Toastie.Utilities (3.0.0)
Published 2025-01-03 13:20:14 +00:00 by toastie_t0ast
dotnet nuget add source --name toastie_t0ast --username your_username --password your_token
dotnet add package --source toastie_t0ast --version 3.0.0 Toastie.Utilities
About this package
Provides utility methods for common tasks.
Defines the following types:
- ToastieUtilities: static class with a wide range of helper methods.
- AddPathToPATHEnvar: Adds a directory path to the PATH environment variable.
- HasWritePermissionAt: Checks if this application can write to the specified directory.
- ProgramExists: Checks if a program exists at the specified absolute path or the PATH environment variable.
- StartProcess: Starts the specified program in the background.
- TryCreate: Safely creates an object with the specified factory method.
- TryDeleteFSO: Safely deletes a file or directory.
- TryDeleteFile: Safely deletes a file.
- TryDeleteDirectory: Safely deletes a directory.
- TryMoveFSO: Safely moves a file or directory.
- TryMoveFile: Safely moves a file.
- TryMoveDirectory: Safely moves a directory.
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