const Discord = require("discord.js") const { ApplicationCommandOptionType, EmbedBuilder, ActionRowBuilder, ButtonBuilder, ButtonStyle } = require("discord.js"); const messages = require("../utils/message"); const ms = require("ms") module.exports = { name: 'start', description: '🎉 Start a giveaway', options: [ { name: 'duration', description: 'How long the giveaway should last for. Example values: 1m, 1h, 1d', type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, required: true }, { name: 'winners', description: 'How many winners the giveaway should have', type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Integer, required: true }, { name: 'prize', description: 'What the prize of the giveaway should be', type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, required: true }, { name: 'channel', description: 'The channel to start the giveaway in', type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Channel, required: true }, { name: 'bonusrole', description: 'Role which would recieve bonus entries', type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Role, required: false }, { name: 'bonusamount', description: 'The amount of bonus entries the role will recieve', type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Integer, required: false }, { name: 'description', description: 'Add more details about your giveaway', type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, required: false }, { name: 'role', description: 'Role you want to add as giveaway joining requirement', type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Role, required: false }, ], run: async (client, interaction) => { // If the member doesn't have enough permissions if (!interaction.member.permissions.has('MANAGE_MESSAGES') && !interaction.member.roles.cache.some((r) => === "Giveaways")) { return interaction.reply({ content: ':x: You need to have the manage messages permissions to start giveaways.', ephemeral: true }); } const giveawayChannel = interaction.options.getChannel('channel'); const giveawayDuration = interaction.options.getString('duration'); const giveawayWinnerCount = interaction.options.getInteger('winners'); const giveawayPrize = interaction.options.getString('prize'); if (!giveawayChannel.isTextBased()) { return interaction.reply({ content: ':x: Please select a text channel!', ephemeral: true }); } if(isNaN(ms(giveawayDuration))) { return interaction.reply({ content: ':x: Please select a valid duration!', ephemeral: true }); } if (giveawayWinnerCount < 1) { return interaction.reply({ content: ':x: Please select a valid winner count! greater or equal to one.', }) } const bonusRole = interaction.options.getRole('bonusrole') const bonusEntries = interaction.options.getInteger('bonusamount') let rolereq = interaction.options.getRole('role') let invite = interaction.options.getString('description') if (bonusRole) { if (!bonusEntries) { return interaction.reply({ content: `:x: You must specify how many bonus entries would ${bonusRole} recieve!`, ephemeral: true }); } } await interaction.deferReply({ ephemeral: true }) if (rolereq) { messages.inviteToParticipate = `**React with <:confetti:984296694357319730> to participate!**\n>>> - Only members having ${rolereq} are allowed to participate in this giveaway!` } if (rolereq && invite) { messages.inviteToParticipate = `**React with <:confetti:984296694357319730> to participate!**\n>>> - Only members having ${rolereq} are allowed to participate in this giveaway!` } if (!rolereq && invite) { messages.inviteToParticipate = `**React with <:confetti:984296694357319730> to participate!**\n>>> Read more details about this giveaway down below!` } // start giveaway await client.giveawaysManager.start(giveawayChannel, { // The giveaway duration duration: ms(giveawayDuration), // The giveaway prize prize: giveawayPrize, // The giveaway Host hostedBy: `<@${}>`, // The giveaway winner count winnerCount: parseInt(giveawayWinnerCount), // BonusEntries If Provided bonusEntries: [ { // Members who have the role which is assigned to "rolename" get the amount of bonus entries which are assigned to "BonusEntries" bonus: new Function('member', `return member.roles.cache.some((r) => === \'${bonusRole ?.name}\') ? ${bonusEntries} : null`), cumulative: false } ], // Messages messages, extraData: { role: rolereq == null ? "null" :, } }); interaction.editReply({ content: `Giveaway started in ${giveawayChannel}!`, ephemeral: true }) if (bonusRole) { let giveaway = new Discord.EmbedBuilder() .setAuthor({ name: `Bonus Entries Alert!` }) .setDescription( `**${bonusRole}** Has **${bonusEntries}** Extra Entries in this giveaway!` ) .setColor("#2F3136") .setTimestamp(); giveawayChannel.send({ embeds: [giveaway] }); } } };