Toastie.Extensions (2.0.0)

Published 2024-07-10 01:10:45 -07:00 by toastie_t0ast


dotnet nuget add source --name toastie_t0ast --username your_username --password your_token 
dotnet add package --source toastie_t0ast --version 2.0.0 Toastie.Extensions

About this package

Provides extension methods for common tasks.


Defines the following extension methods:

  • Array Extensions
    • Several wrappers for System.Array static methods.
  • Assembly Extensions
    • GetConcreteTypes: Gets all concrete types from the current assembly.
    • GetAbstractTypes: Gets all abstract types from the current assembly.
    • GetConcreteTypesOf: Gets the concrete types from the current assembly that derive from another type.
    • GetAbstractTypesOf: Gets the abstract types from the current assembly that derive from another type.
  • DateTimeOffset Extensions
    • StartOfDay: Gets the beginning of the day for the current DateTimeOffset object.
  • Enum Extensions
    • HasOneFlag: Checks if the current enum has at least one of the provided bit flags.
    • ToFlags: Flattens a collection of enums to a single enum value that contains all bit flags from the enums in the collection. It's the opposite of ToValues().
    • ToStrings: Creates a collection of human-readable strings of the current enum.
    • ToValues: Segregates bit flags into a collection of enum values of their own. It's the opposite of ToFlags().
    • ToggleFlag: Returns an enum with the provided bit flag set if it's not currently set, and vice-versa.
  • IEnumerable<T> Extensions
    • AtLeast: Checks if the current collection contains at least the specified amount of elements and exits early if it does.
    • ContainsOne: Checks if the current collection contains at least one element of a given collection.
    • ContainsSubcollection: Checks if the current collection contains all elements of a given collection.
    • NestedFill: Adds a sample object to the inner collections of a collection of collections until they all have the same length.
    • RandomElement: Gets a random element from the current collection.
    • ToConcurrentDictionary: Converts the current collection to a ConcurrentDictionary<T, U>.
    • Unique: Gets the symetric difference between all elements in the current and specified collections.
    • When: Fluent version of an if statement.
    • WhenAllAsync: Awaits all tasks in the current IEnumerable<Task> and returns when all of them have completed.
    • WhenAnyAsync: Awaits all tasks in the current IEnumerable<Task> and returns when any of them have completed.
    • ChunkBy: Splits a collection into a collection of collections based on the provided key selector.
  • IReadOnlyList<T> Extensions
    • IndexOf: Get the index of the first element that matches a predicate.
    • LastIndexOf: Get the index of the last element that matches a predicate.
    • TryGetValue: safely get an element from the collection, or default(T) if it fails.
  • List<T> Extensions
    • AsSpan: Gets the current list as a Span<T> object.
    • AsReadOnlySpan: Gets the current list as a ReadOnlySpan<T> object.
  • Object Extensions
    • EqualsAny: Checks whether the current object equals any of the specified objects.
  • ReadOnlySpan<T> Extensions
    • AsEnumerable: Enumerates the current span.
  • Span<T> Extensions
    • AsEnumerable: Enumerates the current span.
    • Rotate: Rotates a span from a starting position by the specified amount of indices.
  • String and ReadOnlySpan<char> Extensions
    • Contains: Checks if the current string occurs within at least one of the entries in the provided collection.
    • EndsWith: Checks whether the end of the current string matches any string stored in the provided collection.
    • Equals: Checks whether the current string is equal to any of the provided strings.
    • FirstOccurrenceOf: Returns the "Nth" index of the provided character.
    • GetDigits: Returns a string with all digits present in this string.
    • HasFirstWordOf: Checks if the current string and the provided string contain the same first word.
    • LastOccurrenceOf: Returns the last "Nth" index of the provided character.
    • MaxElementLength: Get the length of the longest string of the current collection.
    • MaxLength: Truncates the string to the maximum specified length.
    • Occurrences: Gets the amount of occurences of a given character in the current string.
    • StartsWith: Checks whether the beginning of the current string matches any string stored in the provided collection.
    • ToSnakeCase: Converts the current string to the snake_case format.
  • StringBuilder Extensions
    • ReplaceAll: Replaces all instances of a substring with another substring, even if the new substring is a substring of the old substring.
    • ToStringAndClear: Returns the string value of the current builder and clears the builder.
2024-07-10 01:10:45 -07:00
29 KiB
Assets (2)
Versions (11) View all
2.3.2 2024-07-10
2.3.1 2024-07-10
2.3.0 2024-07-10
2.2.1 2024-07-10
2.2.0 2024-07-10