143 lines
6.3 KiB
143 lines
6.3 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using DSharpPlus.Entities;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using SupportChild.Properties;
using YamlDotNet.Serialization;
namespace SupportChild
internal static class Config
internal static string token = "";
internal static string prefix = "";
internal static ulong logChannel;
internal static ulong ticketCategory;
internal static ulong reactionMessage;
internal static string welcomeMessage = "";
internal static string logLevel = "Information";
internal static string timestampFormat = "yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm";
internal static bool randomAssignment = false;
internal static bool randomAssignRoleOverride = false; // TODO: Implement
internal static string presenceType = "Playing";
internal static string presenceText = "";
internal static bool ticketUpdatedNotifications = false;
internal static double ticketUpdatedNotificationDelay = 0.0;
internal static bool assignmentNotifications = false;
internal static bool closingNotifications = false;
internal static string hostName = "";
internal static int port = 3306;
internal static string database = "supportbot";
internal static string username = "supportbot";
internal static string password = "";
private static readonly Dictionary<string, ulong[]> permissions = new Dictionary<string, ulong[]>
// Public commands
{ "close", new ulong[]{ } },
{ "list", new ulong[]{ } },
{ "new", new ulong[]{ } },
{ "say", new ulong[]{ } },
{ "status", new ulong[]{ } },
{ "summary", new ulong[]{ } },
{ "transcript", new ulong[]{ } },
// Moderator commands
{ "add", new ulong[]{ } },
{ "addmessage", new ulong[]{ } },
{ "assign", new ulong[]{ } },
{ "blacklist", new ulong[]{ } },
{ "listassigned", new ulong[]{ } },
{ "listoldest", new ulong[]{ } },
{ "listunassigned", new ulong[]{ } },
{ "move", new ulong[]{ } },
{ "rassign", new ulong[]{ } },
{ "removemessage", new ulong[]{ } },
{ "setsummary", new ulong[]{ } },
{ "toggleactive", new ulong[]{ } },
{ "unassign", new ulong[]{ } },
{ "unblacklist", new ulong[]{ } },
// Admin commands
{ "addstaff", new ulong[]{ } },
{ "reload", new ulong[]{ } },
{ "removestaff", new ulong[]{ } },
{ "setticket", new ulong[]{ } },
{ "unsetticket", new ulong[]{ } },
public static void LoadConfig()
// Writes default config to file if it does not already exist
if (!File.Exists("./config.yml"))
File.WriteAllText("./config.yml", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Resources.default_config));
// Reads config contents into FileStream
FileStream stream = File.OpenRead("./config.yml");
// Converts the FileStream into a YAML object
IDeserializer deserializer = new DeserializerBuilder().Build();
object yamlObject = deserializer.Deserialize(new StreamReader(stream));
// Converts the YAML object into a JSON object as the YAML ones do not support traversal or selection of nodes by name
ISerializer serializer = new SerializerBuilder().JsonCompatible().Build();
JObject json = JObject.Parse(serializer.Serialize(yamlObject));
// Sets up the bot
token = json.SelectToken("bot.token").Value<string>() ?? "";
prefix = json.SelectToken("bot.prefix").Value<string>() ?? "";
logChannel = json.SelectToken("bot.log-channel").Value<ulong>();
ticketCategory = json.SelectToken("bot.ticket-category")?.Value<ulong>() ?? 0;
reactionMessage = json.SelectToken("bot.reaction-message")?.Value<ulong>() ?? 0;
welcomeMessage = json.SelectToken("bot.welcome-message").Value<string>() ?? "";
logLevel = json.SelectToken("bot.console-log-level").Value<string>() ?? "";
timestampFormat = json.SelectToken("bot.timestamp-format").Value<string>() ?? "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm";
randomAssignment = json.SelectToken("bot.random-assignment")?.Value<bool>() ?? false;
randomAssignRoleOverride = json.SelectToken("bot.random-assign-role-override")?.Value<bool>() ?? false;
presenceType = json.SelectToken("bot.presence-type")?.Value<string>() ?? "Playing";
presenceText = json.SelectToken("bot.presence-text")?.Value<string>() ?? "";
ticketUpdatedNotifications = json.SelectToken("notifications.ticket-updated")?.Value<bool>() ?? false;
ticketUpdatedNotificationDelay = json.SelectToken("notifications.ticket-updated-delay")?.Value<double>() ?? 0.0;
assignmentNotifications = json.SelectToken("notifications.assignment")?.Value<bool>() ?? false;
closingNotifications = json.SelectToken("notifications.closing")?.Value<bool>() ?? false;
// Reads database info
hostName = json.SelectToken("database.address")?.Value<string>() ?? "";
port = json.SelectToken("database.port")?.Value<int>() ?? 3306;
database = json.SelectToken("database.name")?.Value<string>() ?? "supportbot";
username = json.SelectToken("database.user")?.Value<string>() ?? "supportbot";
password = json.SelectToken("database.password")?.Value<string>() ?? "";
timestampFormat = timestampFormat.Trim();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ulong[]> node in permissions.ToList())
permissions[node.Key] = json.SelectToken("permissions." + node.Key).Value<JArray>().Values<ulong>().ToArray();
catch (ArgumentNullException)
Console.WriteLine("Permission node '" + node.Key + "' was not found in the config, using default value: []");
/// <summary>
/// Checks whether a user has a specific permission.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="member">The Discord user to check.</param>
/// <param name="permission">The permission name to check.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static bool HasPermission(DiscordMember member, string permission)
return member.Roles.Any(role => permissions[permission].Contains(role.Id)) || permissions[permission].Contains(member.Guild.Id);
} |