const { EmbedBuilder, StringSelectMenuBuilder, ActionRowBuilder, SelectMenuBuilder, ComponentType } = require('discord.js'); const config = require('../config.json'); module.exports = { name: 'help', description: '📜 View all the commands available to the bot!', run: async (client, interaction) => { const embed = new EmbedBuilder() .setTitle(`Commands of ${client.user.username}`) .setColor('#2F3136') .setDescription('Please Select a category to view all its commands\n<:invi:1000459192555024404><:next:1000472400049209385> **Giveaway Commands** \n<:invi:1000459192555024404><:next:1000472400049209385> **Configuration Commands**') .setThumbnail('') .setTimestamp() .setFooter({ text: `©️ Holana`, iconURL: ('') }); const giveaway = new EmbedBuilder() .setTitle("Categories » Giveaway") .setColor('#2F3136') .setDescription("<:sort:1003268901360115842> Here are the giveaway commands") .addFields( { name: 'Create / Start' , value: `Start a giveaway in your guild!\n > **Type: \`/start\`**`, inline: true }, { name: 'Edit' , value: `Edit an already running giveaway!\n > **Type: \`/edit\`**`, inline: true }, { name: 'End' , value: `End an already running giveaway!\n > **Type: \`/end\`**`, inline: true }, { name: 'Pause' , value: `Pause an already running giveaway!\n > **Type: \`/pause\`**`, inline: true }, { name: 'Reroll' , value: `Reroll an ended giveaway!\n > **Type: \`/reroll\`**`, inline: true }, { name: 'Resume' , value: `Resume a paused giveaway!\n > **Type: \`/resume\`**`, inline: true }, ) .setTimestamp() .setFooter({ text: `©️ Holana`, iconURL: ('') }); const general = new EmbedBuilder() .setTitle("Categories » Configuration") .setColor('#2F3136') .setDescription("<:sort:1003268901360115842> Here are the configuration commands in slash") .addFields( { name: 'Help', value: `Show the help menu.\n > **Type: \`/help\`**`, inline: true }, { name: 'About', value: `Show Info About Holana.\n > **Type: \`/about\`**`, inline: true }, { name: 'Server Info', value: `Shows server info.\n > **Type: \`/serverinfo\`**`, inline: true }, { name: 'Server Icon', value: `Shows server icon.\n > **Type: \`/servericon\`**`, inline: true }, { name: 'User Info', value: `Shows user info.\n > **Type: \`/userinfo\`**`, inline: true }, { name: 'User Avatar', value: `Shows user avatar.\n > **Type: \`/avatar\`**`, inline: true }, { name: 'Invite', value: `Get the bot's invite link.\n > **Type: \`/invite\`**`, inline: true }, { name: 'Ping', value: `Check the bot's ping!\n > **Type: \`/ping\`**`, inline: true }, { name: 'System', value: `Check the bot's System info.\n > **Type: \`/info\`**`, inline: true }, ) .setTimestamp() .setFooter({ text: `©️ Holana`, iconURL: ('') }); const components = (state) => [ new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents( new StringSelectMenuBuilder() .setCustomId("help-menu") .setPlaceholder("Please Select a Category") .setDisabled(state) .addOptions([{ label: `Giveaways`, value: `giveaway`, description: `View all the giveaway based commands!`, emoji: `<:confetti:984296694357319730>` }, { label: `Configuration`, value: `general`, description: `View all the general bot commands!`, emoji: `<:Discord_settings:990669159849414736>` } ]) ), ]; const initialMessage = await interaction.reply({ embeds: [embed], components: components(false) }); const filter = (interaction) => ===; const collector = { filter, componentType: ComponentType.SelectMenu, idle: 300000, dispose: true, }); collector.on('collect', (interaction) => { if (interaction.values[0] === "giveaway") { interaction.update({ embeds: [giveaway], components: components(false) }).catch((e) => { }); } else if (interaction.values[0] === "general") { interaction.update({ embeds: [general], components: components(false) }).catch((e) => { }); } }); collector.on('end', (collected, reason) => { if (reason == "time") { initialMessage.edit({ content: "Collector Destroyed, Try Again!", components: [], }); } }) } }