import std.stdio: writeln; import std.exception; import raylib; import grimoire; import utils.log; import std.string : toStringz; import std.format; import std.conv : to; import core.time; import toki.symbols; import world; extern(C) __gshared string[] rt_options = [ "gcopt=initReserve:128 minPoolSize:256 parallel:2 profile:1" ]; int main(string[] args) { try { worldContents = new WorldObjectList; InitWindow(800,600,"Unnamed project"); log(LogLevel.INFOHIGH, "Window Initialized..."); Screen.x = Screen.y = 0; Screen.width = Screen.px_width = 800; Screen.height = Screen.px_height = 600; log(LogLevel.INFOHIGH, "Readying the engine..."); GrEngine engine = new GrEngine(); auto grstd = grLoadStdLibrary(); auto grloglib = getLogLibrary(); engine.addLibrary(grstd); engine.addLibrary(grloglib); log(LogLevel.INFOHIGH, "Readying the compiler..."); GrCompiler compiler = new GrCompiler(); compiler.addLibrary(grstd); compiler.addLibrary(grloglib); compiler.addFile("./assets/scripts/"); log(LogLevel.INFOHIGH, "Compiling Scripts..."); auto bytecode = compiler.compile(GrOption.symbols); if(! bytecode) { throw new Exception(compiler.getError().prettify(GrLocale.en_US)); } log(LogLevel.INFOHIGH, "Booting Scripts..."); engine.load(bytecode); log(LogLevel.INFOHIGH, "Go Hot Dog, Go..."); engine.process(); auto reference = MonoTime.currTime(); auto deltaTime = 1f/60f; while(! WindowShouldClose()) { if(engine.isPanicking()) { throw new Exception(engine.panicMessage()); } log(LogLevel.INFOLOW, format("Frame begin %fs...", deltaTime)); log(LogLevel.INFOLOW, "Processing inputs..."); log(LogLevel.INFOLOW, "Processing coros..."); engine.process(); log(LogLevel.INFOLOW, "Processing changes..."); log(LogLevel.INFOLOW, "Render start..."); BeginDrawing();{ ClearBackground(Colors.WHITE); foreach (obj; worldContents) { obj.render(deltaTime); } DrawFPS(0,0); auto pos = GetMousePosition(); DrawText(toStringz(format("%f, %f", pos.x, pos.y)), 0, 24, 20, Colors.GREEN); }EndDrawing(); auto new_reference = MonoTime.currTime(); deltaTime = (new_reference - reference).total!("hnsecs")/10_000_000.0; reference = new_reference; } CloseWindow(); return 0; } catch(Exception e) { log(LogLevel.ERROR, e.msg); foreach (trace; log(LogLevel.ERROR, format("at: %s", trace)); } return 1; }