486 lines
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486 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using DSharpPlus.Entities;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Converters;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization;
namespace SupportChild.Interviews;
public enum StepType
// TODO: Support multiselector as separate type
public enum ButtonType
public class ReferencedInterviewStep
public string id;
// If this step is on a button, give it this style.
public ButtonType? buttonStyle;
// If this step is in a selector, give it this description.
public string selectorDescription;
// Runs at the end of the reference
public InterviewStep afterReferenceStep;
public ReferencedInterviewStep() { }
public ReferencedInterviewStep(ReferencedInterviewStep other)
id = other.id;
buttonStyle = other.buttonStyle;
selectorDescription = other.selectorDescription;
if (other.afterReferenceStep != null)
afterReferenceStep = new InterviewStep(other.afterReferenceStep);
public bool TryGetReferencedStep(Dictionary<string, InterviewStep> definitions, out InterviewStep step, bool ignoreReferenceParameters = false)
if (!definitions.TryGetValue(id, out InterviewStep tempStep))
Logger.Error("Could not find referenced step '" + id + "' in interview.");
step = null;
return false;
step = new InterviewStep(tempStep);
if (!ignoreReferenceParameters)
step.buttonStyle = buttonStyle;
step.selectorDescription = selectorDescription;
step.afterReferenceStep = afterReferenceStep;
return true;
// A tree of steps representing an interview.
// The tree is generated by the config file when a new ticket is opened or the restart interview command is used.
// Additional components not specified in the config file are populated as the interview progresses.
// The entire interview tree is serialized and stored in the database to record responses as they are made.
public class InterviewStep
public const int DEFAULT_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH = 1024;
public const int DEFAULT_MIN_FIELD_LENGTH = 0;
// Title of the message embed.
public string heading;
// Message contents sent to the user.
public string message;
// The type of message.
public StepType stepType;
// Colour of the message embed.
public string color = "CYAN";
// Used as label for this answer in the post-interview summary.
public string summaryField;
// If this step is on a button, give it this style.
public ButtonType? buttonStyle;
// If this step is a selector, give it this placeholder.
public string selectorPlaceholder;
// If this step is in a selector, give it this description.
public string selectorDescription;
// The maximum length of a text input.
public int? maxLength;
// The minimum length of a text input.
public int? minLength;
// Adds a summary to the message.
public bool? addSummary;
// References to steps defined elsewhere in the template
public Dictionary<string, ReferencedInterviewStep> references = new();
// If set will merge answers with the delimiter, otherwise will overwrite
public string answerDelimiter;
// Possible questions to ask next, an error message, or the end of the interview.
public Dictionary<string, InterviewStep> steps = new();
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// The following parameters are populated by the bot, not the json template. //
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// The ID of this message where the bot asked this question.
public ulong messageID;
// The contents of the user's answer.
public string answer;
// The ID of the user's answer message if this is a TEXT_INPUT type.
public ulong answerID;
// Any extra messages generated by the bot that should be removed when the interview ends.
public List<ulong> relatedMessageIDs;
// This is only set when the user gets to a referenced step
public InterviewStep afterReferenceStep = null;
public InterviewStep() { }
public InterviewStep(InterviewStep other)
heading = other.heading;
message = other.message;
stepType = other.stepType;
color = other.color;
summaryField = other.summaryField;
buttonStyle = other.buttonStyle;
selectorPlaceholder = other.selectorPlaceholder;
selectorDescription = other.selectorDescription;
maxLength = other.maxLength;
minLength = other.minLength;
addSummary = other.addSummary;
answerDelimiter = other.answerDelimiter;
messageID = other.messageID;
answer = other.answer;
answerID = other.answerID;
relatedMessageIDs = other.relatedMessageIDs;
afterReferenceStep = other.afterReferenceStep;
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, InterviewStep> childStep in other.steps ?? [])
steps.Add(childStep.Key, new InterviewStep(childStep.Value));
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ReferencedInterviewStep> reference in other.references ?? [])
references.Add(reference.Key, new ReferencedInterviewStep(reference.Value));
public bool TryGetCurrentStep(out InterviewStep currentStep)
bool result = TryGetTakenSteps(out List<InterviewStep> previousSteps);
currentStep = previousSteps.FirstOrDefault();
return result;
public bool TryGetTakenSteps(out List<InterviewStep> previousSteps)
// This object has not been initialized, we have checked too deep.
if (messageID == 0)
previousSteps = null;
return false;
// Check children.
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, InterviewStep> childStep in steps)
// This child either is the one we are looking for or contains the one we are looking for.
if (childStep.Value.TryGetTakenSteps(out previousSteps))
return true;
// This object is the deepest object with a message ID set, meaning it is the latest asked question.
previousSteps = [this];
return true;
public void GetSummary(ref OrderedDictionary summary)
if (messageID == 0)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(summaryField) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(answer))
if (answerDelimiter != null && summary.Contains(summaryField))
if ((summary[summaryField] + answerDelimiter + answer).Length < 1024)
summary[summaryField] += answerDelimiter + answer;
Logger.Error("Tried to add answer '" + answer + "' to summary field '" + summaryField + "' but it was too long.");
summary[summaryField] = answer;
// This will always contain exactly one or zero children.
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, InterviewStep> step in steps)
step.Value.GetSummary(ref summary);
public void GetMessageIDs(ref List<ulong> messageIDs)
if (messageID != 0)
if (answerID != 0)
if (relatedMessageIDs != null)
// This will always contain exactly one or zero children.
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, InterviewStep> step in steps)
step.Value.GetMessageIDs(ref messageIDs);
public void AddRelatedMessageIDs(params ulong[] messageIDs)
if (relatedMessageIDs == null)
relatedMessageIDs = messageIDs.ToList();
// Gets all steps in the interview tree, including after-reference-steps but not referenced steps
public void GetAllSteps(ref List<InterviewStep> allSteps)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, InterviewStep> step in steps)
step.Value.GetAllSteps(ref allSteps);
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ReferencedInterviewStep> reference in references)
reference.Value.afterReferenceStep?.GetAllSteps(ref allSteps);
public void Validate(ref List<string> errors,
ref List<string> warnings,
string stepID,
Dictionary<string, InterviewStep> definitions,
InterviewStep parent = null)
if (answerDelimiter != null && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(summaryField))
warnings.Add("An answer-delimiter has no effect without a summary-field.\n\n> " + stepID + ".answer-delimiter");
// TODO: Add url button here when implemented
if (stepType is StepType.REFERENCE_END)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message))
warnings.Add("The message parameter on '" + stepType + "' steps have no effect.\n\n> " + stepID + ".message");
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message))
errors.Add("'" + stepType + "' steps must have a message parameter.\n\n> " + stepID + ".message");
if (stepType is StepType.ERROR or StepType.INTERVIEW_END or StepType.REFERENCE_END)
if (steps.Count > 0 || references.Count > 0)
warnings.Add("Steps of the type '" + stepType + "' cannot have child steps.\n\n> " + stepID + ".step-type");
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(summaryField))
warnings.Add("Steps of the type '" + stepType + "' cannot have summary field names.\n\n> " + stepID + ".summary-field");
else if (steps.Count == 0 && references.Count == 0)
errors.Add("Steps of the type '" + stepType + "' must have at least one child step.\n\n> " + stepID + ".step-type");
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ReferencedInterviewStep> reference in references)
if (!reference.Value.TryGetReferencedStep(definitions, out InterviewStep referencedStep, true))
errors.Add("'" + reference.Value.id + "' does not exist in the step definitions.\n\n> " + FormatJSONKey(stepID + ".step-references", reference.Key));
else if (reference.Value.afterReferenceStep == null)
List<InterviewStep> allChildSteps = [];
referencedStep.GetAllSteps(ref allChildSteps);
if (allChildSteps.Any(s => s.stepType == StepType.REFERENCE_END))
errors.Add("The '" + FormatJSONKey(stepID + ".step-references", reference.Key) + "' reference needs an after-reference-step as the '" + reference.Value.id + "' definition contains a REFERENCE_END step.");
if (parent?.stepType is not StepType.BUTTONS && buttonStyle != null)
warnings.Add("Button styles have no effect on child steps of a '" + parent?.stepType + "' step.\n\n> " + stepID + ".button-style");
if (parent?.stepType is not StepType.TEXT_SELECTOR && selectorDescription != null)
warnings.Add("Selector descriptions have no effect on child steps of a '" + parent?.stepType + "' step.\n\n> " + stepID + ".selector-description");
if (stepType is not StepType.TEXT_SELECTOR && selectorPlaceholder != null)
warnings.Add("Selector placeholders have no effect on steps of the type '" + stepType + "'.\n\n> " + stepID + ".selector-placeholder");
if (stepType is not StepType.TEXT_INPUT && maxLength != null)
warnings.Add("Max length has no effect on steps of the type '" + stepType + "'.\n\n> " + stepID + ".max-length");
if (stepType is not StepType.TEXT_INPUT && minLength != null)
warnings.Add("Min length has no effect on steps of the type '" + stepType + "'.\n\n> " + stepID + ".min-length");
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, InterviewStep> step in steps)
step.Value.Validate(ref errors, ref warnings, FormatJSONKey(stepID + ".steps", step.Key), definitions, this);
private string FormatJSONKey(string parentPath, string key)
// The JSON schema error messages use this format for the JSON path, so we use it in the validation too.
return parentPath + (key.ContainsAny('.', ' ', '[', ']', '(', ')', '/', '\\')
? "['" + key + "']"
: "." + key);
public DiscordButtonStyle GetButtonStyle()
return GetButtonStyle(buttonStyle);
public static DiscordButtonStyle GetButtonStyle(ButtonType? buttonStyle)
return buttonStyle switch
ButtonType.PRIMARY => DiscordButtonStyle.Primary,
ButtonType.SECONDARY => DiscordButtonStyle.Secondary,
ButtonType.SUCCESS => DiscordButtonStyle.Success,
ButtonType.DANGER => DiscordButtonStyle.Danger,
_ => DiscordButtonStyle.Secondary
public class StripInternalPropertiesResolver : DefaultContractResolver
private static readonly HashSet<string> ignoreProps =
protected override JsonProperty CreateProperty(MemberInfo member, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
JsonProperty property = base.CreateProperty(member, memberSerialization);
if (ignoreProps.Contains(property.PropertyName))
property.ShouldSerialize = _ => false;
return property;
public class Interview(ulong channelID, InterviewStep interviewRoot, Dictionary<string, InterviewStep> definitions)
public ulong channelID = channelID;
public InterviewStep interviewRoot = interviewRoot;
public Dictionary<string, InterviewStep> definitions = definitions;
public class Template(ulong categoryID, InterviewStep interview, Dictionary<string, InterviewStep> definitions)
[JsonProperty("category-id", Required = Required.Always)]
public ulong categoryID = categoryID;
[JsonProperty("interview", Required = Required.Always)]
public InterviewStep interview = interview;
[JsonProperty("definitions", Required = Required.Default)]
public Dictionary<string, InterviewStep> definitions = definitions;
} |