2024-06-13 17:43:59 +12:00

977 B

uid: Discord.Commands.CommandException remarks: *content

This @System.Exception class is typically used when diagnosing an error thrown during the execution of a command. You will find the thrown exception passed into LogMessage.Exception, which is sent to your CommandService.Log event handler.

uid: Discord.Commands.CommandException example: [*content]

You may use this information to handle runtime exceptions after execution. Below is an example of how you may use this:

public Task LogHandlerAsync(LogMessage logMessage)
    // Note that this casting method requires C#7 and up.
    if (logMessage?.Exception is CommandException cmdEx)
        Console.WriteLine($"{cmdEx.GetBaseException().GetType()} was thrown while executing {cmdEx.Command.Aliases.First()} in {cmdEx.Context.Channel} by {cmdEx.Context.User}.");
    return Task.CompletedTask;