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<td><code>/add &lt;user&gt;</code></td>
<td>Add users to the ticket.</td>
<td><code>/addcategory &lt;title&gt; &lt;category&gt;</code></td>
<td>Adds a category for users to open tickets in. The title is what will be used on buttons and in selection menus.</td>
<td><code>/addmessage &lt;identifier&gt; &lt;message&gt;</code></td>
<td>Adds a new message for the <code>say</code> command. The identifier is one word used in the say command and the message is what the bot prints.</td>
<td><code>/addstaff &lt;user&gt;</code></td>
<td>Registers a user as a staff member for ticket assignment.</td>
<td><code>/assign (user)</code></td>
<td>Assigns a ticket to a staff member, themself if no mention or id is provided.</td>
<td><code>/blacklist &lt;user&gt;</code></td>
<td>Blacklists users from opening tickets.</td>
<td>Closes a ticket channel and posts a ticket transcript in the log channel.</td>
<td>Creates a panel of buttons for users to open tickets with, one for each saved category.</td>
<td><code>/createselectionbox (message)</code></td>
<td>Creates a selection menu for users to open tickets with. Message is the placeholder shown on the selection menu before anything is selected.</td>
<td><code>/list (user)</code></td>
<td>Lists a user's open and closed tickets.</td>
<td><code>/listassigned (user)</code></td>
<td>Lists all of a staff member's assigned tickets.</td>
<td>Lists a number of the oldest still open tickets, default is 20.</td>
<td>Lists all unassigned tickets.</td>
<td><code>/move &lt;category&gt;</code></td>
<td>Moves a ticket to a specific category by partial name.</td>
<td>Opens a new ticket channel.</td>
<td><code>/rassign (role)</code></td>
<td>Randomly assigns a ticket to an active staff member. If a role is provided only staff member with that role are considered.</td>
<td><code>/removecategory &lt;category&gt;</code></td>
<td>Removes a category from the bot.</td>
<td><code>/removemessage &lt;identifier&gt;</code></td>
<td>Removes message from the database.</td>
<td><code>/removestaff &lt;user&gt;</code></td>
<td>Removes a user from staff.</td>
<td><code>/say (identifier)</code></td>
<td>Prints a message with information from staff. Use with no arguments to list ids.</td>
<td><code>/setsummary &lt;summary&gt;</code></td>
<td>Sets a summary for a ticket which can be viewed using the <code>summary</code> command.</td>
<td>Shows a status message about the bot with info such as number of tickets and which version is running.</td>
<td>Shows some information about a ticket and its summary if set.</td>
<td><code>/toggleactive (user)</code></td>
<td>Toggles whether a staff member counts as active or not.</td>
<td><code>/transcript (ticket id)</code></td>
<td>Generates a ticket transcript as an html file.</td>
<td>Unassigns a ticket from the currently assigned staff member.</td>
<td><code>/unblacklist &lt;user&gt;</code></td>
<td>Un-blacklists users from opening tickets.</td>
<td><code>/admin listinvalid</code></td>
<td>Lists tickets which channels have been deleted, you can use the <code>/admin unsetticket</code> command to remove them from the ticket system.</td>
<td><code>/admin reload</code></td>
<td>Reloads the config.</td>
<td><code>/admin setticket (channel)</code></td>
<td>Makes the current channel a ticket.</td>
<td><code>/admin unsetticket (ticket id)</code></td>
<td>Removes a ticket without deleting the channel.</td>
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Last update:
<span class="git-revision-date-localized-plugin git-revision-date-localized-plugin-date">November 14, 2022</span>
<span class="git-revision-date-localized-plugin git-revision-date-localized-plugin-date">November 14, 2022</span>
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