const { EmbedBuilder, ActionRowBuilder, ButtonBuilder, ButtonStyle } = require('discord.js'); module.exports = { async execute(giveaway, reactor, messageReaction) { const noice = new ActionRowBuilder() .addComponents( new ButtonBuilder() .setLabel("Invite Me") .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Link) .setURL("") .setEmoji('984296691794583582'), ); let approved = new EmbedBuilder() .setTimestamp() .setColor("#2F3136") .setAuthor({name: "Entry Confirmed!", iconURL: ""}) .setDescription( `<:DotGreen:1002212464345239643> Your entry to **${giveaway.prize}** on [This Server](${giveaway.guildId}/${giveaway.channelId}/${giveaway.messageId}) has been approved! \n<:DotGreen:1002212464345239643> Earn extra points by **Voting**. \n<:DotPink:1002212468870877304> Hosted By: ${giveaway.hostedBy}` ) .setFooter({ text: "©️ Holana", iconURL: ('') }) .setTimestamp() const lol = new ActionRowBuilder() .addComponents( new ButtonBuilder() .setLabel("Invite Me") .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Link) .setURL("") .setEmoji('984296691794583582'), ); let denied = new EmbedBuilder() .setTimestamp() .setColor("#2F3136") .setAuthor({name: "Entry Denied!", iconURL: ""}) .setDescription( `<:DotPink:1002212468870877304> Your entry to **${giveaway.prize}** on [This Server](${giveaway.guildId}/${giveaway.channelId}/${giveaway.messageId}) has been denied! \n<:DotPink:1002212468870877304> Please review the requirements to enter the giveaway properly. \n<:DotPink:1002212468870877304> Hosted By: ${giveaway.hostedBy}` ) .setFooter({ text: "©️ Holana", iconURL: ('') }) let client = messageReaction.message.client if ( return; if(giveaway.extraData) { if (giveaway.extraData.role !== "null" && !reactor.roles.cache.get(giveaway.extraData.role)){ messageReaction.users.remove(reactor.user); return reactor.send({ embeds: [denied], components: [lol] }).catch(e => {}) } return reactor.send({ embeds: [approved], components: [noice] }).catch(e => {}) } else { return reactor.send({ embeds: [approved] }).catch(e => {}) } } }