRate = SampleRate._48k,
Bitrate bitRate = Bitrate._192k,
Channels channels = Channels.Two,
FrameDelay frameDelay = FrameDelay.Delay20,
BitDepthEnum bitDepthEnum = BitDepthEnum.Float32)
this.frameDelay = (int)frameDelay;
this.sampleRate = (int)sampleRate;
this.bitRate = (int)bitRate;
this.channels = (int)channels;
this.bitDepth = (int)bitDepthEnum;
this.Encoder = new(this.sampleRate, this.channels, this.bitRate, this.frameDelay);
Encode = bitDepthEnum switch
BitDepthEnum.Float32 => Encoder.EncodeFloat,
BitDepthEnum.UInt16 => Encoder.Encode,
_ => throw new NotSupportedException(nameof(BitDepth))
if (bitDepthEnum == BitDepthEnum.Float32)
Encode = Encoder.EncodeFloat;
Encode = Encoder.Encode;
_arrayPool = ArrayPool<byte>.Shared;
public int SendPcmFrame(VoiceGateway gw, Span<byte> data, int offset, int count)
var secretKey = gw.SecretKey;
if (secretKey.Length == 0)
return (int)SendPcmError.SecretKeyUnavailable;
// encode using opus
var encodeOutput = _arrayPool.Rent(LibOpusEncoder.MaxData);
var encodeOutputLength = Encode(data, encodeOutput);
return SendOpusFrame(gw, encodeOutput, 0, encodeOutputLength);
public int SendOpusFrame(VoiceGateway gw, byte[] data, int offset, int count)
var secretKey = gw.SecretKey;
if (secretKey is null)
return (int)SendPcmError.SecretKeyUnavailable;
// form RTP header
var headerLength = 1 // version + flags
+ 1 // payload type
+ 2 // sequence
+ 4 // timestamp
+ 4; // ssrc
var header = new byte[headerLength];
header[0] = 0x80; // version + flags
header[1] = 0x78; // payload type
// get byte values for header data
var seqBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(gw.Sequence); // 2
var nonceBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(gw.NonceSequence); // 2
var timestampBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(gw.Timestamp); // 4
var ssrcBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(gw.Ssrc); // 4
gw.Timestamp += (uint)FrameSizePerChannel;
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
// copy headers
Buffer.BlockCopy(seqBytes, 0, header, 2, 2);
Buffer.BlockCopy(timestampBytes, 0, header, 4, 4);
Buffer.BlockCopy(ssrcBytes, 0, header, 8, 4);
//// encryption part
//// create a byte array where to store the encrypted data
//// it has to be inputLength + crypto_secretbox_MACBYTES (constant with value 16)
var encryptedBytes = new byte[count + 16];
//// form nonce with header + 12 empty bytes
//var nonce = new byte[24];
//Buffer.BlockCopy(rtpHeader, 0, nonce, 0, rtpHeader.Length);
var nonce = new byte[4];
Buffer.BlockCopy(seqBytes, 0, nonce, 2, 2);
Sodium.Encrypt(data, 0, count, encryptedBytes, 0, nonce, secretKey);
var rtpDataLength = headerLength + encryptedBytes.Length + nonce.Length;
var rtpData = _arrayPool.Rent(rtpDataLength);
//copy headers
Buffer.BlockCopy(header, 0, rtpData, 0, header.Length);
//copy audio data
Buffer.BlockCopy(encryptedBytes, 0, rtpData, header.Length, encryptedBytes.Length);
Buffer.BlockCopy(nonce, 0, rtpData, rtpDataLength - 4, 4);
gw.SendRtpData(rtpData, rtpDataLength);
// FUTURE When there's a break in the sent data,
// the packet transmission shouldn't simply stop.
// Instead, send five frames of silence (0xF8, 0xFF, 0xFE)
// before stopping to avoid unintended Opus interpolation
// with subsequent transmissions.
return rtpDataLength;
public void Dispose()
=> Encoder.Dispose();
public enum SendPcmError
SecretKeyUnavailable = -1,
public enum FrameDelay
Delay5 = 5,
Delay10 = 10,
Delay20 = 20,
Delay40 = 40,
Delay60 = 60,
public enum BitDepthEnum
UInt16 = sizeof(UInt16),
Float32 = sizeof(float),
public enum SampleRate
_48k = 48_000,
public enum Bitrate
_64k = 64 * 1024,
_96k = 96 * 1024,
_128k = 128 * 1024,
_192k = 192 * 1024,
public enum Channels
One = 1,
Two = 2,