import { generateYAxis } from '@/app/lib/utils'; import { CalendarIcon } from '@heroicons/react/24/outline'; import { lusitana } from '@/app/ui/fonts'; import { Revenue } from '@/app/lib/definitions'; import { fetchRevenue } from '@/app/lib/data'; // This component is representational only. // For data visualization UI, check out: // // // export default async function RevenueChart() { const revenue = await fetchRevenue(); const chartHeight = 350; // NOTE: comment in this code when you get to this point in the course const { yAxisLabels, topLabel } = generateYAxis(revenue); if (!revenue || revenue.length === 0) { return

No data available.

; } return (

Recent Revenue

{/* NOTE: comment in this code when you get to this point in the course */}
{ => (


{ => (



Last 12 months

); }