2024-06-25 23:22:36 +12:00

239 lines
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title = "Advanced Creds"
description = "Setting up your API keys"
weight = 2
## Setting up your API keys
This part is completely optional, **however it's necessary for music and a few other features to work properly**.
- **GoogleAPIKey**
- Required for Youtube Song Search, Playlist queuing, and a few more things.
- Follow these steps on how to setup Google API keys:
- Go to [Google Console][Google Console] and log in.
- Create a new project (name does not matter).
- Once the project is created, go into `Library`
- Under the `YouTube APIs` section
- Select `YouTube Data API v3`,
- Click enable.
- Search for `Custom Search API`
- Select `Custom Search API`,
- Click enable.
- Open up the `Navigation menu` on the top right with the three lines.
- select `APIs & Services`, then select `Credentials`,
- Click `Create Credentials` button,
- Click on `API Key`
- A new window will appear with your `Google API key`
*NOTE: You don't really need to click on `RESTRICT KEY`, just click on `CLOSE` when you are done.*
- Copy the key.
- Open up `creds.yml` and look for `GoogleAPIKey`, paste your API key after the `:`.
- It should look like this:
GoogleApiKey: 'AIzaSyDSci1sdlWQOWNVj1vlXxxxxxbk0oWMEzM'
- **MashapeKey**
- Required for Hearthstone cards.
- Api key obtained on https://rapidapi.com (register -> go to MyApps -> Add New App -> Enter Name -> Application key)
- Copy the key and paste it into `creds.yml`
- **OsuApiKey**
- Required for Osu commands
- You can get this key [here](https://osu.ppy.sh/p/api).
- **CleverbotApiKey**
- Required if you want to use Cleverbot. It's currently a paid service.
- You can get this key [here](http://www.cleverbot.com/api/).
- **PatreonAccessToken**
- For Patreon creators only.
- **PatreonCampaignId**
- For Patreon creators only. Id of your campaign.
- **TwitchClientId and TwitchClientSecret**
- Mandatory for following twitch streams with `.twitch` (or `.stadd` with twitch link)
- Go to [apps page](https://dev.twitch.tv/console) on twitch and register your application.
- You need 2FA enabled on twitch in order to create an application
- You can set `http://localhost` as the OAuth Redirect URL (and press Add button)
- Select `Chat Bot` from the Category dropdown
- Once created, `click Manage`
- Click `New Secret` and select `OK` in the popup
**Note: You will need to generate a new Client Secret everytime you exit the page**
- Copy both to your creds.yml as shown below
twitchClientId: 516tr61tr1qweqwe86trg3g
twitchClientSecret: 16tr61tr1q86tweqwe
- **LocationIqApiKey**
- Optional. Used only for the `.time` command. https://locationiq.com api key (register and you will receive the token in the email).
- **TimezoneDbApiKey**
- Optional. Used only for the `.time` command. https://timezonedb.com api key (register and you will receive the token in the email **YOU HAVE TO ACTIVEATE IT AFTER YOU GET IT**).
- **CoinmarketcapApiKey**
- Optional. Used only for the `.crypto` command. You can use crypto command without it, but you might get ratelimited from time to time, as all self-hosters share the default api key. https://pro.coinmarketcap.com/
##### Additional Settings
- **TotalShards**
- Required if the bot will be connected to more than 2500 servers.
- Most likely unnecessary to change until your bot is added to more than 2500 servers.
- **RedisOptions**
- Required if the Redis instance is not on localhost or on non-default port.
- You can find all available options [here](https://stackexchange.github.io/StackExchange.Redis/Configuration.html).
- **RestartCommand**
- Required if you want to be able to use the `.restart` command
- If you're using the CLI installer or Linux/OSX, it's easier and more reliable setup Ellie with auto-restart and just use `.die`
For Windows (Updater), add this to your `creds.yml`
Cmd: "EllieBot.exe"
args: "{0}"
For Windows (Source), Linux or OSX, add this to your `creds.yml`
Cmd: dotnet
Args: "EllieBot.dll -- {0}"
#### End Result
**This is an example of how the `creds.yml` looks like with multiple owners, the restart command (optional) and some of the API keys (also optional):**
version: 4
# Bot token. Do not share with anyone ever -> https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/
token: 'MTE5Nzc3MDIxMzE5NTc3NjEw.VlhNCw.BuqJFyzdIUAK1PRf1eK1Cu89Jew'
# List of Ids of the users who have bot owner permissions
- 105635123466156544
- 145521851676884992
- 341420590009417729
# The number of shards that the bot will running on.
# Leave at 1 if you don't know what you're doing.
totalShards: 1
# Login to https://console.cloud.google.com, create a new project, go to APIs & Services -> Library -> YouTube Data API and enable it.
# Then, go to APIs and Services -> Credentials and click Create credentials -> API key.
# Used only for Youtube Data Api (at the moment).
googleApiKey: 'AIzaSyDScfdfdfi1sdlWQOWxxxxxbk0oWMEzM'
# Settings for voting system for discordbots. Meant for use on global Ellie.
url: ''
key: ''
# Patreon auto reward system settings.
# go to https://www.patreon.com/portal -> my clients -> create client
# Access token. You have to manually update this 1st of each month by refreshing the token on https://patreon.com/portal
accessToken: ''
# Unused atm
refreshToken: ''
# Unused atm
clientSecret: ''
# Campaign ID of your patreon page. Go to your patreon page (make sure you're logged in) and type "prompt('Campaign ID', window.patreon.bootstrap.creator.data.id);" in the console. (ctrl + shift + i)
campaignId: ''
# Api key for sending stats to DiscordBotList.
botListToken: ''
# Official cleverbot api key.
cleverbotApiKey: ''
# Redis connection string. Don't change if you don't know what you're doing.
redisOptions: localhost:6379,syncTimeout=30000,responseTimeout=30000,allowAdmin=true,password=
# Database options. Don't change if you don't know what you're doing. Leave null for default values
# Database type. Only sqlite supported atm
type: sqlite
# Connection string. Will default to "Data Source=data/EllieBot.db"
connectionString: Data Source=data/EllieBot.db
# Address and port of the coordinator endpoint. Leave empty for default.
# Change only if you've changed the coordinator address or port.
coordinatorUrl: http://localhost:3442
# Api key obtained on https://rapidapi.com (go to MyApps -> Add New App -> Enter Name -> Application key)
rapidApiKey: 4UrKpcWXcxxxxxxxxxxxxxxp1Q8kI6jsn32xxxoVWiY7
# https://locationiq.com api key (register and you will receive the token in the email).
# Used only for .time command.
# https://timezonedb.com api key (register and you will receive the token in the email).
# Used only for .time command
# https://pro.coinmarketcap.com/account/ api key. There is a free plan for personal use.
# Used for cryptocurrency related commands.
# Api key used for Osu related commands. Obtain this key at https://osu.ppy.sh/p/api
osuApiKey: 4c8c8fdffdsfdsfsdfsfa33f3f3140a7d93320d6
# Optional Trovo client id.
# You should use this if Trovo stream notifications stopped working or you're getting ratelimit errors.
# Obtain by creating an application at https://dev.twitch.tv/console/apps
twitchClientId: jf2w6kkyrlzfl6mp1b4k25h4jr6b2o
# Obtain by creating an application at https://dev.twitch.tv/console/apps
twitchClientSecret: 16tr61tr1q86tweqwe
# Command and args which will be used to restart the bot.
# Only used if bot is executed directly (NOT through the coordinator)
# placeholders:
# {0} -> shard id
# {1} -> total shards
# Linux default
# cmd: dotnet
# args: "EllieBot.dll -- {0}"
# Windows default
# cmd: "EllieBot.exe"
# args: "{0}"
## Database
Ellie saves all settings and data in the database file `EllieBot.db`, located in:
- Windows (Updater): `system/data` (can be easily accessed through the `Data` button on the updater)
- Windows (Source), Linux and OSX: `elliebot/output/data/EllieBot.db`
In order to open it you will need [SQLite Browser](http://sqlitebrowser.org/).
*NOTE: You don't have to worry if you don't have the `EllieBot.db` file, it gets automatically created once you successfully run the bot for the first time.*
**To make changes to the database on windows:**
- Shut your bot down.
- Copy the `EllieBot.db` file to someplace safe. (Back up)
- Open it with SQLite Browser.
- Go to the **Browse Data** tab.
- Click on the **Table** drop-down list.
- Choose the table you want to edit.
- Click on the cell you want to edit.
- Edit it on the right-hand side.
- Click on **Apply**.
- Click on **Write Changes**.
## Sharding your bot
To run a sharded bot, you will want to run `src/EllieBot.Coordinator` project.
Shards communicate with the coordinator using gRPC
To configure your Coordinator, you will need to edit the `src/EllieBot.Coordinator/coord.yml` file
# total number of shards
TotalShards: 3
# How often do shards ping their state back to the coordinator
RecheckIntervalMs: 5000
# Command to run the shard
ShardStartCommand: dotnet
# Arguments to run the shard
# {0} = shard id
# {1} = total number of shards
ShardStartArgs: ../../output/EllieBot.dll -- {0} {1}
# How long does it take for the shard to be forcefully restarted once it stops reporting its state
UnresponsiveSec: 30
[Google Console]: https://console.developers.google.com
[DiscordApp]: https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me
[Invite Guide]: https://tukimoop.pw/s/guide.html