27 lines
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27 lines
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const { EmbedBuilder, ActionRowBuilder, ButtonBuilder, ButtonStyle } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = {
async execute(giveaway, member) {
return member.send({
components: [new ActionRowBuilder()
new ButtonBuilder()
.setLabel("Jump to the Giveaway")
embeds: [new EmbedBuilder()
.setAuthor({ name: "Reaction Removed!", iconURL: "https://ellie.gcoms.xyz/Ellise.png" })
.setTitle('Did You Just Remove a Reaction From A Giveaway?')
`<:DotPink:1002212468870877304> Your entery to **${giveaway.prize}** on [This Server](https://discord.com/channels/${giveaway.guildId}/${giveaway.channelId}/${giveaway.messageId}) have been removed!\n <:DotPink:1002212468870877304> This means you're removed as a valid giveaway participant.\n <:DotGreen:1002212464345239643> Think It was a mistake? **Go react again!**`
.setFooter({ text: "©️ Holana", iconURL: ('https://ellie.gcoms.xyz/Ellise.png') })
}).catch(e => {})