module utils.log; import std.stdio; import std.format; import std.conv; import core.time; import std.typecons; import grimoire; enum LogLevel { INFOLOW, // Reserved for hot loop logging INFOMED, // Reserved for loop repeated events INFOHIGH, // Reserved for non loop rare events DEBUG, // Reserved for sensitive events that may be bugs WARN, // Reserved for pending bugs ERROR // Reserved for bugs that may cause a crash in hot loop, should be guarded } enum CurrentLogLevel = LogLevel.INFOLOW; public void log(LogLevel lvl, string data) { static Nullable!MonoTime start; if(start.isNull) start = MonoTime.currTime; if(lvl >= CurrentLogLevel) writeln(format("%7.6f : %s : %s",(MonoTime.currTime - start.get).total!("hnsecs")/10_000_000.0,!string(lvl), data)); } public void grLog(GrCall call) { log(call.getEnum!LogLevel(0), "Gr> " ~ call.getString(1)); } public GrLibrary getLogLibrary() { auto lib = new GrLibrary(); auto loglvl_t = lib.addEnum("LogLevel", ["INFOLOW", "INFOMED", "INFOHIGH", "DEBUG", "WARN", "ERROR"]); lib.addFunction(&grLog, "log", [loglvl_t, grString]); return lib; }