773 lines
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773 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DSharpPlus.Commands.Processors.SlashCommands;
using DSharpPlus.Entities;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Converters;
namespace SupportChild;
public static class Interviewer
public enum QuestionType
// Support multiselector as separate type, with only one subpath supported
public enum ButtonType
// Secondary first to make it the default
// A tree of questions representing an interview.
// The tree is generated by the config file when a new ticket is opened or the restart interview command is used.
// Additional components not specified in the config file are populated as the interview progresses.
// The entire interview tree is serialized and stored in the database in order to record responses as they are made.
public class InterviewQuestion
// Title of the message embed.
public string title;
// Message contents sent to the user.
public string message;
// The type of question.
public QuestionType type;
// Colour of the message embed.
public string color;
// Used as label for this question in the post-interview summary.
public string summaryField;
// If this question is on a button, give it this style.
public ButtonType buttonStyle;
// If this question is on a selector, give it this placeholder.
public string selectorPlaceholder;
// If this question is on a selector, give it this description.
public string selectorDescription;
// The maximum length of a text input.
public int maxLength;
// The minimum length of a text input.
[JsonProperty("min-length", Required = Required.Default)]
public int minLength;
// Possible questions to ask next, an error message, or the end of the interview.
public Dictionary<string, InterviewQuestion> paths;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// The following parameters are populated by the bot, not the json template. //
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// The ID of this message where the bot asked this question.
public ulong messageID;
// The contents of the user's answer.
public string answer;
// The ID of the user's answer message if this is a TEXT_INPUT type.
public ulong answerID;
// Any extra messages generated by the bot that should be removed when the interview ends.
public List<ulong> relatedMessageIDs;
public bool TryGetCurrentQuestion(out InterviewQuestion question)
// This object has not been initialized, we have checked too deep.
if (messageID == 0)
question = null;
return false;
// Check children.
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, InterviewQuestion> path in paths)
// This child either is the one we are looking for or contains the one we are looking for.
if (path.Value.TryGetCurrentQuestion(out question))
return true;
// This object is the deepest object with a message ID set, meaning it is the latest asked question.
question = this;
return true;
public void GetSummary(ref OrderedDictionary summary)
if (messageID == 0)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(summaryField))
summary.Add(summaryField, answer);
// This will always contain exactly one or zero children.
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, InterviewQuestion> path in paths)
path.Value.GetSummary(ref summary);
public void GetMessageIDs(ref List<ulong> messageIDs)
if (messageID != 0)
if (answerID != 0)
if (relatedMessageIDs != null)
// This will always contain exactly one or zero children.
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, InterviewQuestion> path in paths)
path.Value.GetMessageIDs(ref messageIDs);
public void AddRelatedMessageIDs(params ulong[] messageIDs)
if (relatedMessageIDs == null)
relatedMessageIDs = messageIDs.ToList();
public DiscordButtonStyle GetButtonStyle()
return buttonStyle switch
ButtonType.PRIMARY => DiscordButtonStyle.Primary,
ButtonType.SECONDARY => DiscordButtonStyle.Secondary,
ButtonType.SUCCESS => DiscordButtonStyle.Success,
ButtonType.DANGER => DiscordButtonStyle.Danger,
_ => DiscordButtonStyle.Primary
// This class is identical to the one above and just exists as a hack to get JSON validation when
// new entries are entered but not when read from database in order to be more lenient with old interviews.
// I might do this in a more proper way at some point.
public class ValidatedInterviewQuestion
[JsonProperty("title", Required = Required.Default)]
public string title;
[JsonProperty("message", Required = Required.Always)]
public string message;
[JsonProperty("type", Required = Required.Always)]
public QuestionType type;
[JsonProperty("color", Required = Required.Always)]
public string color;
[JsonProperty("summary-field", Required = Required.Default)]
public string summaryField;
[JsonProperty("button-style", Required = Required.Default)]
public ButtonType buttonStyle;
[JsonProperty("selector-placeholder", Required = Required.Default)]
public string selectorPlaceholder;
[JsonProperty("selector-description", Required = Required.Default)]
public string selectorDescription;
[JsonProperty("max-length", Required = Required.Default)]
public int maxLength;
[JsonProperty("min-length", Required = Required.Default)]
public int minLength;
[JsonProperty("paths", Required = Required.Always)]
public Dictionary<string, ValidatedInterviewQuestion> paths;
public void Validate(ref List<string> errors, out int summaryCount, out int summaryMaxLength)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message))
errors.Add("Message cannot be empty.");
if (type is QuestionType.ERROR or QuestionType.END_WITH_SUMMARY or QuestionType.END_WITHOUT_SUMMARY)
if (paths.Count > 0)
errors.Add("'" + type + "' questions cannot have child paths.");
else if (paths.Count == 0)
errors.Add("'" + type + "' questions must have at least one child path.");
List<int> summaryCounts = new List<int>();
Dictionary<string, int> childMaxLengths = new Dictionary<string, int>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ValidatedInterviewQuestion> path in paths)
path.Value.Validate(ref errors, out int summaries, out int maxLen);
childMaxLengths.Add(path.Key, maxLen);
summaryCount = summaryCounts.Count == 0 ? 0 : summaryCounts.Max();
string childPathString = "";
int childMaxLength = 0;
if (childMaxLengths.Count != 0)
(childPathString, childMaxLength) = childMaxLengths.ToArray().MaxBy(x => x.Key.Length + x.Value);
summaryMaxLength = childMaxLength;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(summaryField))
// Only count summaries that end in a summary question.
if (type == QuestionType.END_WITH_SUMMARY)
summaryMaxLength = message?.Length ?? 0;
summaryMaxLength += title?.Length ?? 0;
// Only add to the total max length if the summary field is not empty. That way we know this branch ends in a summary.
else if (summaryMaxLength > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(summaryField))
summaryMaxLength += summaryField.Length;
switch (type)
case QuestionType.BUTTONS:
case QuestionType.TEXT_SELECTOR:
summaryMaxLength += childPathString.Length;
case QuestionType.USER_SELECTOR:
case QuestionType.ROLE_SELECTOR:
case QuestionType.CHANNEL_SELECTOR:
// Approximate length of a mention
summaryMaxLength += 23;
case QuestionType.TEXT_INPUT:
summaryMaxLength += (maxLength == 0 ? 1024 : Math.Min(maxLength, 1024));
case QuestionType.END_WITH_SUMMARY:
case QuestionType.END_WITHOUT_SUMMARY:
case QuestionType.ERROR:
public static async void StartInterview(DiscordChannel channel)
if (channel.Parent == null)
if (!Database.TryGetInterviewTemplates(out Dictionary<ulong, InterviewQuestion> templates))
await channel.SendMessageAsync(new DiscordEmbedBuilder
Description = "Attempted to create interview from template, but an error occured when reading it from the database.\n\n" +
"Tell a staff member to check the bot log and fix the template.",
Color = DiscordColor.Red
if (templates.TryGetValue(channel.Parent.Id, out InterviewQuestion interview))
await CreateQuestion(channel, interview);
Database.SaveInterview(channel.Id, interview);
public static async Task RestartInterview(SlashCommandContext command)
if (Database.TryGetInterview(command.Channel.Id, out InterviewQuestion interviewRoot))
if (Config.deleteMessagesAfterNoSummary)
await DeletePreviousMessages(interviewRoot, command.Channel);
if (!Database.TryDeleteInterview(command.Channel.Id))
Logger.Error("Could not delete interview from database. Channel ID: " + command.Channel.Id);
public static async Task ProcessButtonOrSelectorResponse(DiscordInteraction interaction)
if (interaction?.Channel == null || interaction?.Message == null)
// Ignore if option was deselected.
if (interaction.Data.ComponentType is not DiscordComponentType.Button && interaction.Data.Values.Length == 0)
await interaction.CreateResponseAsync(DiscordInteractionResponseType.UpdateMessage);
// Return if there is no active interview in this channel
if (!Database.TryGetInterview(interaction.Channel.Id, out InterviewQuestion interviewRoot))
await interaction.CreateResponseAsync(DiscordInteractionResponseType.ChannelMessageWithSource, new DiscordInteractionResponseBuilder()
.AddEmbed(new DiscordEmbedBuilder()
.WithDescription("Error: There is no active interview in this ticket, ask an admin to check the bot logs if this seems incorrect."))
// Return if the current question cannot be found in the interview.
if (!interviewRoot.TryGetCurrentQuestion(out InterviewQuestion currentQuestion))
await interaction.CreateResponseAsync(DiscordInteractionResponseType.ChannelMessageWithSource, new DiscordInteractionResponseBuilder()
.AddEmbed(new DiscordEmbedBuilder()
.WithDescription("Error: Something seems to have broken in this interview, you may want to restart it."))
Logger.Error("The interview for channel " + interaction.Channel.Id + " exists but does not have a message ID set for it's root question");
// Check if this button/selector is for an older question.
if (interaction.Message.Id != currentQuestion.messageID)
await interaction.CreateResponseAsync(DiscordInteractionResponseType.ChannelMessageWithSource, new DiscordInteractionResponseBuilder()
.AddEmbed(new DiscordEmbedBuilder()
.WithDescription("Error: You have already replied to this question, you have to reply to the latest one."))
await interaction.CreateResponseAsync(DiscordInteractionResponseType.UpdateMessage);
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Error("Could not update original message:", e);
// Parse the response index from the button/selector.
string componentID = "";
string answer = "";
switch (interaction.Data.ComponentType)
case DiscordComponentType.UserSelect:
case DiscordComponentType.RoleSelect:
case DiscordComponentType.ChannelSelect:
case DiscordComponentType.MentionableSelect:
if (interaction.Data.Resolved?.Roles?.Any() ?? false)
answer = interaction.Data.Resolved.Roles.First().Value.Mention;
else if (interaction.Data.Resolved?.Users?.Any() ?? false)
answer = interaction.Data.Resolved.Users.First().Value.Mention;
else if (interaction.Data.Resolved?.Channels?.Any() ?? false)
answer = interaction.Data.Resolved.Channels.First().Value.Mention;
else if (interaction.Data.Resolved?.Messages?.Any() ?? false)
answer = interaction.Data.Resolved.Messages.First().Value.Id.ToString();
case DiscordComponentType.StringSelect:
componentID = interaction.Data.Values[0];
case DiscordComponentType.Button:
componentID = interaction.Data.CustomId.Replace("supportchild_interviewbutton ", "");
case DiscordComponentType.ActionRow:
case DiscordComponentType.FormInput:
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Tried to process an invalid component type: " + interaction.Data.ComponentType);
// The different mentionable selectors provide the actual answer, while the others just return the ID.
if (componentID == "")
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, InterviewQuestion> path in currentQuestion.paths)
// Skip to the first matching path.
if (Regex.IsMatch(answer, path.Key))
await HandleAnswer(answer, path.Value, interviewRoot, currentQuestion, interaction.Channel);
Logger.Error("The interview for channel " + interaction.Channel.Id + " reached a question of type " + currentQuestion.type + " which has no valid next question. Their selection was:\n" + answer);
await interaction.CreateFollowupMessageAsync(new DiscordFollowupMessageBuilder().AddEmbed(new DiscordEmbedBuilder
Color = DiscordColor.Red,
Description = "Error: Could not determine the next question based on your answer. Check your response and ask an admin to check the bot logs if this seems incorrect."
if (!int.TryParse(componentID, out int pathIndex))
Logger.Error("Invalid interview button/selector index: " + componentID);
if (pathIndex >= currentQuestion.paths.Count || pathIndex < 0)
Logger.Error("Invalid interview button/selector index: " + pathIndex);
(string questionString, InterviewQuestion nextQuestion) = currentQuestion.paths.ElementAt(pathIndex);
await HandleAnswer(questionString, nextQuestion, interviewRoot, currentQuestion, interaction.Channel);
public static async Task ProcessResponseMessage(DiscordMessage answerMessage)
// Either the message or the referenced message is null.
if (answerMessage.Channel == null || answerMessage.ReferencedMessage?.Channel == null)
// The channel does not have an active interview.
if (!Database.TryGetInterview(answerMessage.ReferencedMessage.Channel.Id, out InterviewQuestion interviewRoot))
if (!interviewRoot.TryGetCurrentQuestion(out InterviewQuestion currentQuestion))
// The user responded to something other than the latest interview question.
if (answerMessage.ReferencedMessage.Id != currentQuestion.messageID)
// The user responded to a question which does not take a text response.
if (currentQuestion.type != QuestionType.TEXT_INPUT)
// The length requirement is less than 1024 characters, and must be less than the configurable limit if it is set.
int maxLength = currentQuestion.maxLength == 0 ? 1024 : Math.Min(currentQuestion.maxLength, 1024);
if (answerMessage.Content.Length > maxLength)
DiscordMessage lengthMessage = await answerMessage.RespondAsync(new DiscordEmbedBuilder
Description = "Error: Your answer cannot be more than " + maxLength + " characters (" + answerMessage.Content.Length + "/" + maxLength + ").",
Color = DiscordColor.Red
currentQuestion.AddRelatedMessageIDs(answerMessage.Id, lengthMessage.Id);
if (answerMessage.Content.Length < currentQuestion.minLength)
DiscordMessage lengthMessage = await answerMessage.RespondAsync(new DiscordEmbedBuilder
Description = "Error: Your answer must be at least " + currentQuestion.minLength + " characters (" + answerMessage.Content.Length + "/" + currentQuestion.minLength + ").",
Color = DiscordColor.Red
currentQuestion.AddRelatedMessageIDs(answerMessage.Id, lengthMessage.Id);
foreach ((string questionString, InterviewQuestion nextQuestion) in currentQuestion.paths)
// Skip to the first matching path.
if (!Regex.IsMatch(answerMessage.Content, questionString)) continue;
await HandleAnswer(answerMessage.Content, nextQuestion, interviewRoot, currentQuestion, answerMessage.Channel, answerMessage);
Logger.Error("The interview for channel " + answerMessage.Channel.Id + " reached a question of type " + currentQuestion.type + " which has no valid next question. Their message was:\n" + answerMessage.Content);
DiscordMessage errorMessage = await answerMessage.RespondAsync(new DiscordEmbedBuilder
Description = "Error: Could not determine the next question based on your answer. Check your response and ask an admin to check the bot logs if this seems incorrect.",
Color = DiscordColor.Red
private static async Task HandleAnswer(string answer,
InterviewQuestion nextQuestion,
InterviewQuestion interviewRoot,
InterviewQuestion previousQuestion,
DiscordChannel channel,
DiscordMessage answerMessage = null)
// The error message type should not alter anything about the interview.
if (nextQuestion.type != QuestionType.ERROR)
previousQuestion.answer = answer;
// There is no message ID if the question is not a text input.
previousQuestion.answerID = answerMessage == null ? 0 : answerMessage.Id;
// Create next question, or finish the interview.
switch (nextQuestion.type)
case QuestionType.TEXT_INPUT:
case QuestionType.BUTTONS:
case QuestionType.TEXT_SELECTOR:
case QuestionType.ROLE_SELECTOR:
case QuestionType.USER_SELECTOR:
case QuestionType.CHANNEL_SELECTOR:
await CreateQuestion(channel, nextQuestion);
Database.SaveInterview(channel.Id, interviewRoot);
case QuestionType.END_WITH_SUMMARY:
OrderedDictionary summaryFields = new OrderedDictionary();
interviewRoot.GetSummary(ref summaryFields);
DiscordEmbedBuilder embed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder()
Color = Utilities.StringToColor(nextQuestion.color),
Title = nextQuestion.title,
Description = nextQuestion.message,
foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in summaryFields)
embed.AddField((string)entry.Key, (string)entry.Value);
await channel.SendMessageAsync(embed);
if (Config.deleteMessagesAfterSummary)
await DeletePreviousMessages(interviewRoot, channel);
if (!Database.TryDeleteInterview(channel.Id))
Logger.Error("Could not delete interview from database. Channel ID: " + channel.Id);
case QuestionType.END_WITHOUT_SUMMARY:
await channel.SendMessageAsync(new DiscordEmbedBuilder()
Color = Utilities.StringToColor(nextQuestion.color),
Title = nextQuestion.title,
Description = nextQuestion.message
if (Config.deleteMessagesAfterNoSummary)
await DeletePreviousMessages(interviewRoot, channel);
if (!Database.TryDeleteInterview(channel.Id))
Logger.Error("Could not delete interview from database. Channel ID: " + channel.Id);
case QuestionType.ERROR:
if (answerMessage == null)
DiscordMessage errorMessage = await channel.SendMessageAsync(new DiscordEmbedBuilder()
Color = Utilities.StringToColor(nextQuestion.color),
Title = nextQuestion.title,
Description = nextQuestion.message
DiscordMessageBuilder errorMessageBuilder = new DiscordMessageBuilder()
.AddEmbed(new DiscordEmbedBuilder()
Color = Utilities.StringToColor(nextQuestion.color),
Title = nextQuestion.title,
Description = nextQuestion.message
DiscordMessage errorMessage = await answerMessage.RespondAsync(errorMessageBuilder);
previousQuestion.AddRelatedMessageIDs(errorMessage.Id, answerMessage.Id);
private static async Task DeletePreviousMessages(InterviewQuestion interviewRoot, DiscordChannel channel)
List<ulong> previousMessages = [];
interviewRoot.GetMessageIDs(ref previousMessages);
foreach (ulong previousMessageID in previousMessages)
DiscordMessage previousMessage = await channel.GetMessageAsync(previousMessageID);
await channel.DeleteMessageAsync(previousMessage, "Deleting old interview message.");
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Warn("Failed to delete old interview message: ", e);
private static async Task CreateQuestion(DiscordChannel channel, InterviewQuestion question)
DiscordMessageBuilder msgBuilder = new();
DiscordEmbedBuilder embed = new()
Color = Utilities.StringToColor(question.color),
Title = question.title,
Description = question.message
switch (question.type)
case QuestionType.BUTTONS:
int nrOfButtons = 0;
for (int nrOfButtonRows = 0; nrOfButtonRows < 5 && nrOfButtons < question.paths.Count; nrOfButtonRows++)
List<DiscordButtonComponent> buttonRow = [];
for (; nrOfButtons < 5 * (nrOfButtonRows + 1) && nrOfButtons < question.paths.Count; nrOfButtons++)
(string questionString, InterviewQuestion nextQuestion) = question.paths.ToArray()[nrOfButtons];
buttonRow.Add(new DiscordButtonComponent(nextQuestion.GetButtonStyle(), "supportchild_interviewbutton " + nrOfButtons, questionString));
case QuestionType.TEXT_SELECTOR:
List<DiscordSelectComponent> selectionComponents = [];
int selectionOptions = 0;
for (int selectionBoxes = 0; selectionBoxes < 5 && selectionOptions < question.paths.Count; selectionBoxes++)
List<DiscordSelectComponentOption> categoryOptions = [];
for (; selectionOptions < 25 * (selectionBoxes + 1) && selectionOptions < question.paths.Count; selectionOptions++)
(string questionString, InterviewQuestion nextQuestion) = question.paths.ToArray()[selectionOptions];
categoryOptions.Add(new DiscordSelectComponentOption(questionString, selectionOptions.ToString(), nextQuestion.selectorDescription));
selectionComponents.Add(new DiscordSelectComponent("supportchild_interviewselector " + selectionBoxes, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(question.selectorPlaceholder)
? "Select an option..." : question.selectorPlaceholder, categoryOptions));
case QuestionType.ROLE_SELECTOR:
msgBuilder.AddComponents(new DiscordRoleSelectComponent("supportchild_interviewroleselector", string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(question.selectorPlaceholder)
? "Select a role..." : question.selectorPlaceholder));
case QuestionType.USER_SELECTOR:
msgBuilder.AddComponents(new DiscordUserSelectComponent("supportchild_interviewuserselector", string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(question.selectorPlaceholder)
? "Select a user..." : question.selectorPlaceholder));
case QuestionType.CHANNEL_SELECTOR:
msgBuilder.AddComponents(new DiscordChannelSelectComponent("supportchild_interviewchannelselector", string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(question.selectorPlaceholder)
? "Select a channel..." : question.selectorPlaceholder));
msgBuilder.AddComponents(new DiscordMentionableSelectComponent("supportchild_interviewmentionableselector", string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(question.selectorPlaceholder)
? "Select a user or role..." : question.selectorPlaceholder));
case QuestionType.TEXT_INPUT:
embed.WithFooter("Reply to this message with your answer. You cannot include images or files.");
case QuestionType.END_WITH_SUMMARY:
case QuestionType.END_WITHOUT_SUMMARY:
case QuestionType.ERROR:
DiscordMessage message = await channel.SendMessageAsync(msgBuilder);
question.messageID = message.Id;
} |