require("dotenv").config(); const mongoose = require("mongoose"); const readline = require("readline"); const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout, }); const warningMsg = `--------------- !!! WARNING !!! --------------- This script will migrate your database from v4 to v5. This script is still a work in progress and irreversible. Please make sure you have a backup of your database before proceeding. Do you want to continue? (y/n): `; rl.question(warningMsg, async function (name) { try { if (name.toLowerCase() === "y") { console.log("🚀 Starting migration (v4 to v5)"); await migration(); console.log("⚡ Migration complete"); process.exit(0); } else { console.log("Migration cancelled"); process.exit(0); } } catch (ex) { console.log(ex); process.exit(1); } }); async function migration() { // Connect to database await mongoose.connect(process.env.MONGO_CONNECTION, { keepAlive: true }); console.log("🔌 Database connection established"); // Get all collections const collections = await mongoose.connection.db.collections(); console.log(`🔎 Found ${collections.length} collections`); await migrateGuilds(collections); await migrateModLogs(collections); await migrateTranslateLogs(collections); await migrateSuggestions(collections); await migrateMemberStats(collections); await migrateMembers(collections); await migrateUsers(collections); await migrateMessages(collections); } const clearAndLog = (message) => { process.stdout.clearLine(); process.stdout.cursorTo(0); console.log(message); }; /** * Migrate mod-logs collection from v4 to v5 * @param {mongoose.Collection[]} collections */ const migrateGuilds = async (collections) => { process.stdout.write("📦 Migrating 'guilds' collection "); try { const guildsC = collections.find((c) => c.collectionName === "guilds"); const toUpdate = await guildsC .find({ $or: [ { "data.owner": { $type: "object" } }, { "automod.strikes": 5 }, { "automod.action": "MUTE" }, { "automod.anti_scam": { $exists: true } }, { "max_warn.strikes": 5 }, { ranking: { $exists: true } }, ], }) .toArray(); if (toUpdate.length > 0) { for (const doc of toUpdate) { if (typeof === "object") =; if (typeof doc.automod === "object") { if (doc.automod.strikes === 5) doc.automod.strikes = 10; if (doc.automod.action === "MUTE") doc.automod.action = "TIMEOUT"; doc.automod.anti_spam = doc.automod.anti_scam || false; } if (typeof doc.max_warn === "object") { if (doc.max_warn.action === "MUTE") doc.automod.action = "TIMEOUT"; if (doc.max_warn.action === "BAN") doc.automod.action = "KICK"; } if (typeof doc.stats !== "object") doc.stats = {}; if (doc.ranking?.enabled) doc.stats.enabled = true; await guildsC.updateOne({ _id: doc._id }, { $set: doc }); process.stdout.clearLine(); process.stdout.cursorTo(0); process.stdout.write( `📦 Migrating 'guilds' collection | Completed - ${Math.round( (toUpdate.indexOf(doc) / toUpdate.length) * 100 )}%` ); } await guildsC.updateMany( {}, { $unset: { "automod.anti_scam": "", "automod.max_mentions": "", "automod.max_role_mentions": "", ranking: "", }, } ); clearAndLog(`📦 Migrating 'guilds' collection | ✅ Updated: ${toUpdate.length}`); } else { clearAndLog("📦 Migrating 'guilds' collection | ✅ No updates required"); } } catch (ex) { clearAndLog("📦 Migrating 'guilds' collection | ❌ Error occurred"); console.log(ex); } }; /** * Migrate mod-logs collection from v4 to v5 * @param {mongoose.Collection[]} collections */ const migrateModLogs = async (collections) => { process.stdout.write("📦 Migrating 'mod-logs' collection "); try { const modLogs = collections.find((c) => c.collectionName === "mod-logs"); const stats = await modLogs.updateMany({}, { $unset: { expires: "" } }); await modLogs.updateMany({ type: "MUTE" }, { $set: { type: "TIMEOUT" } }); await modLogs.updateMany({ type: "UNMUTE" }, { $set: { type: "UNTIMEOUT" } }); console.log(`| ✅ ${stats.modifiedCount > 0 ? `Updated: ${stats.modifiedCount}` : "No updates required"}`); } catch (ex) { clearAndLog("📦 Migrating 'mod-logs' collection | ❌ Error occurred"); console.log(ex); } }; /** * Migrate translate-logs collection from v4 to v5 * @param {mongoose.Collection[]} collections */ const migrateTranslateLogs = async (collections) => { process.stdout.write("📦 Migrating 'translate-logs' collection "); console.log("| ✅ No updates required"); }; /** * Migrate suggestions collection from v4 to v5 * @param {mongoose.Collection[]} collections */ const migrateSuggestions = async (collections) => { process.stdout.write("📦 Migrating 'suggestions' collection "); try { const suggestionsC = collections.find((c) => c.collectionName === "suggestions"); const toUpdate = await suggestionsC .find({ $or: [{ channel_id: { $exists: false } }, { createdAt: { $exists: true } }] }) .toArray(); if (toUpdate.length > 0) { // cache all guilds const guilds = await collections .find((c) => c.collectionName === "guilds") .find({}) .toArray(); const cache = new Map(); for (const guild of guilds) cache.set(guild._id, guild); for (const doc of toUpdate) { const guildDb = cache.get(doc.guild_id); await suggestionsC.updateOne( { _id: doc._id }, { $set: { channel_id: guildDb.suggestions.channel_id }, $rename: { createdAt: "created_at", updatedAt: "updated_at" }, } ); process.stdout.clearLine(); process.stdout.cursorTo(0); process.stdout.write( `📦 Migrating 'suggestions' collection | Completed - ${Math.round( (toUpdate.indexOf(doc) / toUpdate.length) * 100 )}%` ); } clearAndLog(`📦 Migrating 'suggestions' collection | ✅ Updated: ${toUpdate.length}`); } else { clearAndLog("📦 Migrating 'suggestions' collection | ✅ No updates required"); } } catch (ex) { clearAndLog("📦 Migrating 'suggestions' collection | ❌ Error occurred"); console.log(ex); } }; /** * Migrate member-stats collection from v4 to v5 * @param {mongoose.Collection[]} collections */ const migrateMemberStats = async (collections) => { process.stdout.write("📦 Migrating 'member-stats' collection "); try { const membersC = collections.find((c) => c.collectionName === "members"); if (!collections.find((c) => c.collectionName === "member-stats")) { const memberStatsC = await mongoose.connection.db.createCollection("member-stats"); const toUpdate = await membersC .find({ $or: [{ xp: { $exists: true } }, { level: { $exists: true } }] }) .toArray(); if (toUpdate.length > 0) { for (const doc of toUpdate) { await memberStatsC.insertOne({ guild_id: doc.guild_id, member_id: doc.member_id, xp: doc.xp, level: doc.level, }); process.stdout.clearLine(); process.stdout.cursorTo(0); process.stdout.write( `📦 Migrating 'member-stats' collection | Completed - ${Math.round( (toUpdate.indexOf(doc) / toUpdate.length) * 100 )}%` ); } clearAndLog(`📦 Migrating 'member-stats' collection | ✅ Updated: ${toUpdate.length}`); } else { clearAndLog("📦 Migrating 'member-stats' collection | ✅ No updates required"); } } else { clearAndLog("📦 Migrating 'member-stats' collection | ✅ No updates required"); } } catch (ex) { clearAndLog("📦 Migrating 'member-stats' collection | ❌ Error occurred"); console.log(ex); } }; /** * Migrate members collection from v4 to v5 * @param {mongoose.Collection[]} collections */ const migrateMembers = async (collections) => { process.stdout.write("📦 Migrating 'members' collection "); try { const membersC = collections.find((c) => c.collectionName === "members"); const toUpdate = await membersC.find({ $or: [{ xp: { $exists: true } }, { level: { $exists: true } }] }).toArray(); if (toUpdate.length > 0) { const stats = await membersC.updateMany({}, { $unset: { xp: "", level: "", mute: "" } }); clearAndLog(`📦 Migrating 'members' collection | ✅ Updated: ${stats.modifiedCount}`); } else { clearAndLog("📦 Migrating 'members' collection | ✅ No updates required"); } } catch (ex) { clearAndLog("📦 Migrating 'members' collection | ❌ Error occurred"); console.log(ex); } }; /** * Migrate users collection from v4 to v5 * @param {mongoose.Collection[]} collections */ const migrateUsers = async (collections) => { process.stdout.write("📦 Migrating 'users' collection ..."); try { const usersC = collections.find((c) => c.collectionName === "users"); const toUpdate = await usersC .find({ $or: [{ username: { $exists: false } }, { discriminator: { $exists: false } }] }) .toArray(); if (toUpdate.length > 0) { const { Client, GatewayIntentBits } = require("discord.js"); const client = new Client({ intents: [GatewayIntentBits.Guilds] }); await client.login(process.env.BOT_TOKEN); let success = 0, failed = 0; for (const doc of toUpdate) { try { const user = await client.users.fetch(doc._id); await usersC.updateOne( { _id: doc._id }, { $set: { username: user.username, discriminator: user.discriminator } } ); success++; } catch (e) { failed++; } process.stdout.clearLine(); process.stdout.cursorTo(0); process.stdout.write( `📦 Migrating 'users' collection | Completed - ${Math.round( (toUpdate.indexOf(doc) / toUpdate.length) * 100 )}%` ); } clearAndLog(`📦 Migrating 'users' collection | ✅ Updated: ${success} | ❌ Failed: ${failed}`); } else { clearAndLog("📦 Migrating 'users' collection | ✅ No updates required"); } } catch (ex) { clearAndLog("📦 Migrating 'users' collection | ❌ Error occurred"); console.log(ex); } }; /** * Migrate messages collection from v4 to v5 * @param {mongoose.Collection[]} collections */ const migrateMessages = async (collections) => { process.stdout.write("📦 Migrating 'messages' collection "); try { if ( !collections.find((c) => c.collectionName === "v4-ticket-backup") && !collections.find((c) => c.collectionName === "reaction-roles") && collections.find((c) => c.collectionName === "messages") ) { const rrolesC = await mongoose.connection.db.createCollection("reaction-roles"); const ticketsC = await mongoose.connection.db.createCollection("v4-ticket-backup"); const messagesC = collections.find((c) => c.collectionName === "messages"); const rrToUpdate = await messagesC.find({ roles: { $exists: true, $ne: [] } }).toArray(); const tToUpdate = await messagesC.find({ ticket: { $exists: true } }).toArray(); if (rrToUpdate.length > 0 || tToUpdate.length > 0) { await rrolesC.insertMany( => ({ guild_id: doc.guild_id, channel_id: doc.channel_id, message_id: doc.message_id, roles: doc.roles, })) ); await ticketsC.insertMany( => ({ guild_id: doc.guild_id, channel_id: doc.channel_id, message_id: doc.message_id, ticket: doc.ticket, })) ); await mongoose.connection.db.dropCollection("messages"); clearAndLog( `📦 Migrating 'messages' collection | Completed - Updated: ${rrToUpdate.length + tToUpdate.length}` ); } else { await mongoose.connection.db.dropCollection("messages"); clearAndLog("📦 Migrating 'messages' collection | ✅ No updates required"); } } else { clearAndLog("📦 Migrating 'messages' collection | ✅ No updates required"); } } catch (ex) { clearAndLog("📦 Migrating 'messages' collection | ❌ Error occurred"); console.log(ex); } };